Porn Addict in recovery


New Member
Good Evening Everyone
I've been very anxious about posting about my Addiction, as it means I have to acknowledge it and not keep it hidden. I'm in a 12 step fellowship and I am am grateful for the network of support I have. I need however another forum in which to be able to share and participate in, as I'm still troubled by thoughts about porn and self-sex.
I desperately want a long respite from porn and my reliance upon it. I hope that by contributing to this forum, I can come to help myself and other people.

One day at a time, minute by minute, hour by hour



Respected Member
Hi Nick!
well done for confronting the problem and seeking help, thats a great feat.
its also great to use this forum as a way to express yourself and your thoughts toward this addiction. maybe even keep a jounral over in the jounal section.
how long have you been into porn?
have you ever tried to stop before? if so whats your longest streak?
do you have any symptoms? ED, anxiety, depression etc


New Member
Hi Fappy

I hadn't seen the journal section so I will definitely look to use that.
I've had an almost 30 year relationship with porn and for a long time I didn't see it as a problem. I've come to realise over the last few years that I'm powerless over it and that it's something that I don't actually need and it has affected and damaged so much. When I have been initiating real relationships, I have suffered with ED. I have found sleep difficult to achieve, or certainly enough quality sleep and I have had a lot of negative thoughts but perhaps not depression.
I have managed about three months abstinence before but the reason I have started to look at RN as support is that I keep having slips and I want the motivation to keep going at staying off it. Thank you for your message


Respected Member
thats a lot, three months. should be no reason why you cant do that again! donnt stress too much about the slips, theyre necessary. they be more few and far in between and then just stop altogther if you stick with it long enough.