Hello Escapeandnevercomeback,
May I share with you new knowledge I have obtained while I also struggle with urges and cravings, even after reaching more than 16 weeks ?
Easypeasy has a new version from June 2021 and I just recently figured this out.
He mentioned a new book for those who still struggle while they read Easypeasy and killed the brainwashing. I almost relapsed too as urges and cravings just don't go away.
The insight in urges and cravings is finally explained in the book: Rational Recovery by Jack Trimpey called the AVRT. Addictive Voice Recognition Technique
You can if you like click on the link Easypeasy, scroll down to the last 3 pages and read hack authors new part. As I also read you sometimes use alcohol, this book could be the missing puzzle you need too!
In short, urges and cravings does not come from you. You want to stop porn addiction but at the same time you crave it, right? You and you. No that is not true. To be more precise, there are two of you. The real you and the fake you. That other part of you isn't you but is that animal part of the brain that lives for survival but mistakenly believes porn is just as important as oxygen.
It is able to hide as you and can use your thoughts, feelings and showing images of alcohol or porn but it cannot move your fingers on it's own. You see, urges and cravings won't go away but this thing can be killed.
I find this book as impressive as Easypeasy!