Thanks man, I needed to read this today.In recovery, the idea that someone recognizes that they are an addict, gets sober, and moves smoothly and consistently into recovery is a myth. The success of sobriety comes with steps forward and steps backward. It is easy to appreciate moments of success and learning. However, there is much to be gained from our struggles and failures as well. We slow or eliminate our growth and progress when we deny our struggles and failures. When we acknowledge and learn from our struggles and failures, we make future success possible. While aiming for failure is counter-productive, it is important to acknowledge and learn from our struggles and failures in sobriety and recovery.
Lol , keep those golden nuggets coming king, god bless...But I guess that's the problem with the whole enterprise isn't it, because there is nothing in this world that can give you such a natural high. Back in the day, a king's harem might of provided him with 700 fresh pussy throughout his entire lifetime. Nowadays, the biggest loser can "have" that much pussy within an hour, with his only accomplishment being learning how to type "pussy" with one hand!
Yeah, it's crazy, I don't want to look at porn, but I crave that absolute high that it brings and I haven't forget how it feels just yet - Maybe one day. However, I'm proud of myself for seeing the difference between the two, because there IS a difference. Yes, it is tragic, but every tragedy has a beautiful ending, an old habit dies and a new one takes its place.I have to agree about the trance-like state, the feeling of ”coming home” in a way… it’s no wonder it has that effect, because the brain thinks that the greatest thing ever is happening, while in reality we’re sitting there looking like a fool. It’s tragic what we’ve been sucked into here. But we’re getting out!
Yes, I went for a walk today. I felt much better afterwards.Hope you can find something to take that stress away! Remember that taking care of yourself is most important, but I definitely understand that feeling of being overwhelmed.
Amen. And fuck that shit! This is exactly what I'm going through at the moment. I too miss the high of porn but have to remind myself what a disturbing and grotesque road it takes to get there and how ultimately useless indulging in porn is.Yeah, it's crazy, I don't want to look at porn, but I crave that absolute high that it brings and I haven't forgetting how it feels just yet...
I saw something like this yesterday too! I meant to post it here, forgot, and now can't find it. I THINK the one I saw was You don't fail until you cease trying to succeed. (Doesn't sound quite right.) There are so many quotes about try/fail/success, but the one I saw was SO spot on.I read this somewhere recently and it really struck me, something like, we need to stop trying to fail, and start trying to succeed. I thought that was great, because that's what I get stuck in, trying NOT to fail, even though I'm so far from failing I don't know what the fuck I'm worried about. But nevertheless, the fact remains.
I must confess, I don't miss porn, but damn I miss the trance it brings.
lol yes it's anything BUT normal! Insane in fact. Sometimes I'll find myself still wanting it, especially when moody or stressed. It's the damnedest thing, to not want anything to do with the substance but everything with its effect! I don't have too many porn flashbacks these days, but I still have some for that insane "high" it gives. Crazy shit indeed, and all the more reason to stay the hell away. I just remind myself how it feels afterwards and all the progress I've made over this last year.Nothing quite matches it (unless you're a mystic ), because it's not normal, as you pointed out. And this is the problem with how it affects our brain, because it's so not normal that it fries our dopamine receptors, and here we are...
I can't wait. Can I push a button for that to start now??eventually we'll reacclimate to the normal highs of just living life...
Yep. If I ever wished to destroy a country from within its walls, porn would be my weapon of choice. Covid don't have shit on this immortal beast.How deceptive the whole thing is, giving us such a high while destroying what gives us that feeling to begin with, to where nothing else in life pleasures us- except porn! Insidious.
Yes, if I've learned anything over this year or so, it's just to wait it out. It's amazing how insane those emotions can be in the heat of the moment though, however, even within 10 minutes they can often subside to normal levels. I can't tell you how many times I've relapsed over the years because of some stress that took care of itself quickly and left me wondering "Why did I turn to porn for this? It fixed nothing but left me with regret!" It's definitely a great feeling to get through the crucible and on to the other side. So congrats on that little battle, because I hear you're fighting with quite the large sword these days!I was in a bad place 36 hours ago. Just a low because things at home were not going in the right direction. The low made me think, albeit for about 10 seconds, that it would be amazing to crack one out and do it in the deepest “it’s not my fault” trance.
Same to you sir!You and others are part of my rocks. I just want you to know that.