Porn is not an option


Active Member
Hey man I didn't get to finish reading your whole post. Stinks about the relapse, but as you know the most important thing is to get back to what you know matters and being porn free.

That's cool that you got to travel, sounds like you had a good time.


Respected Member
Hey, everyone, @Galatians51, @swimmer97, @First_step_thousand_miles, @Pdub, and @GBS, thanks for your New Year wishes! It means a lot.

Sorry for my absence as of late, I've been out of the country experiencing life and living it up, however, I just got back late last night. The trip was amazing (it has to to with my passion and career) and really pushed me in areas of growth that I haven't given time to for many years, and sometimes, has been a real cause of turning to porn in the past. Unfortunately, because of how far I was pushing myself, and feeling at times very uncomfortable, I relapsed on New Years (right after the new year🤦‍♂️), thus, just short of my 90 day goal.
Hey man, I hadn't even read this post when I wrote that, I had no idea about the relapse. I had thought you were almost 90 days clean. But you know, it's like you're saying, a few relapses here and there are not going to stop you. You know how it goes for me? One thing I hate the most is the "routine" of relapsing. If I could get streaks for tens of days every time, this would make relapsing some mistake here and there but what I don't want and what's annoying the most is following the routine of relapsing. Let's say someone relapses every 5 days, if he continues to do that over and over again, there is nothing good about this. I think what we want first is to break this "routine", our routine of relapsing and make it a rare occurrence.

Loneliness I reckon. Sometimes I feel like God's lonely man, which is a saying from Taxi Driver. Now don't get me wrong, I have no intentions of slaying pimps or cleaning up the "streets", but I've always loved that line, and, good or bad, have often identified myself with it. Why do I feel lonely? I don't know, it's hard to explain. Maybe it's because I'm introverted. Or maybe it's because I don't share often enough what I feeling or thinking inside, thus, I go around life feeling alone sometimes. Seen but not heard, like a flash of lightning, without the full presence of its bellowing thunder. Of course, I'm not always this way, and sometimes, I can be very extroverted, make friends, be funny and social (many times on this trip), but yet, however, there's always this feeling of separation, a disconnect between "them" and me. Like I'm an observer of their world but not apart of it. A foreigner in a strange land. Most of the time, I'm okay with this, but sometimes, I wish I could become a citizen and partake of their customs and social rituals. But fuck who am I kidding, if I did this, I wouldn't be me, I would be "something" else, but there has to be a balance somewhere and I aim to find it.

Maybe loneliness isn't the problem, maybe the fear of it is.

Oh yes, that's me. I used to watch Taxi Driver a lot because I could relate to Travis and his loneliness. Yes, I was not going to shoot pimps either but I liked the movie, I could see myself in a part of the character. I think you've presented a good description of what it's like to experience loneliness. I know it very well. Hell, my life IS loneliness itself, I am a loser at 33 years old with no people in my life except my parents that I live with. In my life so far you can count on a hand how many "friends" I've had. If I can call those things "friendship" at all. I was a kid with PTSD and possible autism (therapist said I sound like it) and a big time inferiority complex and validation and praise seeking behavior. I drove this people crazy. Since the last guy basically ran away from my life at the age of 22, it's been 11 years since I've had no friend. Very pathetic. What I'm trying to do is save myself, man. I can't do the same things like last year if I don't want to repeat last year. I really need to do things differently if I don't want to die here in an empty house just like my parents have said. Once in a while they bring up the subject, asking me when the fuck am I going to get married. Last time it got pretty intense with my father shouting: "Me and your mother are gonna die and you will see what it means to remain here all alone in this house. In this way, you are not going to have any kids and nobody is going to inherit this house. Some bullshit relative that you don't even talk to is going to come around and somehow get the house that we've struggled for 10 years to build". Something like that. Once in a while I have to put up with this thing.

But anyway man, really, I believe you're going to do well, man, recovery-wise. You have a good mindset about it. Stay strong, man.


