Porn is not an option


Respected Member
Wow @Nico, that sounds really interesting! Yes it is a trancelike state, and it's something one does not forget about too quickly.
like a twisted sacred space to run energy and find bliss.
I like this, because it's true. I've never thought about it quite like that before. Porn is a ritual to be honest, and like any ritual, can be useful or harmful, and it is most definitely a twisted scared space!
I have done a lot of meditation, shamanic journeying and breathwork, and find this to be a lovely alternative.
I've never done any of that before, I'm such a, how do I put this... well, I put the doubt in a Doubting Thomas lol. Maybe it's something I should look into, I know meditation for sure helps me.
I do it because it is like prayer and inner work on the level of imagination/myth/dream, and can be very healing.
Thanks @Nico, those are some interesting ideas to explore. I know for me, the sexual experiences I have with my lady are definitely spiritual and calm me down considerably.

Thanks for a great comment!


Respected Member
Honestly I probably got addicted to spiritual practices and experiences, but I have this addictive streak, and it has to be channelled somewhere so why not into things that are beneficial rather than destructive
I hear you with that. I think I'm just a passionate person in general, but it can lead to some not very good habits if I'm not mindful of what I'm doing with that passion.
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Phineas 808

Staff member
Love this discussion on trance - I definitely used PMO like this, like a twisted sacred space to run energy and find bliss. I have done a lot of meditation, shamanic journeying and breathwork, and find this to be a lovely alternative. You don't have to be a mystic to access trance states or even bliss, as it happens naturally with strong breathwork (and other spiritual practices) I have had really beautiful and cosmic experiences. I find I have to create new rituals, less twisted sacred space - not for MO or sex yet, although I hope to do that later down the line. I do it because it is like prayer and inner work on the level of imagination/myth/dream, and can be very healing.

Very good- and accurate points, Nico!

I've often wondered if my own Porn induced highs and addiction were because of my own 'mystic-like' tendencies and/or interests. For example, porn uncovers, in an inaccurate and distorted way, the sacredness of sex and of the female form. Because of my own innate drawings toward mystery- or The Mystery- I often wondered if this is why I fell for the grotesque and warped version of this!


Respected Member
Day 377

Very good- and accurate points, Nico!

I've often wondered if my own Porn induced highs and addiction were because of my own 'mystic-like' tendencies and/or interests. For example, porn uncovers, in an inaccurate and distorted way, the sacredness of sex and of the female form. Because of my own innate drawings toward mystery- or The Mystery- I often wondered if this is why I fell for the grotesque and warped version of this!
I like this @Phineas 808 and @Nico.

This is something I've always thought about, especially the "mystic" part, but never quite put it into words - thanks fellas. There's many a time when I've relapsed where I can honestly say I wasn't lusting per se, but just in awe and amazement of the beauty of the feminine form and spirit. Don't get me wrong, this isn't an excuse, just the truth, and I don't know how else to say it. Yes, porn is fake and a perversion of that natural appreciation, but that aspect from my part was sincere and true nonetheless. I've always been this way, well before my porn habit was formed, and I don't think porn made me this way either, it just twisted it a little that's all.

I'm an artsy motherfucker, always have been, a renaissance man if you will, which is why I'm always trying to separate these two trajectories in my life, even in my writing here at RN, because I can't kill that part of me, because it's me, and not some addiction that has to be stomped out. I'm a passionate man, and hiding that aspect only seems to make it worse. How I will go about making this important differentiation in my future life has yet to be determined. I will get there though, and porn won't be a part of it.

There is beauty in this world, then, there is the perversion of it. Let us always seek the former, while jettisoning the latter.

You all have a good porn-free Sunday.

And amen to you brother @Ezel! Keep killing it.
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Phineas 808

Staff member
...because I can't kill that part of me, because it's me, and not some addiction that has to be stomped out.

Fore sure! I know what it is to kill a certain part of yourself (even in the name of religion!), and it's not easy to bring that part of yourself back...

But that's the delusive nature of porn addiction or even of legalistic religion (as opposed to 'true religion') is that it takes what is beautiful and good and stomps on it, or twists it into something ugly and grotesque, or blameworthy in some sense.

Hmmm, porn and [legalistic/abusive] religion in the same game? I've never quite made that connection before... :unsure:


Respected Member
even in my writing here at RN, because I can't kill that part of me, because it's me, and not some addiction that has to be stomped out. I'm a passionate man, and hiding that aspect only seems to make it worse
Let's keep it that way, just be you brother, by doing that you are helping a lot of guys, more than you ever thought you could if you hide your passion, that candle 🕯️ inside you that burns to guide us through these dark roads.
Just be yourself that's all what we asking for.

Blessings to you Blondie.


Respected Member
Hmmm, porn and [legalistic/abusive] religion in the same game? I've never quite made that connection before... :unsure:
Good connection there @Phineas 808. Yes, I've had to weed out those legalistic tendencies from my childhood and it's definitely not an easy task to do, not to mention all these modern secular ideologies with their hatred of men and manhood in general. Porn, religious/ideological shame, hatred of yourself because you have a dick, shame because you naturally love younger women even if done with respect, all this adds to a cultural clusterfuck of problems for the modern man, and none of us were prepared for it. That's why so many of my posts consists of a two pronged battle method or strategy to defeat this beast, because it's not just Porn or the addicted parts of your mind that's the problem, it's the whole modern conundrum for us men and all the changes that have happened (some good, some bad) that we need to address and face.

