33 days porn free
You know, a couple of months ago I realized that I had to change my mentality. I needed to embrace the suck. I had to lose that mentality of slave to the comfort zones and self-medication. If all I do when things get hard is running back to my comfort zone, I will get nowhere. The comfort zone is like a small yard where you lock yourself up and live nothing.
I thought I had it. Everything was going great. I had 25 days without porn and it looked like this was going to be the streak. But then I made a big mistake. I decided to drink again (after 2 months!), I got a little drunk and binged porn all day. I was devastated. I felt exhausted after the battle for the last streak and for a while after that I entered a phase of getting drunk as fuck and binging porn. Then I stopped and told myself: "Hold on, what the fuck have you been doing? What was that thing? Embrace the suck? Are you actually doing this?" So I got back up, I quit alcohol, I faced the first days without porn and alcohol. I faced craving for a drink. I faced the days with massive urges for porn. I faced days with urges more massive than massive. But I've survived. And do you know what this has taught me? It has taught me that, while the streak is ongoing, I can actually keep going. If other days like those come, I know I can face them because I've done it already. Because, when you are in the middle of it, you can push further. If you relapse, it usually gets really difficult to get a similar streak for a while. I've seen it happening, to myself as well. We get a 30 days long streak, we mess up and then our streaks look like 10 days, 7 days, 5 days... We don't need that. Keep going with the streak and don't look back.
The only sure thing that gets rid of porn addiction is time. We need to have patience and break everything into smaller parts. The mind might not be able to deal with "months of discomfort" but it can deal with "now".