Respected Member
Day 3
Hey man I didn't get to finish reading your whole post. Stinks about the relapse, but as you know the most important thing is to get back to what you know matters and being porn free.
Thank you @Galatians51. Yes, it's unfortunate, but at the same time, because I learned something about myself in the process, I'm not feeling as bad about it as I usually would. I just need to get back up and keep on going.
That's cool that you got to travel, sounds like you had a good time.
It was a great time, and many things learned. All of this is very ironic.
Hey man, I hadn't even read this post when I wrote that, I had no idea about the relapse.
No big deal, I do wish that was the case though. :cool:
But you know, it's like you're saying, a few relapses here and there are not going to stop you. You know how it goes for me? One thing I hate the most is the "routine" of relapsing. If I could get streaks for tens of days every time, this would make relapsing some mistake here and there but what I don't want and what's annoying the most is following the routine of relapsing. Let's say someone relapses every 5 days, if he continues to do that over and over again, there is nothing good about this. I think what we want first is to break this "routine", our routine of relapsing and make it a rare occurrence.
I agree with this. I think I've said this before, and doesn't matter how many days it is for you or me or anyone else, but it's very easy to get in a pattern mentally speaking, where it's easy to do a "certain" amount of days, but then anything past that is "hard" or whatever. Of course, I don't think this is true, but it's what we tell ourselves, especially as an excuse to relapse. I know for me, going 90 days isn't hard anymore, and I have done that quite a few times, but anything past four months to half a year, I've only done a handful of times, and thus, I'm really on the lookout when I get that far, and I don't take any day porn-free for granted. Like I said, it's an excuse, but it seems to be what happens, at least to me.
I think you've presented a good description of what it's like to experience loneliness.
Well, I was definitely being poetic about it, but it was (and is) how I feel sometimes, especially New Year's eve.
Hell, my life IS loneliness itself, I am a loser at 33 years old with no people in my life except my parents that I live with. In my life so far you can count on a hand how many "friends" I've had. If I can call those things "friendship" at all. I was a kid with PTSD and possible autism (therapist said I sound like it) and a big time inferiority complex and validation and praise seeking behavior. I drove this people crazy. Since the last guy basically ran away from my life at the age of 22, it's been 11 years since I've had no friend.
You need to change your attitude man, calling yourself a loser is not going to help your situation. Sure, you might from time to time "act" like a loser, but that doesn't mean you "are" a loser. I've acted like a loser many times in my life, but I'm not a loser in anyway, and you'll never hear me say that. I deserve and demand respect from others, and most importantly, respect from myself. But that night, I was feeling down on myself, and thus, I wasn't respecting myself in my actions nor my thoughts, thus, I acted like a loser. I know it's cheesy, but it's true, our thoughts do define us. We've all lost friends, but we can always make new ones. However, you might need to make friends with yourself first, learn to love yourself first, before, trying to be friends with someone. Otherwise, as you said, you might find yourself needing people in unhealthy ways, which is not a good place to be in.

My advice to you would be to seek out help this year, you can't do this by yourself, and that's not a bad thing. My suggestion to you this year is to reach out and get professional help. You haven't changed, as far as I can tell, anything in your approach to this, and you're starting off this year with the same tools you started out with last year. You can't win this game, playing with the same rules and mindset. I've said that before, but I'm just saying it one more time.

Best brother


Respected Member
I agree with this. I think I've said this before, and doesn't matter how many days it is for you or me or anyone else, but it's very easy to get in a pattern mentally speaking, where it's easy to do a "certain" amount of days, but then anything past that is "hard" or whatever. Of course, I don't think this is true, but it's what we tell ourselves, especially as an excuse to relapse. I know for me, going 90 days isn't hard anymore, and I have done that quite a few times, but anything past four months to half a year, I've only done a handful of times, and thus, I'm really on the lookout when I get that far, and I don't take any day porn-free for granted. Like I said, it's an excuse, but it seems to be what happens, at least to me.
I know exactly what you're saying.

You need to change your attitude man, calling yourself a loser is not going to help your situation. Sure, you might from time to time "act" like a loser, but that doesn't mean you "are" a loser. I've acted like a loser many times in my life, but I'm not a loser in anyway, and you'll never hear me say that. I deserve and demand respect from others, and most importantly, respect from myself. But that night, I was feeling down on myself, and thus, I wasn't respecting myself in my actions nor my thoughts, thus, I acted like a loser. I know it's cheesy, but it's true, our thoughts do define us. We've all lost friends, but we can always make new ones. However, you might need to make friends with yourself first, learn to love yourself first, before, trying to be friends with someone. Otherwise, as you said, you might find yourself needing people in unhealthy ways, which is not a good place to be in.

I appreciate the advice brother but I'm probably misunderstood. I'm past that point in my mindset. I'm past that point where I called myself a loser just to practice self-hatred and beat myself to the ground. When I said that, I meant to state the facts. I don't call myself a loser these days to be hard on myself, it is simply my truth, a definition of what I believe "loser" means and the type of life I live makes me a loser in my book and my world. I need to be honest with myself if I want to change. I can't sugarcoat this and believe that things are better than they really are. Where I am now is Level 1. No friends, no relationship, no achievements, no exercise, I'm not in shape, I'm an addict, my life is just work and my room etc etc. That's my reality, that's what I call a "loser" in my book, people don't have to agree with it, it's just how I see it. It's just that all of a sudden I want to start working to get to level 10. But for that, I need to be honest. It's just a statement that I use to describe my reality, I'm not trying anymore to make it be more than this. It's who I am right now. It doesn't mean I want it to stay. I don't want to make it a bigger deal than it is.

My advice to you would be to seek out help this year, you can't do this by yourself, and that's not a bad thing. My suggestion to you this year is to reach out and get professional help. You haven't changed, as far as I can tell, anything in your approach to this, and you're starting off this year with the same tools you started out with last year. You can't win this game, playing with the same rules and mindset. I've said that before, but I'm just saying it one more time.

