Day 372
@searching4good, that made my day yesterday. Keep on crushing it yourself man. Porn is never the answer.
Thanks man, all truth!
Yes it's a crazy time to live as a man. We're told all the world's problems are because of us, and we're practically made a laughing stock daily in the media. How you ever watched a modern sitcom? Don't! That will positively make your dick small! lol To say us men even have a problem or struggle is often a point of contempt for many. The frantic mob will scream out "Are you fucking serious dude? Only women can have problems, so grow the fuck up!" On the totem pole of importance, us men are at the bottom of existence, somewhere between a future criminal and a shit stain left in Billy Bob's whitey tighties, but hell, at least a criminal gets free housing! Funny enough, we have all the same responsibilities as the olden days but with none of the respect that use to come with it. We're told to "man up" constantly by our enemies, and shamed if we don't follow the "script", even though no one will ever thank us if we happen to get to the finish line. If women leave their marriage, it's "you go girl!", but if men do, he's having "a midlife crisis and should learn to grow up!" Ironically, 70-90% of all divorces are initiated by women! Talk about Peter Pan syndrome! Or is that Wendy syndrome.
I'm sure many people reading this might think Blondie's a bitch for saying such things and that he must cry himself to sleep at night like a little bitch boy! Obviously they haven't got the message, didn't you hear, us men aren't supposed to cry either? The same women and culture who tell us men in one sentence that men should be more emotional, is the same society that tells us to "man the fuck up" when we don't fellow their orders, and if you resist them, they will shame you and shout "Stop crying!" Seriously, you can't make this shit up!
So yes
@First_step_thousand_miles, us men should return to our roots and how men use to define themselves in the olden days. Obviously we can go too far the other way too, but at this point, we're a long ways from that!
Us men literally built the entire world, and if we stopped suddenly doing so and had a man strike, or worse a war, all the women who think they don't need us or complain that we're not "emotional enough", would be running right back to us and loving our stoicism when shit hits the fan. I mean really, how long could the world function if us men said fuck it for even a few days and collectively sat on our asses for one week? All jobs that fix or build things are done by men. Ironically, many women with educations look down on these men as if they are better than them. Only in a world so "civilized" and mostly "safe" from threats would women think such stupid thoughts. In third world countries, no woman has such delusions. Modern women and society need us way more then they would like to admit it.
And yes, us men need women too, but generally, you don't find men saying stupid shit like that. So this isn't a hate women piece, just stating the facts as I see it.
We live in crazy times, and yes, porn is most definitely a part of the problem!
Stay strong boys, this is a fight for your life.
Did you really believe there was any other option?
Addendum: Even though a modern man is told he should do more chores around the house, and that all women will say "It's soo sexy, when men wash the dishes!" this propaganda denies the differences between the sexes and evolutionary biology or God in general. To be honest, I have no problem with being more equal, and I always do the dishes after dinner. However, I will tell you this, although my girlfriend "loves" that I do the dishes, she's never once wanted to fuck me after I finished them. But holy shit, when I build something for her or fix the car, I literally have to watch me back.
Why is this the case? This is so, because no amount of societal conditioning could override women's biological imperatives and what all women have looked for in a man throughout the ages. Washing the dishes is what women have done for all of history, and it doesn't need a man's extra strength to do it; however, fixing something, building something, was always men's work, and usually took the extra muscle we men have to get the job done. Unfortunately, this modern "religion" of equality denies these basic biological facts.
The lesson learned, we should never try to fuck with mother nature.
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I finally wrote a "man" piece
@Phineas 808 and
@SmokenMirrors, so I thought I'd tag you guys!