Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
The Bible says: KJV For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

1 John 1:9 ESV If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Good news, we called on the name of the Lord, confessed our sins, and we are saved.

This is good news for me. I had trouble sleeping so I sinned by skipping church, knowing full well that the Bible commands us to go to church. I already asked for forgiveness. The question is... Can I “Know” that I am saved if I continue in sin?

The Bible says in 1 John 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”

Ouch. Does this mean I can only “Know” that I know Him if I keep His commandments? Does this mean that I am a liar if I say that I “Know” Him 30 minutes after skipping church?

This morning, I did not know verse 4 well enough. Or, verse 3.

Second, repenting is not mumbling, please forgive me God. Repenting is mourning our sin and coming up with a better plan to quit doing it.

Third, to repent I am going to write out these 2 verses so I can add them to the Bible verses I study daily. My goal is to not only memorize them, but someday to “Know” them.

Fourth, life is better the more we “Know” Him. To know Him, consider starting a list of Bible verses that you need to study daily to learn how to keep His commandments.

Fifth, this article is based loosely on today's online sermon by Rich Tidwell.

Sixth, consider reading John 15 to see a list of the great benefits of “Knowing Him.”

Seventh, this is “Good News” not bad news. You can make habits of some of these things and have a great life.

For the full article click.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Sin gives satan legal entry to work in our lives. Once he is allowed “in” he will make a mess of everything. To start over, completely repent and fully commit to doing things God's way. Once you have sincerely done this, you are again sealed from satan by Christ. The problem is... It is vital to learn how to stay sealed. One wrong picture that you stare at on your phone, one sinful scene that you keep watching on your TV, one wrong thought that you allow to dwell in your mind, “Lets him back in.” Consider praying:

“Father, show me how to stay sealed from satan, and sin.”

It would be really hard to pray that one too often.

Second, every single person reading this can learn how to stay sealed for one full day. This is vitally important. It is wise to experience this great life that I am always writing about. If you experience it for one full day, is it possible to experience it for 2?

Third, with the power of the Holy Spirit, you can learn to experience it for longer, and longer periods of time. At some point, the light goes on and you say, “Wow, this is really a much better way to live. Maybe I need to start trusting and believing God's Word a lot more.”

Fourth, make it a habit to “Embrace change.” Many people read my articles and think, “He is probably right but...

Instead, make it a habit to embrace change. Consider thinking instead, “I am going to commit to trying this all year. With my full commitment I will see if God's ways are right and best.”

Fifth, don't believe what you think, don't believe what you hear, only believe what the Bible says. Why? Because, satan helps us think wrong, and satan helps other people say wrong things to us. Only the Bible is always right. Read it, study it, and pray over it. It has power to help you change.

Finally, what new habits will you work on forming today, and this week? New habits lead to success.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
When we are in perfect sync with God, prayer is just as effective for quitting as studying key verses. The problem is... Millions of people who are completely out of sync with God, try to solve their problems with prayer.

If I am covetousness (I am American after all), it is an okay use of my time to pray about that sin (Wanting more, more, more). But until I study, pray over, and meditate on scriptures on the subject, I will likely stay out of sync with God. If I print out verses about my issues and study them, I will start to be in sync with God again. When we are in sync, prayer becomes powerful.

Second, think about the issue you want to work on. We have the issue because we are out of sync with God. To get in sync consider praying:

“Father, You are right about _______. My life will be better when I fully believe what your Word says. I commit to going to war with thoughts about _______ this week.”

Third, if we are praying only... This is how attempted quitting may go. #1 We pray a prayer about quitting lust 5 times today, then proceed to look at pictures on our phone that cause lust. #2 We pray a prayer about quitting drinking 5 times today and then proceed to hang out with old drinking buddies all evening.

These types of things happen repeatedly with people who struggle to quit.

Fourth, it is way harder to read, study, and pray over specific verses about the situation you are trying to change... Without considering change. Specific Bible verses shock us, scare us, educate us, and lead us. When we study them we will change for at least a while.