Now this is something I maybe agree with. I mean, I certainly agree with that part that I've started this streak with the same tools. I definitely need to find new, better tools. I mean, I don't know if it's a tool or not but I've been playing mind games with my addiction lately, I have more determination to stay clean this time because it's January. If it was December, I wouldn't. Yes, I don't believe this alone is gon take me to the top of the mountain, but it's alright for now, until I can plan my next moves.

Stay strong brother.


Respected Member
Day 4
I appreciate the advice brother but I'm probably misunderstood. I'm past that point in my mindset. I'm past that point where I called myself a loser just to practice self-hatred and beat myself to the ground. When I said that, I meant to state the facts. I don't call myself a loser these days to be hard on myself, it is simply my truth, a definition of what I believe "loser" means and the type of life I live makes me a loser in my book and my world. I need to be honest with myself if I want to change. I can't sugarcoat this and believe that things are better than they really are. Where I am now is Level 1. No friends, no relationship, no achievements, no exercise, I'm not in shape, I'm an addict, my life is just work and my room etc etc. That's my reality, that's what I call a "loser" in my book, people don't have to agree with it, it's just how I see it. It's just that all of a sudden I want to start working to get to level 10. But for that, I need to be honest. It's just a statement that I use to describe my reality, I'm not trying anymore to make it be more than this. It's who I am right now. It doesn't mean I want it to stay. I don't want to make it a bigger deal than it is.
I get what you're saying man. You're trying to be real and keep it real, I can appreciate that. Maybe there's a better word than loser? However, if that's what gets you motivated, then so be it.

Now this is something I maybe agree with. I mean, I certainly agree with that part that I've started this streak with the same tools. I definitely need to find new, better tools. I mean, I don't know if it's a tool or not but I've been playing mind games with my addiction lately, I have more determination to stay clean this time because it's January. If it was December, I wouldn't. Yes, I don't believe this alone is gon take me to the top of the mountain, but it's alright for now, until I can plan my next moves.
You know, I've never really gotten this whole new year's resolution thing. I don't mean just here with men setting goals for a porn-free 2024 etc. I mean just in general. To me, everyday is a new day and if it's the beginning of the year or not makes no difference to me. They say that most new year's resolutions don't even make it past the first month, and it's just a cultural ritual that means absolutely nothing when it comes to successful personal growth and change. Because real change takes more than just holiday "wishing" and "hoping", it takes a real plan of action, not based on holiday feelings etc. Obviously, there's nothing wrong with this, it's just in the end, I don't see that it really changes peoples' behavior very much. It's very easy to get caught up in the "feelings" of the new year, but as soon as real life hits you in mid January and those good feelings naturally vanish, you're stuck with the same reality you had in December, and suddenly those good meaning resolutions are forgotten.

Change is not a feeling, but a decision backed up with action, whether you "feel" like it or not.

Let's put it this way, the fact that I blew it an hour into the new year didn't set me up for a bad 2024, anything else is just superstition. Just my two cents. Again, obviously, there's nothing wrong with trying to change your life for the better at the beginning of the year, but if this actually worked, the whole world would be skinny, have perfect families and love life, and there would be world peace!:ROFLMAO:

Best brother


Respected Member
I get what you're saying man. You're trying to be real and keep it real, I can appreciate that. Maybe there's a better word than loser? However, if that's what gets you motivated, then so be it.
I understand what you're saying brother. Maybe it is an extreme word. All I wanted to do was to finally get real and recognize the fact that I was at rock bottom.

You know, I've never really gotten this whole new year's resolution thing. I don't mean just here with men setting goals for a porn-free 2024 etc. I mean just in general. To me, everyday is a new day and if it's the beginning of the year or not makes no difference to me. They say that most new year's resolutions don't even make it past the first month, and it's just a cultural ritual that means absolutely nothing when it comes to successful personal growth and change. Because real change takes more than just holiday "wishing" and "hoping", it takes a real plan of action, not based on holiday feelings etc. Obviously, there's nothing wrong with this, it's just in the end, I don't see that it really changes peoples' behavior very much. It's very easy to get caught up in the "feelings" of the new year, but as soon as real life hits you in mid January and those good feelings naturally vanish, you're stuck with the same reality you had in December, and suddenly those good meaning resolutions are forgotten.

Change is not a feeling, but a decision backed up with action, whether you "feel" like it or not.

Let's put it this way, the fact that I blew it an hour into the new year didn't set me up for a bad 2024, anything else is just superstition. Just my two cents. Again, obviously, there's nothing wrong with trying to change your life for the better at the beginning of the year, but if this actually worked, the whole world would be skinny, have perfect families and love life, and there would be world peace!:ROFLMAO:

I agree with you. I'm an "expert" in those New Year's resolution thing. It has never worked in the past but this time it's been working a little bit, I got saved a few times from relapse by reminding myself that I did the same in January last year and if I don't want to repeat that and repeat the same kind of year, I have to make some changes. Yes, you could say that a relapse in January doesn't have to make 2024 the same year as 2023 but knowing me, I can do those stupid things without realizing. I could relapse again in January like last year and then proceed to half-ass the next month and the next month, I don't even see myself doing it. So I guess I really need to see myself do different things and maybe this will lead to a different type of year for me.

