Lower Back Injury due to PMO


New Member
Several things have opened my eyes to the true damage of my addiction. One of the most immedaite, and embarassing, is the fact I have 2 bulging discs in my lower back, early degenerate spinal whatever and worsening scoliosis. I spend up to 2 weeks per year in excruciating pain while my lower back muscles spasm literally shifting my hips several inches to the right curving my spine into an S. The pain is like I am being tased over and over and over and over.
I am certain the main cause is sitting in the same slouched position for hours flexing my pelvis over and over without lower back support. Basically I severely injured my back because I was addicted to PMO.

Other than the back, my story is basically described in the book "Your Brain on Porn". That book opened my eyes and described back to me the main cause of so many issues I have which on the surface seem uncoorelated (brain fog, lack of focus among so many others).

I am 38 years old and I want my life to be whole. I no longer want to live my life as a participant only 60% of the time. I am better than that, its never too late to make a change.
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