Fifth, once the Bible verses get us in sync with God again, prayer becomes powerful again.

For the full article click.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
This week a massive problem reemerged in my life. My first thought was, “This stinks, it would be sure nice to go back to ______. However, I am now finding purpose, and my joy is ten times higher than it ever was. So, I rejected those thoughts and tried to pray about how to react to my current situation.

John 15:2 KJ21 says: Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit He taketh away; and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.”

Purgeth is a fancy way to say, God allows certain problems so that we wake up, follow the commandments, and bear more fruit.

Second, Satan wants us to say, “God is not with me. He is allowing this problem. I have the right to go back to _________.”

Third, God wants us to say, “My God is bigger than this problem. I will go through this problem while pursuing purpose and joy. If I keep going, I will start to find purpose and joy.”

Fourth, every time we make people and purpose more important than “What we want,” we take a large step toward joy. Consider praying:

“Father, help me to love and help people more than I love pleasure.”

Fifth, this verse also often means, I have distractions, or sins that are keeping me from doing what God wants, and needs, done.

John 15 promises us this fantastic life that we can have when we do things God's way. I need to see my problem as a solution for learning how to go through problems so that I can live this fantastic life that the chapter promises. That is what I want.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
When we keep trying, we are setting goals. Jesus set goals, He planned exactly when He would do something. Paul always planned as well. He wrote:

Philippians 3:12 12 I do not mean that I am already as God wants me to be. I have not yet reached that goal, but I continue trying to reach it and to make it mine. Christ wants me to do that, which is the reason he made me his. 13 Brothers and sisters, I know that I have not yet reached that goal, but there is one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I keep trying to reach the goal and get the prize for which God called me through Christ to the life above.”

Goals give us hope, they keep us moving, they allow us to forget problems because we are now focusing on the goal.

If you think about your quitting goals 12 times a day, you will increase your chance of overcoming. If your goals include new quitting habits, your chances go up even more.

Second, the verse says, “Straining toward what is ahead.” Straining means quoting one of the verses for quitting over and over again. Straining means praying about turning from thoughts of our habits, and replacing them with praise or some other positive thoughts.

Straining is finding something “Great” to do (Or prepare to do). Consider praying:

“Father, help me to turn tempting thoughts into reminders to get into goal setting mode.”

Today, I am straining to overcome problems by praying:

“Father, help me to be content, and help me to care about souls.”

Third, set great quitting goals. Have great specific plans for when and how you will accomplish those goals. Have great goals written in a notebook that you review and add to every day. Goals lead to habits, and new habits lead to quitting.

For the full article click.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Paul had a thorn in the flesh. A trial, a problem, something he struggled with. He asked God: “Please, take this away from me.” Silence. He prayed again: “Please, take this away from me” Silence. A third time: “Please, take this away from me.” After the third time, God said no, and here is why. You are better off with this trial, than without it.

James 1:2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and complete, wanting nothing.”

I really don't want my current trial, but, what if I go “Through it.” I like that the last two words of verse 4 are, “Wanting nothing.” That sounds good to me. I vote for a life consisting of wanting nothing.

Second, if I want this great life, I must react to trials by #1 Counting the trial all joy.

Third, trials come from God, but temptations are often from satan. We get temptations to sin from three sources. #1 From the world. #2 From satan. #3 From our own lusts.

If it is satan tempting you, your reaction will determine whether he ramps up temptation, or whether, he moves on to the next person. My reaction to satan's temptations is to refer to Psalm 34:1 I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” When a tempting thought hits my mind, I say, “Praise the Lord.” Satan hates this reaction, and he moves on to the next person. Many would be shocked to see that temptation falls by 35%, 55%, or even 75% when this strategy is employed.

This is great news. When satan is allowed to control me, I really can't quit. When I praise the Lord, and he leaves, now quitting is a fair fight. I still have to fight, but now the odds are not stacked against me.