Stay strong.


Respected Member
do what is best for you brother. you got our back!
Thanks brother! You're killing it, as always.
All I wanted to do was to finally get real and recognize the fact that I was at rock bottom.
It has never worked in the past but this time it's been working a little bit, I got saved a few times from relapse by reminding myself that I did the same in January last year and if I don't want to repeat that and repeat the same kind of year, I have to make some changes.
Yeah that's a good point, a constant reminder of how bad you feel afterwards is a good thing to reflect on, I should have done that on my trip! :ROFLMAO:

Stay strong man.

Day 5

It feels good to be at day 5 again, but I would be lying if I said it feels great. I wrote a few days ago right after I got back from my trip that I felt "okay" because of the many good things that had happened and the personal growth. Well that was true, however, after the high of a exciting trip has worn off I'm stuck with a low number again, pissed off at myself for going down that road once more.

Well, there's only one way out of this and it's getting back up and moving.

You all have a happy porn-free Tuesday.


Respected Member
Yeah that's a good point, a constant reminder of how bad you feel afterwards is a good thing to reflect on, I should have done that on my trip! :ROFLMAO:
Yes, I know but it's not always so easy to get out of that moment, sometimes with "drugs" you don't really have the full clarity that you have after a relapse, after you relapse it's easy to say I should've done this and that but we all know how it goes, how one second can change everything how you all of a sudden peek at something and then the rollercoaster starts and you don't stop anymore. It's not a long streak for me so far but I've had many moments in the last 6 days of urges to call it quits, somehow I managed to keep in mind that I'm at rock bottom and a relapse is not gonna take me out of there. And it's not gonna help any of us here no matter how successful our lives are. A PMO when you are at the bottom of the hole is a shovel that you use to dig further, not some tool to get out of the hole.

You got this, man. You have the ability to get long streaks, you can do it.


Respected Member
Day 6

I've been thinking a good bit these last few days (as always!) about my life and my struggles. Not only about my return to porn this last week, but also my struggles with my emotions in general and how dealing with this stuff (or not dealing with it!) has often brought me back to places I didn't want to return to. Now I don't know if I'm a complete believer in Jungian psychology, but I've read his work considerably over the years, and many books about his work as well. Furthermore, whenever I've taken those personality tests online which are based more or less on his amazing work, I always come back as an INTP, that is , an introverted rational.

Now of course, there's a slew of bullshit out there about the whole "16 personalities" etc., and many people and websites oversimplify the matter greatly, turning everyone into some caricature of what each "personality" might or should be. While this is all fun and games, and can be entertaining on a Friday night, I don't find much use in any of that. However, after spending many years delving deeper into these matters, well beyond the surface of just a basic test or whatnot, I've found there's much there that can be useful for understanding ourselves and our "problems", especially our reoccurring problems.

For example, for my personality type, INTP stands for Introverted thinking, Extroverted intuition, Introverted sensing, and last but not least, Extroverted Feeling. Now these four categories, or "functions" as it is officially called, represent me and my strengths and yes my weaknesses, with my strongest being Introverted Thinking, and my weakest, Extroverted Feeling. Now someone with Introverted Thinking as their first function, is going to be someone who can easily point out logical flaws in the arguments of others or themselves, and will do so automatically, without even thinking about it. I've been doing this since I was a kid, to the great annoyance of my friends and family. Nothing is scared to an individual with this "gift" and every stone can and will be turned over to be investigated to see if its claims are true or not, emotions be damned, including their own emotions. These people can be religious, but it's often unorthodox or agnostic, because they naturally can see the truth from every perspective, thus, it's real hard to know the "absolute" truth about anything, much less the ultimate truth concerning the universe or God. Thus, in general, an INTP will be inclined to make judgements and decisions logically and reasonably, while often mocking those who are "controlled" by their emotions. "Why can't the world be more logical and reasonable" is the motto of every INTP. However... then there's my lowest function.

Extroverted Feelings

Now someone who has this function in their first or second slot, is going to be someone who extroverts their feelings in a healthy manner (I've known many) and they can extrovert their feelings as easily as I can logically think through this or that without even using an ounce of energy to do so, it's just natural for them, there's no effort to it. An extroverted feeler will be someone wishing to make group decisions, making sure everyone's voice is heard, and constantly wearing their feelings on their sleeve, thus, great empathizers to the human condition. These people live and breathe emotions, like thinkers live and breathe tying to be rational and "thoughtful". It also must be said, there's a great misunderstanding about "feelers" and "thinkers" that always annoys me. It's not that feelers don't think, or thinkers don't feel, it's more, feelers in general, like to make decisions based on their feelings, and the feelings of others, while thinkers in general, like to make decisions based on the facts of the matter, with emotions having little to no say. Thus, in Jungian psychology, feeling and thinking is not demarcated to only one group, while the other group lacks the other ingredient, but only that one group prefers to make decisions using either feeling or thinking, and so forth. Everyone thinks. Everyone feels. These categories only describe how people prefer to make decisions.

