Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Some want, or need to quit fast. They read 12-20 articles in a row. While this is good, it is not sustainable because you are very unlikely to read 12 articles every day for the next 12 months.

Instead, consider searching “Activities to do” online and picking 3 activities that interest you. Why three, because 70% of the activities that would really be great for us long term are painful if we start too fast. For example, you pick:

Playing the guitar. Unless you have played a lot in the past your fingers will start hurting fast (As soon as 7-10 minutes).

Exercise. Unless you have exercised a lot in the past your body will start hurting fast (As soon as 7-10 minutes).

Building a puzzle. Nice, you can do that all hour. Rule #1 Pick one of the three choices that you can do for a longer period of time without having to build up your fingers or body etc.

Example Plan:

Read 4 articles including one or two that talk about alternative activities. Then take a break and do your challenging hobby for 7-10 minutes. Then read another article. Then do your next challenging hobby for 10 minutes. Then read another article. Then do your next longer term hobby for 45 minutes. Then read another article.

Key point: If you really have a bad habit... Your new activities will be less fun at first. At first, you are doing them simply as “Work” so that you can quit the bad habit. In 7 weeks you will begin to love some of the hobbies you pick. Also, since you will be more “Dried out” from that habit after 7 weeks you may actually love a replacement hobby to start at that point if you are totally bored with an old choice.

Second, to quit fast always do all of the spiritual activities first each day. After that, implement a plan like this one that you can repeat as often as needed.

Finally, another strategy is to read an article at 6:pm, 7:30 pm and 9:pm. It is better to work on the things recommended with the 6:pm article for 90 minutes while doing normal activities than it is to read 3 straight articles.

Have an aggressive short-term plan for quitting, but also start having a long-term plan for quitting. That is how you quit for good.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Psychology recommends charting what you do every hour of your week. This article is loosely based on information from Psychologytools.

Simply use something like a Google calendar and write in what activity you do during every free hour. Then, at the end of the week review how each activity made you feel and what caused increased temptation. Then, slowly start to replace activities that bring you down, tempt you, or are passive and replace them with better activities.

Unless you are 18, don't change from sitting in front of the TV 7 days a week with 7 days of going out. You will be exhausted. But slowly, start making positive changes. Start adding physical activities, and hobbies. Start adding spiritual activities.

Feel free to plan a bunch of changes, but especially with physical ones – start slowly and work your way up.

Charting forces you to learn exactly what you are doing that is causing issues. This method will show you which days are causing a spike in temptation. What activities during which hours are causing a spike in temptation? Show you what activities make you feel bad, which then lowers your determination.

Once you have your information you can print out articles about which activities would be great replacements for the negative ones. Then pray about what you should stop doing and what you should start doing.