Fourth, I recommended praying:

“Father, help me to be content, and help me to care about souls.”

I have been praying a lot. As I pray about this change, my problem gets smaller, and smaller. As I pray, my God gets bigger, and bigger. He was always big, I just had my eyes on the wrong thing. There is an old hymn, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus.” Consider adding this to your playlist. Maybe it will help you instead of tempting you like some other songs do.

Finally, consider memorizing that you can learn about trials in James One. #2 Consider learning the habit of praise so that you can chase satan away. #3 Consider praying about the top two habits you plan to learn so that you can quit.

Plan, work, praise, quit.

For the full article click.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
We all struggle to believe that God's ways are best. This week I am asking myself the question: "Why do I chase wrong things which keep me from joy and purpose."
Paul said, "I am the worst of sinners." Why? Did he sin more than we do? No chance. But... He Knew, he completely knew, that his frivelousness kept him from more joy. Since he 100% knew the truth and still fell shore, he was in one way, the worst of sinners. I am starting to learn that, but it is like pulling teeth. I want what I want.
This week I am planning to focus on Psalms one so that I am more focused on joy.
Blessed he he who standeth not in the way of sinners, or sitteth at the seat of the scornful. But his belight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law doth he meditate day and night. Then it talks about the great blessings we will have when we do that, and how we will prosper.
If you read Psalm 1:1-3, 3 times a day, you might just be inspired to live like it says to live. That would be good.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
When people go to 'AA they get up and introduce themselves saying: My name is Tim and I am an alcoholic. The Bible say for us to be lovers of God, not lovers of pleasure. I will use AA's technique. My name is Tim, and I am a lover of pleasure more than a lover of God.
Arrowsmith wrote a song called "I don't want to miss a thing." Won't I be giving up something if I increase my love of God and decrease my pleasure? Not likely. The only thing that we do here on earth that is real is to love and serve God. When we start to do something that is real our joy starts to increase. Consider praying:
"Father, take away my love of pleasure, and show me Your will."
When we cut out some pleasure to focus on a Christian trait like meekness, we are focusing on being lovers of God. Meekness involves humility, but more importantly with this habit, it is enduring injury with patience and without resentment.
One of satan's best trick is to blast you (injury) to tempt you severely. Developing the habit of fighting injury with patience and without resentment is loving God. Why. Because, we have all fallen in the past when bad things happened. Consider praying:
"Father, my life is difficult right now. I will try to handle this problem without resentment. I will keep trying to do things Your way.
Second, focusing on increasing a Christian trait is loving God because we will be thinking about new things not bad things.
Third, the type of pleasures I like may tend to lead to temptation. If I cut some of them out to focus on loving God, maybe I would have less temptation.
I have added the verse about being lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God to the verses that I meditate on often.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Wrong places cause openings for bad habits to surface. Wrong TV, wrong internet viewing, and wrong thoughts cause opening. To counterattack these things, review old articles and have relevant verses in your quitting notebook. Have quitting prayers in your notebook. Have alternative things to think about written there.
Second, new habits seem impossible to form. I played the violin as a kid. Instead of worrying about my massive progress daily, I just put in the time, and work. Consider using that method with forming new habits. Keep trying everyday. Put in the work every day. If you are new here you may put in the work and fall every day, but if you are trying to put in the work everyday... You have a new habit: Putting in the work every day. Once you have that habit it is only a matter of time before your have the habit of turning from thoughts of _______ all the time. Because, you formed 1 habit, now you can form a second one. Soon, a third one, someday, the full habit of quitting.
Third, never say, "I can't quit." For example, a person who goes to every AA meeting every day and drinks every night can say, "It's not working," or they can acknowledge: Going to meetings is a great start, now, build even more habits.
Today, seal up those openings that allow temptation to rise. Acknowledge your progress, and find other things to do.
Finally, form the habit of 10, 20, or 30 minutes of prayer and Bible study. These are the best "Other things to do.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
In Matthew 7 Jesus says that those who do My will will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

#1 When we work to “Renew our minds,” we are doing God's will.