However, what does it mean for an individual who has Extroverted Feelings at the very bottom of his cognitive stack? Well, according to Jungian psychology, whatever cognitive function is in the inferior position, that is, the lowest on the stack of cognitive functions, this will be the weakest function throughout one's life, and in general, will be their Achilles' heel. It's not that you can't work on improving it, and with maturity, it can be improved, however, it will never be your greatest strength as your first or second functions are in life. Thus, the qualities that define a healthy Extroverted Feeler, will often be an INTP's stumbling blocks throughout their life. It is said that the inferior function acts like a child, and in most people, never learns to grow up and harmonize with the rest of the individual. Thus, for an INTP, seeing the world through their Extroverted Feelings is often colored in naivety, where their love of reason and logic can fly out the window in a moment's notice, leaving them wondering what the hell just happened? When these unexpected things happen, they often create for an INTP a love-hate relationship with their feelings, and the "feelings" of others. Thus, by mocking feelers and their "feelings" INTPs in some ways are trying to separate themselves from their own problems and mistakes that have happened while being under the influence or grip of their lowest cognitive function.

Positive aspects of a mature Extroverted Feeler
- Seeks group harmony in decision making
- Wants to be liked by the group, but in a healthy sense
- Freely shares their feelings with others (wears their heart on their sleeve)
- Can easily discern the emotions of others and is not bothered by their emotions
- Feels their emotions in a thousand different ways and seeks to understand them
- Is not afraid of emotional conflict
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Respected Member
Part 2

As you can see, all of these things are beautiful and wonderful, and I've known many people, mostly ladies, who are masters at these attributes and values. I have literally stood in awe when watching a woman being able to empathize with everyone in a room, sharing their emotions freely, and having no problem with the emotions of others. In fact, some of my greatest crushes in life have been women like this, probably because they have what I don't have naturally, and as they say, opposites attract.

However, what does it look like to have Extroverted Feeling in your lowest cognitive stack? And what problems arise because of the immaturity and naivety of it all? Let's look at that list one more time.

- Seeks group harmony in decision making
This has been a problem for me in my relationships with women, although it has improved tremendously over the years. Because of my fear of emotions, and the unease I have in dealing with them, often for the sake of "harmony" I have denied my feelings so as to forego some kind of heated argument that might make me "feel" uncomfortable. Of course, not only is this passive behavior, but it's being a fucking pussy as well, and only makes the problem (much less the feelings) that much worse when it actually does blow up which it inevitably does! Of course, I think I'm partly this way by nature, but also the childhood environment I grew up in. Confronting my parents a while back was definitely me growing up and being assertive with my relationship with them for the first time.
- Wants to be liked by the group, but in a healthy sense
This one I still struggle with like crazy if I'm being honest, and it annoys the living fuck out of me. It's the most irrational thing to do, but I do it, and then use my Introverted Thinking to analyze why this or that person said this, and what can I do about it? Of course, you can't do jack shit if someone, or a professor doesn't like you, however, the times I've fallen into this rabbit hole is far too many to admit. The anxiety I can feel sometimes not knowing the "truth" about someone or what they "think" about me, or why they didn't text back, has led me to back to porn many a time. New year's eve was one such occasion, among other reasons. The emotions I feel during these times can be mind blowing in the moment. Emotions, have I mentioned, it's so hard for me to deal with them?
- Freely shares their feelings with others (wears their heart on their sleeve)
This one too I struggle with. Of course, like many men, I have a hard time opening up, especially to strangers, however, I fuck myself both ways when it comes to this one. How? Well, because I often have a hard time reading a room (although it's better than it used to be) and thus, in the heat of an emotional moment in my life, where I have to open up and tell someone (anyone!) because I can't handle my bottled up emotions one second longer, I have often told the wrong person, or told too much, and suffered the consequences later. Thus, perpetuating the cycle of not only NOT trusting humanity, but definitely proving that opening up with my feelings is a dangerous option and is most assuredly NOT logical. Although I'm 99% sure I'm not on the spectrum, I would say I'm close enough to recognize how that would feel like, and I have great empathy for those people. Ironically too, since I still am an Extrovert Feeler, I desire all these things that a feeler would, thus, I want to open up emotionally to others, but often enough, don't know how to, or worse, I open up at the wrong time or the wrong person. This of course, leaves me feeling alone and isolated, which is how I felt on New Year's eve.
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Respected Member
Part 3

- Can easily discern the emotions of others and is not bothered by their emotions

