It's not too late, if that's what you're after.yesterday was day 7 no porn....i went out with my friend last night for dinner and drinks and i was reflecting mid night-------i was the last single one without kids....i was the last one.....and in my mind i still felt like i was 25......not 35.....and i was rtying to work out why! and it came down to my view on women...inflicted by proud of my 7 days no porn
my game plan is put some additional blocks onto my computer. also to start to exercise to introduce a release value in my life. my exercise has been less than desirable so i need to improve in that respect.Damn dude. Sorry about the relapse. What's the new game plan?
I've been curious about that myself. Have you looked up all the science on ? I feel like I've seen someone about it either there or in one of Gabe Deem's videosso i have got my testosterone levels checked- and i am under 300. i got it checked last week and then 1 month ago and its both below that level....i wonder if porn use messes with your testosterone levels?