Finally, I'm doing this…


Respected Member
That's the spirit @Ezel.

This is the man I love. And to be clear, it's not a love based on your "performance" or a "perfect" streak, no, it's the Ezel that never gives up is what I admire. You got this brother. I think writing down something everyday could really keep you in game when the going gets tough. Even if it's just a few thoughts or something, it really helps. One could ask, what am I still doing here after six hundred something days porn free, well, the answer is the same, I still need and feel I need some accountability on a daily basis, it's as simple as that. I'm almost three months away from my two year goal, and it is no time for complacency or a false sense of pride, and I'm okay admitting that.

Keep burning those damn boats!



Respected Member
Day 1 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

I am 24. started masturbating since I was 16. the frequency varied, I have
sometimes done it 7 times in a day, and used it to run from things that made
me sad. I used to get a temporary high after masturbating and would find it
easier to sleep. I came across the TED talk by Gary Wilson and decided to
try this.

I have been simultaneously abstaining from porn, masturbation and
meditating for half an hour a day (15 mins before sleeping 15 mins after

here are some of the benefits I noticed
-definitely a deeper and more manly voice
-feeling better about myself in general
-words come to my mind quickly instead of searching for the right word
when in a conversation
-I am more coherent in my arguments and can identify quickly if the other
person is going off-track
-dark circles under the eyes have reduced a lot. eyes feel a lot more alive and
healthier, I used to be sensitive to the morning sun, it seems to have reduced
a lot
-better digestion
-deeper sleep, I wake up feeling as rested as I used to when I was a teen,
have been having sleep problems since abt 4 yrs.
-way better memory. Almost photographic, the kind I used to have in school
-I am reasonably intelligent and would solve puzzles and riddles in my spare
time but sometime back, the will to do things had decreased, after abstaining
I feel like challenging my brain again.
-finding happiness in simpler things like having a nice meal, watching
national geographic, listening to music, or simply walking around
-the erections that I get now are much more "tight" I really hard, I
could break something wid it..haven't experienced such strong erections
since quite some time
-more energy..this one is definitely noticeable, I don't feel drained out all the the day passed I usually used to feel more and more tired. Now I
feel I can live through one more day without sleep
-a change in skin complexion.
-the meditation sessions have also become more relaxing and focused
-a renewed desire to see movies

all these effects may be real or perceived..I am not may be
placebo..but it works for me..and something that is required to create life
surely has some sort of power with it and wasting it seems contrary to
common sense..I don't know how much truth there is in the whole
"masturbation is healthy and it helps you know you sexuality and
blah"...claim by the medical community...but to me it seems the opposite is
true...I plan to go as long as possible...haven't set a deadline like 90 days or
something..will keep you updated about changes.
and thank you to the author for starting this is really a pressing
problem but society at large doesn't seem to care.


Respected Member
Day 2 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

The real take-home from PMO for me was about willpower. I've been a 10-15 a
day smoker for the past decade. Whilst drinking alcohol I used to practically
chain smoke. Basically the type of smoker who'd smoke it right down to the butt
and then eat the ashtray. Mentally, I was a million miles off being able to expel
this habit from my life. But on day 50 of PMO I had a realisation. Why am I
engaging in behavior that in no way serves my health and happiness? That is, in
effect, killing me? I kicked that bullshit habit out of my life there and then, and it
was easy. What I realised was that abstaining from PMO seriously strengthens
your willpower. Go ask your peers if they want to quit PMO. They will look at you
incredulously like you asked them if they wanted to quit breathing. This is
because quitting PMO is insanely hard and the willpower required to see it
through is mind-boggling. If you have a streak of any serious amount of time then
you will have strong willpower because this faculty has been utilised and
developed, not unlike a conditioned muscle.


Respected Member
Day 3 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

So I just hit day 25 today...I feel amazing. I feel so content doing whatever
I'm doing. It's cloudy, rainy and cold out. However it feels like a sunny day
to me. Everybody at work must think I'm on crack or something
ambition has returned. I feel grateful to be part of this.

My life seems like it has turned around in an instant. I was stuck in this anti-social, depressive and
emotional cycle. Every day I was going on youporn and polishing the pewter
like it was going out of style. It felt good temporarily but afterwards I felt
worthless. I felt like a loser...forever stuck in this cycle. I wanted a real

It's unbelievable that a few short months ago I had anxiety and panic attacks
while doing simple things such as going to the store. Now I feel like I can
speak in front of a crowd of people. Then, I was barely on any female‘s
radar. Now, they smile at me on the street, or even preen themselves within
my vicinity. Being able to pick up little social cues is mind-blowing.

The other day I was walking downtown and got turned on by the scent of
girl who passed by me. Before, that rarely ever happened. Women are trying
to get my attention now. I'm really shocked. I've been out of the game so
long it‘s like it‘s all new to me. I finally feel like I can go on dates, or even
ask a girl out...I'm still in awe.

I feel like I just woke up from a really bad dream. I feel strong to the I feel like nothing can phase me. I am just being me...a man who
is comfortable in his skin. It feels good to have this kind of swagger!


Day 3 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

So I just hit day 25 today...I feel amazing. I feel so content doing whatever
I'm doing. It's cloudy, rainy and cold out. However it feels like a sunny day
to me. Everybody at work must think I'm on crack or something
ambition has returned. I feel grateful to be part of this.

My life seems like it has turned around in an instant. I was stuck in this anti-social, depressive and
emotional cycle. Every day I was going on youporn and polishing the pewter
like it was going out of style. It felt good temporarily but afterwards I felt
worthless. I felt like a loser...forever stuck in this cycle. I wanted a real

It's unbelievable that a few short months ago I had anxiety and panic attacks
while doing simple things such as going to the store. Now I feel like I can
speak in front of a crowd of people. Then, I was barely on any female‘s
radar. Now, they smile at me on the street, or even preen themselves within
my vicinity. Being able to pick up little social cues is mind-blowing.