Although I would say I'm not terrible at discerning the emotions of others, compared to some INTPs who are probably on the spectrum, however, I am most definitely bothered by other people's emotions, including my own. Run, is generally the verb that comes to my mind, when a room gets too emotional, especially if it's my Lady. I think many guys like myself want to blame women on being "too emotional" or "too irrational", but what I've found in my own experience, is that often when I've thought that, it's really a defence mechanism to protect myself from my own uncomfortableness of feeling hot emotions or relational conflicts. What is looking at porn, but running from the uncomfortable feelings inside?
- Feels their emotions in a thousand different ways and seeks to understand them
I've been looking into feeling out my emotions recently, and trying to express them, but I definitely need more work in this department. I've always been amazed by people, and let's be honest, mostly women, who can share every nuance of their emotional palate, like painting with a thousand and one colors. How do they do it? I don't know, but I'm in awe watching it. Of course, it often annoys the hell out of me too, because it's all so utterly illogical, however, it is still pretty amazing to behold and I secretly envy them. This must be the main factor on my eternal crush with the feminine, and just women in general. As they say, opposites attract and boy this cowboy is VERY attracted. Of course, this "love" of women, is often emotionally immature and naïve, and something I've struggled with time and time again in my life. For a man who despises fantasies and delusions of this or that, and only wants the truth when it comes to realities like politics, history etc., for some reason or other, my ideas about relationships and women, is often hovering at a childlike level innocence. How quickly I can fall for someone, or have a full on crush, is completely irrational and different than the "rational" man I present in my day to day life. On one hand, this "innocence" can appear charming to some ladies, but it's also gets me into trouble, especially if I'm in a relationship! Fortunately, I've never cheated, but I've had my chances, and often I got there by being enthralled by yet another woman. Of course, porn is nothing but a continuation of this "fantasy" of women, while riding those immature emotional highs to the desert of nowhere. Furthermore, because of my emotional immaturity when it becomes to relationships, women and feelings in general, I've often been on the receiving end of bad woman taking advantage of my "goodwill", read, utter innocence of what some women are capable of. Also, although I give off the impression of a stoic cowboy, the outside world would never know the romantic side of me, or how I can listen to romantic songs on repeat for hours on end, or watch romantic movies etc. Now none of this is bad in of itself, but it can be dangerous and has tripped me up many a time. There is no such thing as a "perfect" relationship, and even if there was someone out there "better" than the lady I currently have, the relationship would still have its ups and downs, and that's a reality that has taken me years to understand. The fact of the matter is, and I'm still learning this hard cold fact at 41, women won't fix your problems (most definitely digital ones!) and it's only a childish illusion to think otherwise.
- Is not afraid of emotional conflict
This is the one I've worked on the most in the last ten years, but yet, have still fallen short of my aims. I tell you what, emotional conflict scares the living daylights out me. I've seen some shit in my life, you could say I've done a few things, and have worked plenty of "manly" jobs etc., but opening up and expressing my truth in an emotional moment, or, listening to my partner's, can be equally if not more scary than any of those experiences. When emotions start flying around, especially negative ones, I shut off and don't want to deal with it. Period. I often choose "peace" before real growth in my relationships, afraid of what the truth might bring out. Afraid of the emotions I will have to deal with, if I continue on with my present course. It's a pussy thing to do, but I'm guilty of it, and still do it from time to time. However, it's not all bad. What I did with my parents last fall was an emotional intelligence on another whole level for me, I just need to keep on working in that direction and bear the fruits of my hard labor.


In Jungian psychology, the whole point is to integrate the whole person, and all the cognitive functions, both the strong and weak, into one healthy individuated human. Usually, there's always a battle between your higher function and your lower one. In some cases, this battle can almost look bipolar, because for an unhealthy individual, it's easy to go from one extreme to another, without knowing why. For example, as an Introverted Thinker, I can go days, months (years?) going about my business or school, being obsessed with new knowledge, schoolwork, books, my passion projects etc., i.e. living utterly in my head and using my strengths while completely ignoring my feelings. Then all of sudden, out of nowhere, because it's not healthy to deny your feelings and because I'm only human, I can swing a hard right and compulsively act out, feeling I need to come out of my intellectual tower and join the real world of "human" emotions. However, since I don't spend much time working on "human things" I will often feel inadequate and not up for the task (making friends, opening up etc.), thus, porn and other "emotional" stimulates are often shity substitutes for the real thing of human connection. Furthermore, and even more powerful, because porn does nothing for me these days, a new crush will pull me out of my tower into the real world of emotions, and suddenly I will feel alive like I haven't for a very long time, making me question my current relationship status and the longevity of it all. And since I'm always open to new ideas and possibilities, picking one woman for the rest of my life, or knowing the "truth" about our relationship, is about as hard for me as knowing the truth of the universe or God. Everything IS a possibility for me, and thus, every woman is also. How anyone actually walks down an aisle knowing they're with the "right" one is something I've yet to figure out.

