Questions for advanced


for the most advanced. What is the most essential thing needed to have a long streak? What do you do when you are tempted? And with sexual fantasies?


Respected Member
The first thing you can do is trying to ignore the porn images that come into your head, think about something else, focus on something else. It's been helping me so far.


Respected Member
managing triggers is what id vote for being the most essential. triggers can come in all guises and at any time. they may be things you know to be triggers, in which case stopping them in their tracks is relatively easy. its the triggers that our porn-fucked brains actually invent that are the hardest to recognize. in the throes of long time pmo addiction, the brain will come up with all sorts of tricks and schemes to get you to feed the addiction. so something that might never have been a trigger before can suddenly serve as one. be vigilant constantly, and expect triggers to come from the weirdest places!
another essential thing for motivation at least, is to always keep in mind just how much porn has taken from you and just how much its raped your mind. and for what?! a few seconds of fleeting pleasure? how is the suffering it brings in any way worth that. if you vow never to feel like that again, never to let porn into your life ever again, and to never feel the sting of regret and disgust that comes after a pmo session - it goes a long way to keeping yourself motivated and focused.