#2 When we “Give thanks,” we are doing God's will.

#3 When we “Do good,” we are doing God's will.

#4 When we “go to war with lust,” we are doing God's will.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

#5 When we “Spend a block of time seeking God's will daily,” we are doing God's will.

#6 When we “Fight sin during hard times,” we are doing God's will.

Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

#7 When we prayerfully allow the Holy Spirit to work through us to do good, we are doing God's will.

Finally, these seven points are all based on scriptures from the search, “Verses, God's will.” Today, consider what habits you will try to form based on these scriptures. When you are busy doing God's will... What don't you have time for?

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
The Bible says, “You are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness.”

Overindulgence of most things becomes sin. Consider often praying for self-control, and moderation in all things. These two prayers are not perfect when your habit is a stronghold, but they are perfect for many other things that lead back to ______.

#2 The Bible says that “The wages of sin is death.” Today if I overindulge in something I need to consider praying:

“Father, what Partially died, or began to die because of overindulging in ______.”

#3 My friend wrote regarding the above two verses:

“I think if we truly grasped this, no true believer would sin even one more time.”

I quote these verses constantly, but I barely grasp their meaning. Consider praying:

“Father, help me to stop my foolishness, please show me what You want me to do.”

My friend continues:

    • But these verses also tell us our attitude can NEVER be that "more sin is fine!"​
    • God doesn't TOLERATE sin, He FORBEARS sin. If we truly knew this from the inside out, we also wouldn't tolerate sin. We wouldn't tolerate "one more peek", "one more indulgence". (Gross!​
  • By no means!​
  • We all want freedom. What does "freedom" mean? Especially in modern culture, the view of freedom is to be able to say, "I can do whatever I feel like." But these verses show us that if this is the way we conduct ourselves, we then become slaves to our own passions & desires! Thinking we are so clever, thinking this is the path of freedom, we become enslaved - this is the experience of just about everyone on NoFap!​
  • No - true freedom, the kind of exhilarating freedom we all truly crave, the freedom to stand confidently and joyfully being who we were created to be, is in embracing being a slave to righteousness - giving ourselves to what is truly valuable.​
  • The flip side of that is resisting the sin which wants to enslave us. Saying "not a chance" to sin!​
  • Again, do we need any more proof than NoFap? What do we get from smut? DEATH! This is the experience of hundreds of people on here!​
  • But if we voluntarily offer ourselves as slaves to God and choose righteous paths, our unearned gift is eternal life in Christ! Not just in the "NEXT" life, but thriving in this life as well.”​
Finally, righteousness leads to sanctification, and sanctification opens the door toward a life of joy. Today I pray:

“Father, help me to have a goal of living right.”

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Today, I will review the first 7 keys for being filled-with-the-spirit based on old articles.

#1 Practice rapid repentance of sin.

#2 Read the God Chasers by Tommy Tenny to learn how to be filled with the glory of God.

#3 Spend time in prayer asking to be filled-with-the-spirit.

#4 The reason for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit is so that we can do something for God. Ephesians 2 says: 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

#5 The Holy Spirit wants complete dedication. A dedication to do His will, and a full out war on sin.
Consider Praying: “Father, show me if there is something that you want me to give up.”

#6 Search Bible verses for sins that you struggle with. Consider a Google search:

“Verses _____.” Put lust, excessive drinking, lying etc. in the blank. Next, study, memorize and pray over these verses.
The more we have the Word in us, the easier it becomes to obey. The more we obey, the more the Holy Spirit will be in us.

#7 To be filled with the Spirit is a process of 1. Full repentance 2. Time in prayer and, 3. Specific prayers like, “Father, show me what You want me to do.” Which leads to 4. Starting to do something to help somebody.
I had to repeat and restart this process many times, but it was worth it.

Finally, being more filled-with-the-spirit leads to increased joy. It's one of the smartest things you can work on doing.