The other day I was walking downtown and got turned on by the scent of
girl who passed by me. Before, that rarely ever happened. Women are trying
to get my attention now. I'm really shocked. I've been out of the game so
long it‘s like it‘s all new to me. I finally feel like I can go on dates, or even
ask a girl out...I'm still in awe.

I feel like I just woke up from a really bad dream. I feel strong to the I feel like nothing can phase me. I am just being me...a man who
is comfortable in his skin. It feels good to have this kind of swagger!
Thanks for sharing these inspiring stories. There are never too many!


Respected Member
Day 4 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

8 weeks - My social calendar is getting really full. People are inviting me out; I'm
inviting people out. I'm connecting people with other people. It's all pretty fulfilling.
For the first time since my freshman year in college, I am feeling extroverted. I
actually want to go out and mingle rather than stay inside. I still have some
anxiety going up and talking to complete strangers, but I feel that anxiety is
slowly disappearing. Making eye contact with new girls used to be a struggle, but
I feel comfortable doing that now.


Day 4 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

8 weeks - My social calendar is getting really full. People are inviting me out; I'm
inviting people out. I'm connecting people with other people. It's all pretty fulfilling.
For the first time since my freshman year in college, I am feeling extroverted. I
actually want to go out and mingle rather than stay inside. I still have some
anxiety going up and talking to complete strangers, but I feel that anxiety is
slowly disappearing. Making eye contact with new girls used to be a struggle, but
I feel comfortable doing that now.
You are keeping everyone here inspired! Thank you


Respected Member
Day 5 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

6-Month Update

So it's been 6 months... Wow time flies. BTW that's 6 months of no porn and
no masturbation. I still feel like I'm recovering psychologically and
physically. Some observations:

1. no masturbation = motivation to meet women.

Guys, if you're shy around women. You'll get a lot less shy when the only
way you can get off is to have sex with a real woman. You'll still have those
butterflies, but your sex drive will provide a counter-force to overcome the
butterflies. You'll be more assertive guaranteed.

2. more turned on by touch than by visual

When I "was on porn" I'd see a hottie and want to instantly bone her. It's not
exactly like that anymore. Now I'm more turned on by the interaction and
the physical touch and less turned on by the visual. Now don't get me wrong.
I'm still a male and looks matter a lot for my arousal, but they play a lesser
role now that I'm off porn.

3. real women have flaws

This is related to porn and media in general. Real human beings have
physical flaws. You don't see these flaws on your screen. When I'd interact
with real women I notice them and consider the women sub-par. Now it's
starting to hit me that flawless women don't exist. I date some of the most
beautiful women this world has to offer (toot, TOOT!) and they all have
flaws. I always knew it on an intellectual level, but now I'm starting to feel it
on the gut level. Flaws now indicate to me that this is a real woman that I'm
connecting with, which makes her even sexier.


Respected Member
Day 6 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

I've just reached 5 weeks of abstinence. That means no porn of any kind, no
masturbation or orgasm for 5 weeks. I'm over the flu-like symptoms, which is
good and I've started hitting the weights again. It feels good to be squatting
again. ROAR!

The insomnia has gotten better, though there are still some
restless nights, but my quality of sleep has improved dramatically. I've also
noticed some morning wood, although I'm not as hard as I'd like to be.


Respected Member
Day 7 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

I feel again. I feel emotions again. Having cut way back on porn viewing
(over months), I notice I find it less stimulating every time I see it. I actually
fell asleep during an adult movie the other night! My interest in women has
heightened; my confidence is up and gives me motivation again. I'm 28 now
and until the last couple of years I felt I had the maturity of a 15 year old.
But as I heal and recover from this addiction, I've felt emotions I've never
had to deal with before. It has helped me grow up.


Respected Member
Day 8 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

My boss said that I seem much more in control and something else really
positive. I honestly HAVE been off of self-stimulation for longer than any other
time in my adult/memorable life. (REALLY! Man. I can't believe that.) But,
anyway, I think more clearly, and act more efficiently and my focus LASTS. I can
follow through, solve problems, even multiple things in a row for extended
periods of time. Additionally, reddit seemed mindless, banal and stupid to me
today and normally it's the time-suck of all time-sucks.


Respected Member
Day 9 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

It feels good to make the two-week mark w/o porn, masturbation or orgasm.
One thing I definitely notice is that women in general are looking more
attractive. It's like I can see pass all the sexual cues, and see the essence of
what I like about a woman. Some of the best benefits are that my voice feels
stronger and conversations with people seem so easy.


Respected Member
Day 10 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

1 wet dream.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

Porn was easy excitement. I didn‘t interact with others because it took too much
work, I had to think too hard, and interaction was ―boring.‖ I was numb and my
senses were dulled. And I feared they would continue to be that way even after I
quit using porn. I‘m dating a woman now for the first time since quitting (months
ago). It‘s amazing! She‘s not supple and ―perky‖ like the girls in the videos, but
I‘m more attracted to her real body than I ever was to porn. I never imagined that
would happen, and it is so exciting. I had to stop orgasming and keep off of porn
for an extended period of time. That got easier. Eventually I looked around and
realized that the colors were back in my life!


Respected Member
Day 11 (no po, no mo), monk mode.

1 wet dream.

Here’s a sampling of the comments of heavy porn users about life without
Internet porn. Some have been sharing their progress for months.

I really like where I‘m at now. I am so much calmer. I am losing my rage
and anger which I am glad about. I have found out that the temper I had was
linked to this addiction.