Recovery lies in the middle of paradoxes. – Therapy lesson
I found myself getting into some black and white thinking today. This quote from my book helped me a lot.
There are many paradoxes to recovery if you think about it.
For example...
We must love ourselves, but never bullshit ourselves. Which one are you?
You cannot successfully quit porn unless you love yourself first, but, you cannot love yourself while being a wanker can you?
Do not look at porn subs, porn subs here and there are just fine.
Five minutes of porn is better than an hour of porn, but five minutes of porn is worse than ten hours of porn subs!
Embrace your God-given righteous sexuality, but learn how to control it for its proper end.
90 days is everything, 90 days is just the beginning.
Respect and honor the female sex, but never be ashamed that you have the power to bend the world over.
We must embrace the two-second rule, but goddamn women are amazing!
Life is not about excessive pleasure, but, pleasure IS a good thing.
Triggers are everywhere, but only if you think so.
Porn is cheating, porn is NOT cheating.
It's good to tell your partner the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, however, they don't need to know every last detail. This isn't the Nuremberg trials. Or is it?
Don't masturbate, masturbation is okay
Recovery is not JUST about your dick, but yes it is!
Yes, you are more than your day count, but your day count does say something.
A relapse does not set you back to square one, but it DOES set you back. "Yes doctor, I ate an entire fucking wedding cake by myself, but my diet goals are still on target" WTF?
Counting your days is prideful, not counting your days could also be prideful.
Recovery should only be for yourself, but, we must do it for our relationships as well.
Tell your partner you're sorry and own up to your shit. Period. However, your shit should never let them become the "moral judge" for the remainder of the relationship.
Actions, not words, is what is needed now in the relationship, but, partners love affirming words too.
Set boundaries for yourself, but don't live under a rock for fucks sake!
Your relapse was NOT a failure, but it was, if you did not learn anything from it.
Recovery is about quitting porn, No, recovery is about starting your life.
Recovery is ALL about finding balance, peace and harmony with the universe, fuck no, you must extricate this shit from your life right now before it kills you!
Love yourself first, and let us all hold hands in brotherly love and sing kumbaya together, no you worthless porn-induced maggots, this is your last warning, you're dying a little everyday so wake the fuck up!
If you read this far God bless you, truly I mean that. However, don't you have anything else better to do with your life?
I love you all.
Please find your balance and harmony, and yes ex-wankers, please wake the fuck up, for the clock is ticking...