For the full article click.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Every bad habit features things we do to fall before a fall. A drinker might put on a movie that glorifies partying. A gambler may call a buddy who is obsessed with talking about gambling. A person struggling with drugs might just not fight against constant thoughts of how much they need to find some drugs. A person struggling with food may allow constant thoughts of how great certain foods are. A porn addict may watch certain things that lead them to their habit forcefully.

Falling before a fall stages:

Emotional – You begin trying less. Less meetings, less studying quitting sites. Consider yelling at yourself when you enter this stage.

Mental falling – You want to fall more than anything, but you don't want the destruction. Give yourself a wake up talk when you enter this stage. You need massive action to turn things around now.

Consider writing down 3 things that cause you to fall before a fall. Next, write down what you should be doing when you get into those things. This may take some research. Consider jotting down 7 alternatives of what you should do instead of these things.

The #1 key to avoid falling before a fall is to take action early in the process. The #2 key is to continue to fight fiercely when you are no longer excited about quitting. The #3 key is to work daily on “New habits.” I have formed the new habit of turning from thoughts of ______. When temptation starts I now have the habit of thinking new thoughts. I plan to write more about how to do this, this week. What new habits will you work on daily?

Finally, fighting against falling before a fall starts to increase your joy. Use this as motivation to always keep fighting.

Believe that someday you will have joy. It does not always happen fast, but over time you will see it beginning to happen.

For the full article click.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
It is vital to match your TV/Computer/Phone viewing choices with your emotional state. For example: I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night. I know that temptation would overwhelm me quicker if I watch TV shows with any level of risk. So I have a super clean show I watch that I can handle at any time. Or, I often put the reading of Old Testatment chapters of audio Bible on. That is pretty fool proof.

At what times of the day/night do you need to be more careful with your viewing choices?

Second, can clean TV be a sin? The Bible says If you know to do good and you do not do it, then it is a sin. So if we avoid helping others or miss Bible study because of TV, then it can become a sin.

1 Thessalonians 5:21–22: “Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.”

Finally, quitting does become a math problem. Who in this example will quit?

#1 Jonny watches 4 times as much risky TV/Computer/Phone stuff as he spends in Bible-study, prayer and helping others.

#2 Paul watches 2.5 times as much risky TV/Computer/Phone stuff as he spends in Bible-study, prayer and helping others.

#3 Peter watches .5 times as much risky TV/Computer/Phone stuff as he spends in Bible-study, prayer and helping others. He has learned habits of watching super clean TV as well.

Today, consider going to war with risky TV/Computer and Phone stuff. It will sharply increase your strength for fighting _______.

For the full article click.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Forming new habits is a huge challenge. We see someone with the discipline to resist overindulgence and we think: How in the world do they do that?

I watched “The Rock” in the hit film Jungle Cruise. He is in great shape and has big muscles. How does he do that?

The Rock brings his own gym to movie sets. Sure it prob is a tent, but he brings all his weights to movie sets. He lifts weights “preparing” to have a great build. But, what few people realize, is that he is preparing long before that. He prepares by planning. He plans very specific workouts. He prepares by being emotionally fired up. He prepares by having a strick diet plan. He prepares by eating a lot of lean protein. He prepares by avoiding sugar and alcohol.

Second, the Rock said, "I'm very prepared and organized, and everything is planned out in advance.”

I have been around people like him, and they think about and prepare for what they are going to do “All of the time.” I am pretty sure the Rock thinks about how he will look, and how strong he is going to be “All of the time.” Before he lifts one weight he is 1000% ready to do everything it takes to achieve what he has been thinking about “All of the time.” Millions of people try to be like the rock, but very few succeed. Why, because, they are merely following his workout routine, they don't think and plan about what they will do “All of the time.”

Today, I am trying to form a new habit. To form this habit I am saying the word “Preparing” “All of the time.” Why? Because, forming new habits are really hard. We can't pray, “Father, help me to turn from thoughts of _______” every minute of when we are watching a movie, or pray it every minute when we are out and about, but I can say “Preparing” 777 times per day. Then we can take more urgent action when temptation rises.