Bad activities cause traps. We will fall into them. Good activities lead to strength and the power to win.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
The power of our prayer increases when we commit to following God's Word today. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:22 Now flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
A prayer to escape lust that forgets to pursue a Christian trait is a nice prayer. A life dedicated to pursuing traits like the above four, leads to a prayer life that begins to have power. Consider praying:
"Father, help me to flee lust, and give me a zeal for purity."
Active Christianity noted: "People who flee youthful lusts and fight for purity in their lives are few and far between. They are extremely precious in the sight of God, and He is able to use them to accomplish His good and perfect will on earth. “Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.” 2 Timothy 2:21."
A Practical Example
I recently saw an ad about a steaming service that promotes a lot of smut. Today that ad popped into my mind. I immediately rejected that thought and started praising God and then prayed the prayer of Jabez: Lord, I pray that you would expand my borders, and bless me indeed.
In 2:22 Paul is recommending we run from lust as if a rabid dog is chasing us. But even more importantly, we pick a spiritual thing to set our minds on. These four traits are four of the best ten things we can set our minds on.
Our prayer life becomes a blazing fire when we make a habit of pursuing Godly traits. This century, consider making it a daily habit to pursue. Very few medical students struggle with lust the day before their final exam. They are in full pursuit of becoming a doctor.
Consider writing down 4-5 traits that you will pursue (probably one at a time) over the next 4 days. Then keep updating your list often. Obviously, you can pursue things like righteousness and love as a focus for one day out of every week.
Now you can study what you are pursuing a bit that day, and now you can pray fanatically with power to acquire what you are pursuing instead of being overcome with lust.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
The Bible commands loving others. But what if you are right and they are wrong? Should we not try to convince them of the truth?
Our job as Christians is to "present" the truth to others. This applies to spiritual things or just normal things in life. When people believe the opposite of what we do, we refer back to the above command. Once we have stated our case for what we believe we "allow" them to have their opinion. We show them both love and respect for their opinion.
Don't allow them to continue to try to prove their point with you if you are in complete disagreement. Don't keep trying to convince them when you are in complete disagreement. Instead, continue to focus on your increase in love. Second, if you don't have a one or two-page printout with verses about love, today is a good day to do that. Jesus died for us because of His great love for us. I need to study my verses on love more. We all do. For example, we argue with someone at work, school, or at home, and get angry. One of my printed-out verses from 1st Corinthians 13 talks about how love does not get angry. I read this printout often and when I do I pray, "Father, take away my anger."
It is amazing how arguments die when no one gets mad. When one person shows respect for the other person.
Third, what if you really need to convince them of the truth? The best way to do that is to stay calm, truly listen to them, and softly explain the facts. If they insist on arguing stay quiet and pray to increase in love. This method allows you a future opening to talk to them again when they might be more open to the truth.
Fourth, satan sinks millions of people every day by getting them into disagreements. 1 John 4:16 God is love, and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." We keep the Holy Spirit fully in us when we are the person who is the peacemaker.
But, when we escalate the fight satan gets more and more of the room. Then when the fight is over he has us about 99% exactly where he wants us. We know how that ends.
Finally, pray to have love and respect for others when you disagree with them. Pray often about getting the anger out. Pray about allowing others to have an opinion. Pray about being a peacemaker, and pray always about increasing in love.
Satan's trick is to get you fighting and fighting mad so that you fall. The next time he pulls that trick with you, just let him know... you now have a plan.

Second, the verse of the day is Proverbs 3:7Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.8 It will be health to your [c]flesh, And strength[d] to your bones.” Consider praying: “Father, help me to depart from evil.”

Depart, and your life will start to improve.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member

Matthew 6:15 ESVBut if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”​

If I don't forgive others, satan has a free shot at tempting me as much as he wants to. Consider praying:

“Father, help me to forgive ________, and fill me with Your love.”

Second, we need to increase the habit of steering far around temptation. Take two minutes to think about how you can steer far around temptation physically. Take two minutes to think about how you can steer far around temptation with your thoughts. Take two minutes to think about how you can steer far around temptation with your preparation.

Consider working constantly to make it a habit to steer far around temptation. Say often, my new habit is to steer far around temptation. Pray often:

“Father, help me to steer far around temptation.”

Joseph was tempted, but his plan was always to steer far around temptation. He “Instantly ran” from his temptation.

These habits are huge for quitting. Consider working on them as often as possible.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Here are 2 ways to take your thoughts captive:
Taking your thoughts captive simply means gaining control over what you think about. Here is a great article from

  1. “Accept responsibility for your thoughts. You have the ability to exercise control over your thoughts. God warned Cain to focus his mind on the right things, but Cain chose to think about the wrong things - anger and jealousy - which led to his murderous actions. Are you willing to admit that you can, with God's help, regain control of your thoughts - and think enabling thoughts instead of disabling ones?
    2. Choose to focus your thoughts on the right things. We are to think about those things that are "true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable" (Phil. 4:8). When we think about those things, God promises to give us His peace. What a contrast that is to the thoughts of millions of people today. Don't look to a movie, TV show, or how-to formula to accomplish this for you. It takes personal discipline and commitment.”
Consider praying: “Father, show me how to change the way I think.”