The trick for myself, and what I need to aim for in my future, is to accept my emotions on a daily basis, and not leave them behind for months at a time. This emotional dissonance causes me to act out when I get the "feelings" once more, and do things I often very quickly regret. I also need to realize that my emotions for the most part, will be there to guide me, but should probably never be completely trusted to guide me in ways that a true Extroverted Feeler could rely on. I'm an Introverted Thinker, and there's nothing wrong with that, however, to find a sense of real balance and personal growth, I need to incorporate my feelings on a daily basis, and be okay with my uncomfortableness with them. Naturally, some of these shortcomings have made me an easy target for porn abuse, because it's such an easy "escape" from my overtly intellectual activity, and instead of fixing things (emotional things) in life, I can go on autopilot and forget about my life for a moment or two and "feel" emotion again, and then return back to my intellectual pursuits and not have to worry about those pesky all too human feelings.
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Respected Member
Intense analysis! I feel the pain as a fellow introvert, while there's objectively nothing wrong with being an introvert we are all social creatures and in general extroverts do much better in that regard. Whether with friends, women, etc...not to say introverts can't but it's more of a battle that requires repetitive practice vs. instinct. I wonder if there's any big difference in heavy porn usage for introverts v. extroverts, I'd guess as a percentage it's higher among introverts but could be totally wrong.

We all seek 'escapes' as you mention above, but the pull is stronger for different folks. I look around my own friends circle and at least from the outside it doesn't seem like any of them struggle with porn. I'm sure all of them have used it or use it occasionally, but I don't know how many of them got to the point of PIED (maybe none). Maybe the ones most afflicted with porn are just not an about as much as those who are not, I certainly did not try my luck with women in the early stages of the reboot -- who wants to try for something they can't have after all?

It's a confusing world man, when I was 18 I thought I knew everything and now that I'm nearly 28 I feel like I know nothing. I guess many of us are in the same boat, but it's important to keep trying to get better and improve. Stagnation is death


Respected Member
Intense analysis! I feel the pain as a fellow introvert, while there's objectively nothing wrong with being an introvert we are all social creatures and in general extroverts do much better in that regard. Whether with friends, women, etc...not to say introverts can't but it's more of a battle that requires repetitive practice vs. instinct. I wonder if there's any big difference in heavy porn usage for introverts v. extroverts, I'd guess as a percentage it's higher among introverts but could be totally wrong.
We all seek 'escapes' as you mention above, but the pull is stronger for different folks. I look around my own friends circle and at least from the outside it doesn't seem like any of them struggle with porn. I'm sure all of them have used it or use it occasionally, but I don't know how many of them got to the point of PIED (maybe none). Maybe the ones most afflicted with porn are just not an about as much as those who are not, I certainly did not try my luck with women in the early stages of the reboot -- who wants to try for something they can't have after all?
I don't know either if it's true but at least when it comes to people I knew, it was true, all the extroverts I knew didn't seem to struggle with PMO. But also, regarding the second paragraph, I don't know if any of them sought the escape. I know I did. And I'm an introvert too. I knew guys who were maybe more excited about porn and masturbation than I was and it seems only I still use them. Yes, I don't really know what they do in their private lives but I don't get this instinct feeling that they binge PMO like me and suffer the consequences for it. My cousin was the biggest propaganda machine I've ever had regarding porn, that guy was so excited about it that he wanted to try everything to make me excited too. We had the same routine until one day he started saying I'm done with that now I'm dating girls and he really looked like he meant it. He is married now and has two kids. When it comes to me, it seems that the majority of people I meet ask me when I'm gonna get married or if I am in a relationship. Sometimes I have this lab rat feeling, like the universe or whatever has created and controls this world does this on purpose. They know I am not in a relationship and has people asking me all the time about it. You know man, all this fuckin shit made me do a lot of thinking about "What ifs" and "how did I end up here?" type of stuff. I want to say I wish I never touched that god damn porn but it won't change anything. All I know is how much my life and my mental heath got affected by this fuckin shit. And all I know that the only way for me is to change all this, I have no other option. It sucks to not start earlier, I should've done this 10 years ago more seriously. But maybe it was not meant to be, maybe now I have the tools and I didn't back then. Or maybe I don't have the tools at all, who fuckin knows? To be honest, after saying this, I have no idea if I could even make it to full recovery but all I know it's that it's all on me, I decided if I recover or not. Maybe my fall into full blown porn addiction was not a conscious decision at the time but I know that quitting porn for me now is a conscious decision and I have the choice. But people are afraid of the hard work and struggle that comes with doing anything hard. It's easy to procrastinate and half-ass the process.


