Porn is not an option


Respected Member
Day 396

Any plans to celebrate a bit? It's a big achievement!
Hey my friend, that's a great question. The Lady will be making my favorite dinner on Friday and we'll be drinking some wine too. We're still going strong with our commitment to drink only a few times a month (which feels great!) but Friday is definitely on. :cool:
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Respected Member
Day 398

Thanks pal.

I was little tempted yesterday, though it wasn't much. I've been feeling stressed about some things, and it's amazing to say, but my mind can still go there even this far out. It wasn't a super temptation or anything, but I just had this feeling it would be great to release my stress, and well that's always been my stress reliever. Thus, I ate half a box of Triscuits instead.:cool: Obviously this is a much better than the other, however, since I've been doing so well in all fronts (my health, eating well, wine in moderation), I just felt bad afterwards and it made me think I still have work to do. It truly is the same mindset when I do both, though porn is a completely different feeling afterwards for obvious reasons. When I get in this mood, I have this recognizable feeling inside that I "have to get it out" and release my mind from overthinking. It's the damndest thing, because on both fronts (porn and over eating) I know it won't fix anything on the other side of doing it, but yet it feels "good" in the moment.

I will be focusing on my breathing today, and trying to clear my mind. I've been forgetting to do some of that recently.
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Respected Member
Hello mate,

I truly believe that being a little tempted is utterly normal human behaviour. Those people who don’t have our addiction I think still have similar moments. After all we’re hot blooded males and some things cannot be suppressed without, I think, somehow making our brains like monks. And with all respect to monks, I don’t believe this is healthy. What is healthy is recognising it to be basically normal feelings and not doing anything about it. We just carry on.

Looking forward to Friday for you,



Respected Member
Day 399
Hello mate,

I truly believe that being a little tempted is utterly normal human behaviour. Those people who don’t have our addiction I think still have similar moments. After all we’re hot blooded males and some things cannot be suppressed without, I think, somehow making our brains like monks. And with all respect to monks, I don’t believe this is healthy. What is healthy is recognising it to be basically normal feelings and not doing anything about it. We just carry on.

Looking forward to Friday for you,

Yes, you're right about that, @GBS. Thank you. Life is full of "temptations" and trying NOT to have them only makes it worse.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough. :cool:


Respected Member
Day 400

Thank you all for your constant encouragement. One day at a time can lead to a great number!
That is such an amazing and inspirational number! How much control do you think you have now? Are you still tempted? If yes, how easy or hard is it to deal with it? And what life changes do you think it facilitates success in abstinence? How do you think a guy like me can reach 400 days like you? Keep killing it man!


Respected Member
Day 402
That is such an amazing and inspirational number! How much control do you think you have now? Are you still tempted? If yes, how easy or hard is it to deal with it? And what life changes do you think it facilitates success in abstinence? How do you think a guy like me can reach 400 days like you? Keep killing it man!
Thanks @Escapeandnevercomeback, I appreciate it.

Let me think about those questions and I'll get back to you!
Congrats brother!!! What a milestone

As you say, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Look at how far you've come -- next step, 500 days!!
Thanks brother! I can't wait for 500. One day at a time.
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