Think about only looking at things you “can” look at, as if God is watching (He is). Always be praying about running from what you can't look at.

Every time a wrong thought pops into your head consider praying: “Father, help me to take this thought captive. I praise you today. Please give me new thoughts.”

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
When you enter a realm of temptation like TV, the beach, or many other places, be aware that satan will whisper to you, encouraging disobedience. When this happens, you have two choices. Firstly, be confused and let whatever happens happen. Or secondly, fight back.

Example one: You are at the beach and you notice “somebody.” WWJD – He would quote Psalm 119:37 - "Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word."

Interesting... now our mind has some awareness that looking with lust is “worthless.” Now we are being reminded that the Word will preserve our life. On the flip side, if we don't fight back with the Word, our life may not be preserved. Ouch.

Example two: You are in the middle of an exciting TV show, and here it comes, sin, sin, sin. To fight back quote 1 Corinthians 6:18 - " Flee sexual immorality.”

If the scene is not that big of a deal, shield your eyes, forward fast and move on. But, if it is a big deal, and especially if it is a constant theme: quote Colossians 3:5 Therefore, put to death what belongs to your worldly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desire, and greed, which is idolatry.”

Now, this is just my opinion, but I don't think that looking at a beautiful woman is idolatry. However, looking at her with lust seems like it is. So, if a TV show is throwing constant lust at you, the best way to put it “to death” is to turn it off. Then... satan will tell you there is nothing else good on TV. Don't believe his “lie.” There are plenty of clean shows out there. Plus if you are praising God and worshiping Him during the clean show, you just might have a great life.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Bad habits cause destruction. When we are 100% aware of the destruction we will quit. Many think they are aware, but they are either missing something long-term, medium-term, or short-term. If you keep going back, you are unaware of the full destruction that the habit gives. Consider praying:

“Father, show me the destruction of this habit.”

Key point: If you keep praying this prayer he “will” show you the destruction of your habit. This is a prayer that God virtually always answers “if” you keep praying it.

I quit my main habit. I am aware of the massive destruction it brought, and the massive destruction it continues to bring others.

Second, strive to make it a habit to increase your awareness of the destruction daily. Satan wants you to dismiss articles online where people say how ________ completely ruined their lives. Instead, read them twice and take notes. If you don't, someday that might be you writing that same article.

Third, some will want to give up despite their efforts. If you want to give up never say: “I just couldn't do it.”

Instead say: “I chose not to put in the work to quit. I am choosing to have massive destruction in my life. There is a 100% chance that that is exactly what will happen.”


Put in the work to do things God's way... and avoid the destruction and start to find a bit of joy.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member

I identified 6 things we can do if we need healing from something. All of these verses are good for healing from physical ailments as well as healing from bad habits.​

Jeremiah 17:14 ESV Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.”​

First, praise the Lord more often. In this verse the prophet connected healing with praise.

1 Peter 2:24 ESV He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.​

Second, think about and focus on righteousness more often. In this verse Peter connected healing with righteousness.

Psalm 147:3 ESV He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”​

Third, I can be excited about worldly things, or I can be brokenhearted since the world is a mess. Or brokenhearted because of sin. When we repent, mourn our sin, and live in a brokenhearted way, good things begin to happen.

Psalm 103:2-4 ESV Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,”

My dad thanked God for everything. He told everyone about the great benefits of being a Christian. His health was great till he was late in his 90's.

James 5:16 ESV Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”​

I always try to be more righteous. It is hard, but I will keep trying. When we increase in righteousness, our prayers increase in power.

Exodus 15:26 ESV Saying, “If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your healer.”​

Do right, know the commandments, keep the commandments. This verse is a great formula for quitting habits. The more we try to do these things, the weaker our habits hold will be on us.