Respected Member
Intense analysis! I feel the pain as a fellow introvert, while there's objectively nothing wrong with being an introvert we are all social creatures and in general extroverts do much better in that regard
Yes @First_step_thousand_miles, I do think they do much better, at least, it appears so, but they also have their own blunders and bullshit, so who knows, maybe it's a grass is greener on the other side type of thing. The fact of the matter is, I like being an introvert and the positives that come with that. Of course, there's moments and certain aspects of my life when it would be nice to have that ease that they seem to have when it comes to social things etc., but I don't know if I would trade my positives for theirs if given a choice. I think for me, I just need to be more conscious of my needs, emotional needs, and make sure I don't wall myself off in my "tower" and act like I don't need anything or anyone, when I must definitely do. This only leads to me doing stupid shit. I use to never be this way, I wonder where I got off on this track?
Whether with friends, women, etc...not to say introverts can't but it's more of a battle that requires repetitive practice vs. instinct.
This is true. I definitely feel like I've had to learn how to do those things, especially talk to women back in the day. So much of my "social graces" and "charm" has all come from imitation and reading "about" charming people, it sure as hell wasn't natural. I've spent hours watching movies and imitating charming actors and how to talk, move and be funny (hopefully!). Practice. Practice. Practice. Of course, It's not that I think extroverts don't have to work at this shit either (they do!), but I do think they don't get stuck in their heads as much as we do about it, that is, analysis paralysis. Maybe it's time for me to get back to doing these things, at least a little bit.
I wonder if there's any big difference in heavy porn usage for introverts v. extroverts, I'd guess as a percentage it's higher among introverts but could be totally wrong.
Great thought. Yes I don't really know, but I would assume it's more for introverts. I just think for introverts, the temptation is so much stronger, especially if you've "failed" with women over and over again. And with today's ease of access to "sexual outlets" it's easier to get the fake version, than to actually learn how to be social and talk to people, much less women.
We all seek 'escapes' as you mention above, but the pull is stronger for different folks. I look around my own friends circle and at least from the outside it doesn't seem like any of them struggle with porn. I'm sure all of them have used it or use it occasionally, but I don't know how many of them got to the point of PIED (maybe none).
I always feel it's hard to say who would struggle with this shit, it's such a private matter. I don't think anyone would assume I do from looking at the outside. Appearances can be deceiving.
I certainly did not try my luck with women in the early stages of the reboot -- who wants to try for something they can't have after all?
Yes that makes sense, why even try.
It's a confusing world man, when I was 18 I thought I knew everything and now that I'm nearly 28 I feel like I know nothing. I guess many of us are in the same boat, but it's important to keep trying to get better and improve. Stagnation is death
lol no shit. Yeah I know nothing, and being an INTP sure as hell doesn't help! :ROFLMAO: However, I do know, porn isn't an option. That much is for sure.

Best brother.

My cousin was the biggest propaganda machine I've ever had regarding porn, that guy was so excited about it that he wanted to try everything to make me excited too. We had the same routine until one day he started saying I'm done with that now I'm dating girls and he really looked like he meant it.
Yeah man. I think certain people, don't realize what their words or actions can do to some other people. Maybe to him, it was no big deal (or maybe not!) however, to you, it's been a nightmare. We all have "our thing" and unfortunately, it's sometimes hard to know what that might be for someone else.
Sometimes I have this lab rat feeling, like the universe or whatever has created and controls this world does this on purpose. They know I am not in a relationship and has people asking me all the time about it. You know man, all this fuckin shit made me do a lot of thinking about "What ifs" and "how did I end up here?" type of stuff. I want to say I wish I never touched that god damn porn but it won't change anything. All I know is how much my life and my mental heath got affected by this fuckin shit.
What ifs don't help you brother. The fact of the matter is YOU DID. You didn't know, but now you do. So the question now is, what can you do about it?
Maybe my fall into full blown porn addiction was not a conscious decision at the time but I know that quitting porn for me now is a conscious decision and I have the choice. But people are afraid of the hard work and struggle that comes with doing anything hard. It's easy to procrastinate and half-ass the process.
You do have the choice, most definitely!

Stay strong man, and don't give up.


Day 7!

It feels good to be here. I woke up pissed off at this shit and this number. But needless to say, at least I'm a week out again. I have felt a few mild urges too, but nothing too crazy. However, actions speak louder than words. It's time to put my head down and keep moving forward.

Fuck porn.


Respected Member
The Road to Somewhere

Maybe self-improvement is just another form of masturbation
Maybe escaping from our "brokenness" will only make us more broken
Maybe we're not broken at all, but assume we are, and thus, we're never happy
Maybe just maybe, there is no "improvement" that will ever make us happy

If you're broken, what does having no woman in your bed or a thousand change?
If you're broken, what does ten days clean or a thousand days change?
If you're broken, what does it matter if you have no money or millions?
If your happiness depends on some "improvement", then are you really happy?

Maybe we're not broken at all, but have consumed the lie like a hungry glutton:
Just one more hit, one more click, one more notch, and you'll find your bliss
Maybe self-improvement is the great modern lie,
Telling us we suck, unless we follow steps 1-3 to become an "Alpha Male"

Maybe we weren't "losers" in our childhoods,
Maybe we just didn't have the support systems to be otherwise
Maybe running from our past will only make us run into it over and over and over again
Maybe there is no future date of "happiness"
And happiness is either now or never

Maybe it's time to be perfectly happy with being perfectly NOT perfect
Maybe just maybe, self-improvement is for fucking losers
Not because they ARE losers, but because every market needs a niche

No this isn't an excuse to look at porn now or forget your goals. :cool:
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