36, PIED, new plan


Well-Known Member
I think I could justify writing 20 days here but I am not. I played with the lines yesterday with some very SFW images. But it was an intentional choice to use them for arousal. There was a time when I would have chalked it up to a minor infraction to learn from and not repeat but considered the streak intact. But I know where any sort of justification leads and I am done justifying. Progress isn't a streak counter, it's changing your mindset and behavior and if I justify things it's a dead end on that front.

So I'm setting my counter to 0 again. I know that looks sad and disappointing, but I consider that progress. I want the progress, not the number, and admitting all this to myself and to you is what I think progress looks like.


Respected Member
I think you're on to something here logicproc and I respect your honesty.
Progress isn't a streak counter, it's changing your mindset and behavior and if I justify things it's a dead end on that front.
This is true, nice job my man. You have grown so much in discovery yourself this last year, and that is how you defeat porn in the end.

Call me stupid, but what are SFW images? P subs?




Well-Known Member
I think you're on to something here logicproc and I respect your honesty.

This is true, nice job my man. You have grown so much in discovery yourself this last year, and that is how you defeat porn in the end.

Call me stupid, but what are SFW images? P subs?


Yeah, basically a p sub. Pictures of attractive women in somewhat revealing clothing, but within the range of what you would see walking around a major city in the summer. Not something the average person would call porn, but I think (at least for me) to really get past this addiction, you have to admit that it's all the same. Using images or videos to arouse yourself rather than engaging with the real world, and stimulating unhealthy dopamine overload.


Respected Member
i just hope if all the days were this quiet, but getting out of this closed cycle of porn isn't easy and isn't impossible.

this quiet is the silence before the hurricane, just hang in there logicpox. I promise you when you get out of this hurricane you will not be the same man as you were when you entered it.