Several things to work on.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
When frustrated, plan your next move. If nothing is going on except your frustration, plan how you will get busy (Get active). If too much is going on, plan how you will change your mindset with something relaxing that might take your mind off of _______.

Second, call someone. They can probably take your mind in a new direction.

Third, get busy with a hobby, sport, or musical instrument.

Fourth, never let tomorrow's potential problems, or yesterday's problem ruin “Right now.” Currently, I am in a tough situation if tomorrow does not go well, so I “should” focus on making today a good day, and if tomorrow stinks, handle that when the potential problem is a “Today problem.”

Fifth, ask yourself, “How important is this thing that is frustrating me.” Then think about 2 other things that are “Really important.” Then think some more about the really important things.

Finally, think about something new that is vitally important. Pick a habit from an old article that you want to work on today, and this week. Your new habit just might help make your life better for a long time, and it might help you deal with temptation better as well.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

We think that _____ is causing our problems. This verse tells us the real problem. We think that people, temptations, and 100 other things are the real problem. Nope. Our reaction to how we wrestle with dark forces is the reality.

Step one: Fight dark forces by repenting and resealing yourself.

Step two: Pray specifically against what you are wrestling against. Consider praying:

“Father, take away this darkness, and cover me with Your blood.”

Third, spend a block of time praying about how to wrestle effectively. Pray about how to fight sin. Pray about focusing on righteousness.

Fourth, increase your faith by reading scripture. Then have 100% confidence in your “Shield of faith” by which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

I believe that God's ways are right, great, and are exactly what is best for me. When I am tempted I say:

“This is error. This will cause destruction. God's ways are best.”

Wrestle – fight – win.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Proverbs 14:16 A wise man fears and departs from evil.”

Consider praying:

“Father, fill me with Your wisdom”

“Father, I commit to fearing evil. Help me to fear evil.”

“Father, I commit to departing from evil. Help me to depart from evil.”

The fear of the Lord is mentioned 24 times in the Bible. This week I am praying often to increase my fear of the Lord. The Bible says that the “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

We spend countless hours thinking about things that lead back to ______.

Instead, consider memorizing the above verse. Consider a commitment to wisdom. Consider a commitment to pray prayers based 100% on scripture.

As always, feel free to print this out for personal use. Today I am committing to working on making these things habits.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
To hate evil means to abhor it, to loathe it, to be disgusted by it. Consider praying:

“Father, help me to reject evil intensely.”

Here is a fact: God is right about everything. I may be wrong about a fair amount of things. If God says it is good to hate evil... He will be right.

When you are tempted, consider saying: “God will be right about this being bad, and ending badly.”

Do I find evil repugnant? Do I feel horror when I consider risky TV, movies, and places? If Eve had understood the consequences of eating the apple, she would have felt horror. Consider praying:

“Father, when I am tempted, remind me what the wages of sin are?”

If we are soldiers of Christ, we must fight to be hostile towards looking at risky things. Consider praying:

“Father, help me to fight against risky things, I believe that Your ways are right, and that they lead to joy.”

Second, the verse adds, “Cling to what is good.” I have a one-page printout of verses about love which I study most days. Studying love is a great way to cling to what is good.

Write down your two worst emotional problems. Then print out verses on those topics. When we read them daily we are clinging to good.

To cling to what is good, we embrace and find it very important to only look at clean things, and to go to the correct places. Consider praying:

“Father, teach me to prefer keeping my eyes pure. Show me the benefits of turning from lust.”

Love God – hate sin = great life.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Yesterday I slept late and forgot my Bible reading. I was often angry, and I was completely discontent with life. I prayed a lot, but my prayers only partially worked.

Today, I read my 5 chapters, and at midday, and I have had no anger or lack of contentment.

Does Bible reading guarantee a perfect life? No!!!! But, skipping it allows our emotions and temptations to get or stay out of control. Reading it allows the Holy Spirit to increase in us and gives us the opportunity to increase the power of our prayer, and the chance to better fight temptation.

