Porn is not an option


Respected Member
Fuck yeah man! You are exactly 3 weeks away from an awesome number. THAT is crazy bro. 400 days without a relapse, get out of here, who does this? I mean, for someone like me that number is nuts, like trying to beat Michael Jordan 1 on 1. Not impossible but very unlikely today. I hope in the future it happens for me to, man, I mean, anything is possible. Anything is really possible when it comes to beating porn addiction because numbers like this happen. So it's possible. Big up. Except one thing, the only thing that is impossible: Me beating Michael Jordan 1 on 1. Even if he is 61 years old. But anyway, keep up the good work bro!


Respected Member
Day 380

Fuck yeah man! You are exactly 3 weeks away from an awesome number. THAT is crazy bro. 400 days without a relapse, get out of here, who does this? I mean, for someone like me that number is nuts, like trying to beat Michael Jordan 1 on 1. Not impossible but very unlikely today. I hope in the future it happens for me to, man, I mean, anything is possible. Anything is really possible when it comes to beating porn addiction because numbers like this happen. So it's possible. Big up. Except one thing, the only thing that is impossible: Me beating Michael Jordan 1 on 1. Even if he is 61 years old. But anyway, keep up the good work bro!

Thank you, @Escapeandnevercomeback, I appreciate the support!

I think we all have that "number" that seems crazy for every one of us, if not practically impossible. My number would be 2 years, or maybe 1000 days. For some of us, that number might be a week, or 3 days. The point being, each of these numbers are important and tell us something about ourselves, that is, they tell us what we are capable of. What we've done once we can do again.

Whatever your longest streak is that's the number you need to beat, and you will (I originally wrote "and you will beat it" Oops! :cool:). I say this because last year when I blew it, no matter how bad I felt, I knew deep down I could get back to this number because I had been here several times before. That confidence helps us on this journey. We can't focus on the "never again" but we can focus on doing what we've done before, one day at a time.

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Respected Member
Some random thoughts for today.

Life won't ever get "easy."
Life won't ever be "fair."
Life won't ever be "anxiety-free."

There is no "arrival" somewhere out there.
There is no "perfect" you somewhere in the future.
There is no "perfect" day after a "perfect" 400 day streak.

There is just today.
With its good and bad feelings.
With its happiness and sadness.

Just breathe and find the beauty in that truth.


Respected Member
Some random thoughts for today.

Life won't ever get "easy."
Life won't ever be "fair."
Life won't ever be "anxiety-free."

There is no "arrival" somewhere out there.
There is no "perfect" you somewhere in the future.
There is no "perfect" day after a "perfect" 400 day streak.

There is just today.
With its good and bad feelings.
With its happiness and sadness.

Just breathe and find the beauty in that truth.
I love it man, this just screams so much Mark Manson haha, which is a great and realistic outlook on life. Life has ups and downs, but that's the beauty of realizing you have so much more control over how you handle the downs and how much you appreciate the ups. Love it my man, keep trucking!


Respected Member
Day 386
I love it man, this just screams so much Mark Manson haha, which is a great and realistic outlook on life. Life has ups and downs, but that's the beauty of realizing you have so much more control over how you handle the downs and how much you appreciate the ups. Love it my man, keep trucking!
Thanks, my friend! I was trying to conjure up my inner poet. :cool: