Plus your brain was a long long time blended by porn that you are just being erected by this models with perfect Teint and another female signs… no woman is like this, because the porn industry lies.
Not every woman looks like a Insta model and got the “qualities” of a porn model
And we men are not like Hercules, or Leoindas. Our brain is trapped in the lies of porn and your brain is healing up, because your brain is breakthrough this chains and this is because your Dick isn’t working. Not because your girl isn’t beautiful
(Damn Bro, you’re in the same age like me, do you remember “Danny phantom” ? My girl looks like Sam and I have problems to have sex)
You have problems, because your brain want this porn stuff and real sex “vanilla sex” isn’t it and your brain has to learn to be erect by real woman
Not every woman looks like a Insta model and got the “qualities” of a porn model
And we men are not like Hercules, or Leoindas. Our brain is trapped in the lies of porn and your brain is healing up, because your brain is breakthrough this chains and this is because your Dick isn’t working. Not because your girl isn’t beautiful
(Damn Bro, you’re in the same age like me, do you remember “Danny phantom” ? My girl looks like Sam and I have problems to have sex)
You have problems, because your brain want this porn stuff and real sex “vanilla sex” isn’t it and your brain has to learn to be erect by real woman