Second, I am making habits of praying:

“Father, help me to hate ______.”

“Father, help me to fear ______.”

“Father, help me to run from ______.”

We can all learn from the person with a lust habit. The tempting scene is starting and if we forward fast and cover our eyes we might miss something.



A very scary conversation on judgment day.

If you give in, the only thing you get is “What you want.” No joy. Wait, you also get destruction.

You miss “nothing” when you steer as far around (and away from) temptation as you can go. You miss nothing except bad things. Don't let satan fool you like he fooled Eve. That ended very badly.

What habits will you work on to improve your fight?

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
My 30-day challenge is unique. Yes, we want to stay free for 30 days, but the challenge is really just as much about a massive increase in one quitting skill over the next 30 days. What is your #1 trigger? My #1 trigger was “Life runs me over, and now I have an excuse to run back to my habit.”

The challenge is to memorize 3 solutions that you can use to fight against your #1 trigger over the 30 days.

Second, to have written down 3 places where you “know” you can go to get 3 more solutions to fight that trigger.

Here is an example of what I memorized for my trigger:

Life still runs me over, and I still “start” to spiral downward, but now when that happens I always have the habit of “Praising the Lord.” Here is the thing, you will get more help from the Lord if you praise the Lord.

Today, consider writing down 3 things that you will memorize to fight your #1 trigger. Then start to compile articles and Bible chapters or verses that are candidates for the 3 things that you can “find” when your trigger happens again. At the end of 30 days, you might have 8-12 candidates for your 3 go-to articles.

If you have 3 solutions memorized and 3 go-to solutions available in 30 days... you will have discovered a great thing.

My new book The Fighting Lust Christian Workbook is out. 99% of the articles have never been on Reddit. It is 690 pages so you can read until your eyes fall out. Please leave a good review.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member

Philippians 4:11-13 ESV Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”​

Yesterday I was not content with my life. Allowing discontentment in our lives allows satan an entrance into our lives. So if you are discontent (Or if you are under temptation), step one is to repent.

Repenting is saying to God: “I am sorry for these thoughts and for my lack of contentment.”

Repenting for me was to pray to turn from lust, and to pray to be content a bunch of times yesterday.

As I prayed I started to realize... People around us have strengths and weaknesses. I have weaknesses as well. I need to love and be content with the people around me.

1 Timothy 6:6-8 ESV But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.​

Consider setting an alarm and reading this verse every hour when you are not content.

2 Corinthians 12:10 ESV For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”​

No matter what happens strive to be content. When I am perfectly content, I have no need for this habit. Consider praying:

“Father, help me to turn from lust, and help me to be content.”

When we fight a lack of contentment, and go to war with sin, the Bible says we will have great gain.

Yesterday was not a bad day for me. I started off very mixed up, but I ended up learning a lot after I prayed these prayers about a million times.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Sin habits lead to destruction. Until we sin satan has zero right to fill us with anxiety, anger, discontentment, depression, and a million other bad things.

After we repent and start our plan for change... he again loses his right to pound us with negative emotions.

Second, pick the negative emotion you struggle with most. Example: Google “Verses ______.”

I will use the example of inadequacy. Google gave me these verses.

Philippians 4:13 ESV I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”​

Go to war with sin and see what “I can do all things” starts to mean in your life.

James 1:2-4 ESV Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”​

Fight sin, and keep filling yourself with scripture, then see what the end of this verse starts to mean.

2 Timothy 1:7 ESV For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”​

A war on sin increases the Spirit in us. Asking the Holy Spirit to fill us (After full repentance) increases the Spirit in us. Praying:

“Father, teach me how to replace ______ thoughts, and fill me with Your love,” increases the Spirit in us.

