20 Something Reboot


Well-Known Member
New goal!
I seriously need to massively limit my phone usage, it is getting BAD. I have had a slight mental health dip recently and I attribute that to my phone addiction. It's a tough one because I need it for my business (talking to customers) but I can mute my friends in the day and only have my phone go off for customers. I'm going to come up with a plan of action by tomorrow (if I havent posted it by tomorrow PLEASE reply to this thread and hold me accountable)
Stay hard!

Day 50 meditation
Day 49 cold shower
Day 109 no MO
Day 509 no porn


New goal!
I seriously need to massively limit my phone usage, it is getting BAD. I have had a slight mental health dip recently and I attribute that to my phone addiction. It's a tough one because I need it for my business (talking to customers) but I can mute my friends in the day and only have my phone go off for customers. I'm going to come up with a plan of action by tomorrow (if I havent posted it by tomorrow PLEASE reply to this thread and hold me accountable)
Stay hard!

Day 50 meditation
Day 49 cold shower
Day 109 no MO
Day 509 no porn
Wise man!


Well-Known Member

My day from beginning to end:
  • My alarm is going to go off early every morning (as usual) but I'm only going to interact with my phone to switch off my alarm and put my music on (every single day for as long as I can remember I've lay there and scrolled through useless shit that doesn't benefit me, IM NOT MISSING OUT ON ANYTHING BY NOT DOING THIS)
  • During work hours I am going to mute my friends and reply ONLY at lunch time and after work is complete, I will keep my phone on loud in order to be notified when customers have gotten in touch so I can reply and potentially make money
  • I can only consume content that will benefit me - David Goggins, Fresh and Fit money advice, Hamza etc but not for too long per day. I also have to do NOTHING but concentrate on the content I'm watching. I am going to improve my attention span if it kills me.
  • I WILL read more. I started reading again but for nowhere near long enough
  • I am going to primarily think about my purpose and my mission instead of negative draining shit - this should happen naturally after a while, I believe the useless content I consume is mostly to blame
Does anybody have anything else that they think will benefit me? As King Blondie says - porn is not an option. It's time to expand that phrase and say consuming dopamine content is not an option

Keep fighting the good fight people!


Active Member

My day from beginning to end:
  • My alarm is going to go off early every morning (as usual) but I'm only going to interact with my phone to switch off my alarm and put my music on (every single day for as long as I can remember I've lay there and scrolled through useless shit that doesn't benefit me, IM NOT MISSING OUT ON ANYTHING BY NOT DOING THIS)
  • During work hours I am going to mute my friends and reply ONLY at lunch time and after work is complete, I will keep my phone on loud in order to be notified when customers have gotten in touch so I can reply and potentially make money
  • I can only consume content that will benefit me - David Goggins, Fresh and Fit money advice, Hamza etc but not for too long per day. I also have to do NOTHING but concentrate on the content I'm watching. I am going to improve my attention span if it kills me.
  • I WILL read more. I started reading again but for nowhere near long enough
  • I am going to primarily think about my purpose and my mission instead of negative draining shit - this should happen naturally after a while, I believe the useless content I consume is mostly to blame
Does anybody have anything else that they think will benefit me? As King Blondie says - porn is not an option. It's time to expand that phrase and say consuming dopamine content is not an option

Keep fighting the good fight people!
Going old-school with an actual alarm clock is the best thing I ever did. Charging my phone far away from my bedroom at night is probably why my reboot has been successful so far and also helps a lot with getting on track in the morning.

I also have a piece of paper stuck on the ceiling above my bed saying "don't go on phone in the morning" hahha


Well-Known Member
Gentlemen, may I give you a challenge? We are approaching the end of the week so let's give you a weeklong task, starting this monday. It doesn't matter what you're doing, but you must focus on only that one thing. Could be work, play, chasing dogs, it doesn't matter! Simply focus on one thing at a time and do not let your brain distract itself with other things. Let me know how you get on at the end of next week!

Day 54 meditation
Day 53 cold shower
Day 113 no MO
Day 513 no porn


Have you used the "postage stamp" test? "A strip of stamps is secured around the base of the penis prior to sleep. A broken stamp upon waking signifies a positive test." You may be getting nocturnal erections and just don't know it.

Also, some men who have been skipping MO for a while report that whether or not they've seen much MW, when they're with a partner, Mr. Happy perks right up. So, you could see what happens with a real partner...if you have a FWB or you are willing to go slowly and build a real relationship with a partner.

Believe it or not, sometimes guys - after a long period of abstinence - need to masturbate (once, without porn, should do it), to jump-start things. It's a way of harnessing "the chaser" (https://nofap.com/faq/chaser-effect/). Of course releasing the chaser can be like releasing the Kraken🦑, so be ready.


Respected Member
Quick question for you all, when did you get your morning wood back? I'm still not really seeing signs of it, and I genuinely can't remember the last time I had it consistently! Must've been before puberty

Day 65 meditation
Day 64 cold shower
Day 124 no MO
Day 524 no porn
Haven't had mine back yet really. I'll start getting random boners sometimes (not super often) which is a nice sign -- unless I"m not remembering correctly this really only used to happen in my teen years -- but like you I'm still waiting for regular morning wood.

I heard though from reading reboot stories many guys are able to have sex before their morning wood comes back while for others they have morning wood come back and then have successful sex. Either way there are both cases, but I do believe that morning wood probably should eventually come back. For some people it seems to be every morning, while for others maybe a couple days a week. Dunno, others like Blondie probably have more to say here haha


Respected Member
You know, I know I've mentioned it a few times on my thread, but in general I've never really talked about morning wood much. However, I do get MW sometimes, but I've never counted the days or anything like that so I can't say with certainty (scientifically) how often it happens. I do know that it happens considerably more when I refrain from having any orgasms though. As far as when it started in my recovery, I think it happened pretty quickly for me, as in a few months, but remember, my recovery is different than you two, because I was in a weird fuck of having relapses every 3 or 4 months, so my brain was in some ways living in a half healed mode. Furthermore, @Androg is right in that it depends on the sleep cycle you're in when you wake up. My Lady often says I'm hard during the night (apparently she plays with it!:cool:) but it's not hard when I wake up so it really does depend on that. I think the morning wood and random boners could be signs of healing, and obviously are to some extent, however, these are really products of our teenage years, and as you get older, they don't happen quite as much, thus, I don't know if I would lose any sleep over this one way or the other. But I understand how it would be another cool benchmark on this journey, so, keep on rocking on brothers!

As I wrote this I just had a thought, surely there's a band out there in America called Morning Wood :cool:

Best to you gents!