Day 398
Thanks pal.
I was little tempted yesterday, though it wasn't much. I've been feeling stressed about some things, and it's amazing to say, but my mind can still go there even this far out. It wasn't a super temptation or anything, but I just had this feeling it would be great to release my stress, and well that's always been my stress reliever. Thus, I ate half a box of Triscuits instead.

Obviously this is a much better than the other, however, since I've been doing so well in all fronts (my health, eating well, wine in moderation), I just felt bad afterwards and it made me think I still have work to do. It truly is the same mindset when I do both, though porn is a completely different feeling afterwards for obvious reasons. When I get in this mood, I have this recognizable feeling inside that I "have to get it out" and release my mind from overthinking. It's the damndest thing, because on both fronts (porn and over eating) I know it won't fix anything on the other side of doing it, but yet it feels "good" in the moment.
I will be focusing on my breathing today, and trying to clear my mind. I've been forgetting to do some of that recently.