Nothing wrong with religion, but some aspects of it can really get to one's mind and make them feel bad if he or she does not "live up" to something that is more of an ideal than a commandment.

Thanks again brother!

@Ezel, you just made my day! :) Thank you for that. I don't usually take compliments very easily (something I'm trying to work on) but I'll take that one with a smile. I write what I write. Some of it is probably f-ing crazy to some, and some of it is probably nonsense, with me just trying to figure out for myself what I actually believe about this or that; however, I do write with all sincerity, and it all comes from a guy just trying to figure it out as much as anyone else.

I've always preferred people who ask big questions, rather than those who have all the answers - what fun is that? The day we stop asking questions is the day we're alreadly dead, or as they say, a dead man walking.

Best to you brother!


Respected Member
I just wrote this on @Crackers1 thread, but I thought I'd post it here too. It's about shaming and staring at women.

Hey @Crackers1, this is all understandable.

A couple of things.

1. I would first acknowledge that it's perfectly okay to feel this type of desire for young women. Now that might sound counterproductive considering what you just wrote, but hear me out. I'm not condoning staring at her butt, nor fantasizing about her, nor that it's okay to act this out with porn or anything else, all I'm saying is that's okay to admit the fact that us men from 20 to 80 years old all love young fertile women. This is not a bad thing, nor should any of us think it's bad to have such thoughts, nor is it sinful, it's just our biology. You can't turn on the TV or media without hearing such shaming comments as "She could be his daughter!" or "Doesn't he want a real women?" and all the other nonsense you'll hear if you listen to the media on a daily basis. They'll use the daughter comparison because that invokes 'incest' and we all know that's bad, even though last time I checked, Leo DiCaprio has never dated his daughter lol. This is all shaming language and does us men no good because it's literally shaming our very natures, something we can't change, which is NOT conducive to our recoveries. Shame has a way to make us act out, even when we know we shouldn't. Thus, since it's not culturally acceptable for us men to like young women, this shame can often make those natural urges even more strong, and since we think it's "bad" and "naughty" to think these thoughts, well, they miraculously become even stronger and more unnatural. Does that make sense? I admit porn has probably pushed this desire to look at younger women in us men to unhealthy levels, however, we must acknowledge that that desire itself is natural, and we should never feel shame about it.
2. Yes, going cold turkey could be good for you for a while, especially TV and social media. None of that stuff will help you, especially in the first few months. When walking about, (I'm on campus on a daily basis) I try to live by the 2 second rule when it comes to seeing beautiful women in front of me. Do I do it perfectly? No, but it is something I do shoot for. What is more, no matter what, a strong rule of mine is I just don't stare at women, period. If she's not your woman, we have no right to look at her for any long period of time. Obviously just seeing her and appreciating her beauty is one thing, but to stare is just rude, and it makes women feel uncomfortable too. Also, if you can't have her in your bed, what's really the point of the exercise, besides just fueling your lust and fantasies that will never come true, thus leaving you feeling sexually frustrated in the end. Appreciating is one thing, lusting is another. I think we all know what the differences is, though it's hard to put into words.


Respected Member
Holding the glass –Therapy metaphor

It is easy to hold a glass of water out from our body at shoulder height. However, if we hold a glass of water like that for 10 minutes, it gets a lot harder. Stress is a lot like that glass of water. It is not how heavy the stress is but how long we hold it that makes the stress manageable or problematic. What stress, that may not seem very heavy, have I been holding? What have been the consequences of holding this stress? What gifts await me as I acknowledge and do something about this stress?

Stein, Timothy. Gifts of Recovery: Daily Meditations for Men and Women in Recovery from Sex & Porn Addiction (p. 299). Kindle Edition.


Respected Member
I like that one. Thanks big B.

I used to gamble a lot. I packed it up (the bigger money gambling) about 15 years ago. I told my wife I was done but I lied (a bit). I carried on albeit much smaller scale. But I still hid it. She wouldn’t have minded about the amounts (and I wasn’t losing actually)m it was the fact that I said I had stopped and I hadn’t. I will get to my point in a moment……🤷…..Hiding the small stakes gambling was stressful. Really hard. Except as I was hiding my porn as well, the gambling git a sort of free ride. When I admitted my porn problem and became clean I stopped even my small stakes gambling as well. I realised the stress of keeping secrets is ridiculous. The freedom from them though is unbelievably liberating.

Get your secrets out. It’s SO good for you.

Sleep well….it’s late here in the UK.


Respected Member
Day 379

I realised the stress of keeping secrets is ridiculous. The freedom from them though is unbelievably liberating.

Get your secrets out. It’s SO good for you.
Thanks for sharing that @GBS. Yes, hiding our bullshit from our SO can be a real detriment to us. Congrats on getting rid of both of those bad habits, I didn't realize that. 👍

I think for myself, that quote expressed the importance of being true to yourself or any stress you're feeling inside, and how if not addressed properly, these emotions can bubble up into our lives with addictions etc. For myself anyways, many of my relapses these last four years happened because I had not addressed certain problems in my relationship or life, and thus, since, I didn't address the problem, the stress kept building up until I went back to something that would make me feel "comfortable" for a temporary moment.

Either way, it's a good quote! :cool:

Best to you sir, from across the pond.