Respected Member
I don't know who my best version is.Do you think the best version of you won't have bad days or sometimes feel shit mentally? What do you think the best version of you would do on such days?
I don't know who my best version is.Do you think the best version of you won't have bad days or sometimes feel shit mentally? What do you think the best version of you would do on such days?
Day 2
Of course, it will take a while for me to feel better. Right now I feel the typical: Lethargic, nothing excites me, high anxiety, agitation.
Hey, man, thanks for stopping by to write this. Things need to be said. The more is said, the more chances there are to find useful things.I’m new to the nation and have been finding literal treasures on here, your story being one of them. Living it day to day has certainly given you a perspective, but to me having read it over in a few hours, I have quite another. Where you have seen failure, I have seen unbelievable tenacity. When I relapse, the real me goes away. For months or for years the liar steps into my shoes and lives my life while I waste away in the fog. Reading about you dusting yourself off and trying again inspires me to be better.
I can only speak to my own experience which may or may not be helpful. I have realized that regardless of what we choose to do in this life, a sacrifice must be offered or a sacrifice will be taken. On the one hand I have my wife, my children, my career, my home, my relationships with extended family and all of the things that, through thoughtful consideration, bring me joy. On the other hand I have this thing that comforts me when I am bored, tired, stressed and to a certain extent, feel sexual desire. The one asks me to be my higher self, the other asks for me to be my base self. When I look at the two sides in cold logic, the choice seems ridiculously obvious. So if I make my choice, what am I willing to sacrifice? I’m finding that I have to be willing to sacrifice anything because to accept the pornography, it will take everything else as it’s sacrifice.
Use your tenacity to your advantage. Study yourself during this crucible. Learn everything you can about who you are. Think about the things that you want out of life so that you can begin to desire them in a way that you are willing to make sacrifices. With every slip, follow it back to its source. Find what you will need to sacrifice to get what you really want. Sometimes those things will be relationships, sometimes it will be entire genres of entertainment. What will you be willing to lay on the altar? In sterquiliniis invenitur. It literally means in filth it will be found, but what it means to people like us is that what we most want to find will be in the place we least want to look.
Please take this for what it is worth. It’s from one addict to another. I pretend to no special knowledge, I am mostly preaching this sermon to myself. Good luck brother.
Thanks, man.Of course P hijacks the reward circuitry of the brain, but given a short amount of time, you will come back down to a place of normalcy, a feeling good naturally. You just have to give it a chance.
Treat the unwanted behaviors as your worst enemy, but yourself as your best friend.
Create that space between yourself and your last lapse... You've done it before.
Fuckin alcohol has killed many promising porn-free streaks, man. I wish I wasn't addicted to it.Sorry to hear about the alcoholism, man. But you admitted it, so that's step 1. Personally, my vanity keeps me away from beer and such (don't want a belly). Fight a sin with a sin, eh?
Time flies, you could still be an addict in 10-15 years from now, there is no tomorrow, it's "now"!
I feel you, man. I've been trying to quit porn and masturbation since I was maybe 20 and I've known about porn addiction since I was around 25, it's been some years. I really don't want to carry this with me in my 40s. I haven't done much in my 20s to be honest and this bothers me, I could've been that much more productive that's why I want to do this in my 30s because it is what it is, I'm in my 30s now but like I said I don't want to have the same feeling at 40 that I have now.I can certainly be a proof of this, lol...! I think several factors for me kept me from escalating what I was doing to where it would be super-obvious that I needed help, but I think I knew there were issues for me as far back as the years 1994 and on...
My battles have changed over the years, and several behaviors were stopped, but there was still something relating to 'sex' or 'porn' in some form or other I've always wrestled with.
But overall, even counting decades, it's been really a trajectory of progress and victory, despite the lapses... What prolonged the fight for me was 'how' I approached my issues. Because I was so hard on myself, so self-condemning and shameful, that I found it hard to believe that I could be free.
When you start truly believing, and being kind to yourself (even in the face of a lapse), the easier it will become.
Day 6
The craving is getting intense.
Thanks for the support, man.Ignore it like a nagging ex-girlfriend that you don't want to see. I know it can feel like 'life-or-death' at times, it coming from the survival part of our brain, but you can outlast any urge, and overrule any urges from the lower brain.
Think of the reward you'll feel when you go beyond your latest number of days...! If you lapsed, you're doing good in standing up to this thing, and you will eventually win, keep getting up and advancing!