What are we preparing for?

#1 To fight back with specific scripture when temptation starts to overwhelm.

#2 To fight back with prayers when temptation starts to ramp up.

#3 To be ready to read more articles here, instead of giving up.

#4 To be ready to start alternative activities and stick with them no matter what.

#5 To be ready to replace thoughts of _______ with great thoughts (Consider having a list of at least 5 better thoughts ready in your phone/notes/quitting notebook etc, based on other articles or scripture).

Third, what habit for quitting are you trying to form? How many times are you willing to say “Preparing” as a reminder that you plan to execute your plan?

Finally, I am will to say it constantly. I want to do everything in my power to start to form new habits this week. Today, consider using the “Preparing” method with one of the above 5 quitting techniques, or with another that you want to have. The more you prepare, the quicker you will gain that habit.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
My goal is to have the lowest opinion of sin of anyone I know. My goal is to understand and acknowledge the destruction of sin more than anyone that I know. My goal is to use these goals to inspire myself to go to war with sin in an increased way.

John 8:34 ESV Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.”

I don't want to be a slave to ______, or to any other sin. Today, consider writing down three ways that ______ puts you into slavery. #2 Then, spend five minutes asking God:“Father, show me how ______ puts me into slavery?”

James 4:17 ESV So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”

51% of quitting is “What we now do instead of ________.” Consider praying often:

“Father, show me what You want me “To do.” Spending a block of prayer praying about what God wants us “To do,” is a vital part of quitting.

Finally, consider having a goal of having the lowest opinion of sin of anyone you know. Consider having a goal of having the highest awareness of the destruction of sin of anyone you know. Trust me, these goals will make your life improve. As always, feel free to print out any of my articles. For the complete article click.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
We tell the 3-year-old, no more cookies, you already had too many. We leave the room, and when we come back 7 cookies remain instead of 8. In their mind, they are hoping we will not notice. We then sternly remind them that we are aware of their actions.

We do the same thing. Just a little peek, a little thought, a little bit of time with the wrong people, a little bit over the line. God won't notice, He will think we are trying our best. How quickly we forget that this is the same God who destroyed a multitude of Israelites in the wilderness when they went out to sin. The same God who zapped Annanias for lying to Peter (And to the Holy Spirit). If you choose to peek say:

"Sorry again Lord, I understand the consequences of this. I know You know exactly what is going on."

Second, if you are 100% striving to turn from ______, but you have not "yet" formed the new habit, God knows that as well. In that case, consider praying:

"Father, I am sorry again. Please help me to turn from _______."

Third, many would laugh at the lengths I go to, to avoid cheating, peeking, or thoughts of _______. But I have a story for those who laugh.

I was writing an article about how to find joy. I was talking to a doctor who is an expert psychologist. I often get a lot of great info from her. On that day she fully understood the destruction that wrong behavior brings. But she was very interested in my ideas about finding joy, so I told her all about them. I could see tears about to start in her eyes as I told her my ideas about finding joy. She did not have joy, she had a million answers for people, but they did not include joy. I felt very strongly that she was not ready to submit to God yet, but I also felt like she would some-day.

Fourth, God is always right, the Bible is always right, and living God's way is always best.

Fifth, when a person making progress against a bad habit is fanatical with their quitting technique, I cheer for two reasons. #1 that is really the only way to quit. #2 Their fanatical approach is saying loudly to Almighty God, "I am serious about quitting."Today, consider making a commitment to "No cheating."

For the full article click.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
The heroin user hopes going back will offer a bit of pleasure and dull a bit of pain. For a very short time he thinks he was right. Then, he wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold, deserted house. The gambler hopes going back will offer a bit of pleasure and dull a bit of pain. For a short while, the bright lights and excitement of being in the casino fool him. Then, he is driving home, all of his money for the week is gone. The lust addict hopes going back will offer a bit of pleasure and dull a bit of pain. For a very short time, he thinks he was right. But within a day or two he can't do anything to shake the darkness and depression. For all sinful habits and for most bad habits, darkness and depression are often the results.

