New Member
Hi! I'm writing this post to see if there is someone with this problem and was able to "fix it". Long story, but making it short. I'm a 29yo guy who started PMO at 16yo and I've always had a foot fetish (even before using porn), when i started to PMO i used normal vainilla porn, then around 18 I discovered foot fetish porn, first I used all kind of porn but as time passed I martubated to foot fetish porn only, The first time I tried to have sex (at 22, yeah, late), I only got half a boner and lost my erection inside her and couldn't finish. I started using ed meds sporadically when was about to have sex with a girl because if I didn't, I could not get hard enough unless I touched her feet or got a footjob (which, lets be honest, is embarrasing to ask to a girl when you are gonna have sex with her the first time). I did reboot 4 years ago and started a relationship, in the beginning I used ed meds to have sex with my now ex, and after the first month I could have a boner and normal penetrative sex without the meds, but like 5 out of 10 times I involved in foot fetishism with her. Then we broke up her and I started using porn again... and had to use ed meds again with this new girl I started dating, until I got "rewired" again for a short time and then we stopped seeing each other. So, the quarantine happened, I relapsed again and I used a lot of porn. Now I can't have normal sex again, I'm currently 2 months "clean" from porn but I've been with certain "mistresses" to engage in foot fetish with me but I can't get hard nor have normal sex if there is not feet involved. I need to ask to people who had a "problem" with a fetish. Should I stop my fetish forever (as I do with porn)? Could I get rid of this "curse" that was in me even before porn? Even if I had a beautiful woman with her legs open in front of me I couldn't get half a boner unless I do things to her feet. I just want to be normal, I don't want to depend on this fetish to have sex. I feel like a weirdo, and so frustrated... Please tell me I'm not the only one , can this be solved?