Day 5
One of the best things one can do with this stupid porn addiction is to develop the habit of not giving it attention. That's what it wants, the addicted you wants attention because by giving it attention, it can start trying to convince you. The thoughts, the porn images, the memory of great past experiences etc. We must develop the habit to distract ourselves from them, ideally in the first second. That would be the ultimate goal, to do it in the first second when it starts. Can you do it later too? Maybe, but why make it harder for yourself? It's especially important when urges are very strong. This is when usually people start giving dopamine to the brain by giving attention to the porn thoughts and images. I know it's easy to say it but hard to do. But we can do it. Holding the porn dopamine from going crazy does wonders. As porn addiction is a habit, this practice can also become a habit. Instead of the habit of entertaining porn thoughts, the habit of not entertaining the porn thoughts.