Conclusion: Don't try to solve one problem by creating a bigger, and more long term problem.

Second, the rest of this article will contain harsh verses. Please proceed if that is what you want.

Hebrews 6:4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.”

This was part of my daily Bible-study today. What does this mean? I don't know, and I don't think it is important to know. I think it is important to read it. I think that after reading it, it is wise to quote the below scripture 3 times daily:

Philippians 2:12 Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”

I am struggling to form new habits again today. I will keep trying to work out my salvation. I will keep trying to go to war with sin. I will keep trying to take my pain to Almighty God, and be content with whatever solution He has for me.

Third, if you want real solutions for your pain, do a Google search verses _______ to find Bible solutions to your pain. It also does not hurt to do a Google search: What should I do when _______ happens to me? What can I do if I can't get over _______? The internet will give you ideas to run with to try to ease your pain.

Fourth, be willing to take a bit of pain today, while trying to solve your problem the right way. Consider telling yourself 20 times today:

“I will take a bit of pain today. I will continue to fight. I will fight until I have some long-term solutions. Then I will keep fighting until I start to have a bit of joy.”

Fifth, when we fight like that, sometimes we get more than a bit of assistance from Almighty God himself.

Sixth, once you go through the problem, now, you are preparing to help the next person. Then joy really starts. For the full article click.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Tip: Put a rubber band on your wrist. Every time you have a lustful thought, snap it and praise the Lord.

If you are tempted to fall, never say, “This is the last time.” Instead say, “I am rebelling, and there will be a lot of destruction because of it.” Satan wants you to lie about what is going on. Be honest. Consider trying to make this a habit.

2 Every time you have a lustful thought, snap it and pray: "Father, fill me with Your love."

3 With every bad thought think: “I believe that pure thoughts will lead to a great life.”

4 Romans 8:6 ESV For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” Every time you try to make a habit of thinking clean thoughts you are obeying this verse.

5 The Bible says “Take up your cross daily.” What is your system for taking up your cross to fight lust daily? How do u remind yourself “daily” about the things you want to change? Some set up a system in their phone, or use sticky notes, or a cork board with 3 by 5 cards pinned to it (so u can change your cards over time). To take up your cross, work often on a system of how to remind yourself of how to change.

6 When the angel told Lot to leave Sodom, he gave instructions that no one should look back. Lot's wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. Why did this happen? She left her sinful past and city only because she did not want to die. The city still obsessed her thoughts. Consider praying:“Father, help me to have a reply for every bad thought every time.

”Finally, new habits are a key. Consider going to great extremes to form new habits.For the full article click.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
We sometimes create stress which leads to depression. We may have financial or success goals which cause stress, then depression. Instead, we should trust God, who says, “I will provide all your needs.” What do you do that creates stress? What does God want you to do instead? If you don't know, consider asking Him often.

Second, eat healthy, eat vegetables, and try to get enough sleep. Feeling better physically helps.

Third, pray often to “Be content.” 99% of people reading this have big money problems, relationship problems, work problems and 100 other problems. I need to be more content, and focus more on God's purpose for my life. That is the path away from depression, it is the path toward joy.

Fourth, I searched “Verses depression.” Wow, these are some great verses:

Psalm 34:17-18 ESV When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

2 Corinthians 7:6 ESV But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus,

Isaiah 41:10 ESV Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

1 Peter 5:7 ESV Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Matthew 11:28 ESV Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Jeremiah 29:11 ESV For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Psalm 143:7-8 ESV Answer me quickly, O Lord! My spirit fails! Hide not your face from me, lest I be like those who go down to the pit. Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Philippians 4:6-7 ESV Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Consider reading these verses daily until depression starts to lift. Even more importantly, focus on doing what they say.

For the full article click.