Finally, realize: Many negative things in life are because of sin. Use that valuable knowledge to inspire yourself to increase your war on _______.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Yesterday I wrote about building a pyramid of great new activities which will greatly assist you. But, the challenge is remembering to do them. You can try sticky notes on your mirror, phone alarms, accountability partners, notes on your desk or calendar. You can develop codes so that the whole world does not know what is going on: While working I wrote TAFS a zillion times, it means – Turn aggressively from sin.

When building your pyramid the base must be solid. Firstly, how to have a weak base.

You join 3 softball teams because you are going to be active so that you can quit. But... say you do that but you ignore working on turning aggressively from lust. This is why it is so wise to follow this daily process:

Repent fully, then pray: “Father, show me what to do.”

Joining 3 softball teams is a good idea. But doing that plus reminding yourself to turn from lust every inning is a great idea (I often prayed, “Father help me to turn aggressively from sin,” 20-25 times daily when I was tempted). With that addition, now you are building your base (Turning from lust) and building upwards in your pyramid.

Secondly, pray the “Show me” prayer because I don't know your past or present. God does. Over time He wants to give you special help for your special situation.

Thirdly, there is power in “To Do.” Doing everything we know to quit, then asking the Almighty what He wants you to do to quit = increased power. Asking the Almighty what He wants you to do in life = increased power. Turning aggressively from sin = increased power in your life.

Lastly, consider reading quitting articles every day with a piece of paper with a triangle on it. Write “Daily Habits” at the bottom of the triangle. As you study, put in vital information close to the base of your pyramid.

Over the next 30 days, see if you can “Do” the vital daily habits from the base of your pyramid every day.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
We either flirt or flee far away from temptations. There is no middle ground, it's one or the other. For example: Temptation starts and we immediately say: I need to work on one of my quitting techniques every hour. We review as many articles as needed and form our plan for which habits we will work on today.

Second, if you flirt with sin (or bad habits) you will never have real joy. It will be hard to find purpose. Because... anytime we replace God with other things, we run farther from the Garden of Eden. We run farther from the great life God wants us to have.

Third, the Lord's prayer says, “Lead me not into temptation.”

It is wise to be praying enough so that the road we travel is not filled with temptation because God is leading us in another direction. On that road, God is having us think about and planning how to start doing His will, and to accomplish His purpose.

Finally, we need to starve the things that lead us to _____. Until you are an expert at knowing “everything” that leads you back to _____, you will continue to lose that fight.

Consider listing your top 7 things that lead you back to ______. Then start replacing these risky things with new activities, prayers, books, and Christian things.

Once you become an expert at putting out temptations fire... You will be on the winning path.

This article is based loosely on this great video. It gets good at the 7 minute mark.

Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
The Bible says that we should make “No provision for the flesh.” Yesterday I watched a bunch of Christian pop videos. If you search YouTube you can find lists of all sorts of Christian styles. Watching great Christian stuff instead of risky stuff is one way to make no provision for the flesh.

Christian songs usually praise the Lord. These videos are a great way to practice the praise the Lord habit. Consider praying:

“Father, remind me when I make provision for temptation, to find new thoughts and activities.”

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.”

My new book the Fighting Lust Christian Workbook is out. Based on my sales, people do not take the above verse as fact. The Bible does not say “Please stop sinning.” The Bible says “Stop sinning so that you don't go to hell.”

If you review the table of contents in this book you will see that you have over 150 topics to choose from. In the workbook section, you have multiple articles back to back on key topics.

But... don't read this book unless you are ready to do what the Bible says to do. When the Bible says to gouge out your eye and throw it away it means... It is time to declare World War Three on the habit. It is time to end the habit. It is time to find your purpose and to do God's will.

Second, if you really can't afford $4.00 for a 690 page book please message me. I will give it to you. But, then you won't get the table of contents, which is vital for picking the exact right article you need on a given day.

Third, trust me, your “Joy level” will go way higher if you quit. I had a visitor in my house who quit. After 55 years of knowing him, he had peace for the first time in his life. It was really shocking being around him. He was completely changed.