I woke up in the middle of the night on Sunday night and my brain was like halfway on. I pulled up some P on my phone and started to M for like 2 minutes and then set it down. But I'm not making any excuses, I reset my counter. Better to have a small number that holds me accountable than a big one I reach just by shifting the goalposts. At least for me.
Monday was great. 1 day.
The waking up in the middle of the night and going on a sort of autopilot has been one of my major roadblocks historically, though it's been a while. It tends to pop up more when I am starting to make progress with my brain again. It feels like my addiction trying to fight back when it shows up. It won this round, I just need to win the next one.
I'm going to start sleeping with my phone off and in the other room again, so I have to make the conscious decision to go get it and turn it on. No autopilot excuses.