20 Something Reboot


Well-Known Member
Day 133 - Not too bad today! I had another minor sex dream but luckily there was no surprise waiting in my boxers for me :ROFLMAO: I believe that sex is on the mind now that I'm becoming healthier
Day 19 of no MO
Great stuff my dude. Great to see how much progress you're experiencing! Ultimately that's the goal, you're definitely getting close to your 'factory settings' as a man


Well-Known Member
Day 136 - I have been contemplating the issue of masculinity recently. I believe that, in the modern day, us men are encouraged to suppress our masculinity. A lot of people believe that 'Masculinity' and 'Toxic Masculinity' are interchangeable, and they also believe that us men should all degrade ourselves and 'cleanse' ourselves of our testosterone and our masculinity. This is very dangerous, as our testosterone regulates our motivation, ambition and mental health. This could be part of the reason why so many men are addicted to porn. I'd like to push back against these societal norms, and encourage my fellow man to embrace his 'Authentic Masculinity'.
Authentic masculinity is all about supporting our fellow humans, male, female and everything inbetween. It is about pursuing ambitions and life goals; building genuine connections with other people (especially our fellow men); showing compassion and bravery in difficult situations; pushing ourselves to learn as much as we can; disciplining ourselves to become the best versions of ourselves; and many other positive traits!
It can be so easy to suppress ourselves into simply becoming 'passive' in life, by simply going to a job we don't like every day for 8 hours and coming home and NOT developing our own side ambitions. Using porn only reinforces this 'passive' lifestyle, since constant porn use erodes a man's will, motivation, testosterone, free thinking and zest for life. As a part of my reboot, I've come to realise that disregarding societal pressures and embracing your authentic masculinity is key to becoming the best version of yourself! So, quit using porn, go and work on your ambitions, get yourself exercising daily, fix your diet, disregard people's opinions and become the best YOU!

Stop saying one day
Start saying day one!

Notable cases of authentic masculinity:
Vinny Paz - a boxer who's borderline superhuman efforts to regain his mobility after a serious spine injury inspired the world
Arnold Schwarzenegger - Built his own legendary physique while simultaneously lifting his fellow bodybuilders to become the best version of themselves
Zyzz - Inspired an entire generation of men to disregard external opinions and supported others to work on themselves, both physically and mentally
There are many more but I need to sign off now and get things done, I hope my words can resonate with at least one of you, let's embrace our authentic masculinity people! Big love!
Day 22 of no MO
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Phineas 808

Staff member
Good word, Smoke! Had this very conversation yesterday, and noted how the coming "Metaverse" with their [stupid] avatars are purposely trying to feminize us men. I had made an avatar awhile back on FB (never used it), and the suggestions FB gives on how and when to use it, the different 'poses' for it, sickened me- because it was like purposely trying to 'condition' the user into being less male and more feminine.

My conjectures took it farther, like, wouldn't it be easier to 'control' a populace that was 'less male'? Less creative, less initiative, less critical thinking, less willingness to stand up for themselves...! No thanks!


Active Member
I fell into a rabit hole on youtube a while back with a lot of videos that prescribed rejecting modernity and embracing masculinity. These videos not only served as tremendous motivation for the gym, but also helped me realize the state of the world and the state of manhood. You're a 100% right, what it means to be a man is changing, and it's changing for the worse.

Porn is definitely a weakness that inhibits someone from being a "true man" as you described. I think that's why this reboot process has been so mentally exhausting and frustrating for me. Whenever I watch porn I feel like I lose some of my manliness in the form of discipline and control...

Thank you for reminding us all of this!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the love @Blondie, @Phineas 808 and @anubu0! I am so glad other men feel this way, we are living in a world that aims to erode your identity! Embrace your masculinity and be proud to be a man! I'd also like to shoutout the women out there that support men with their struggles, and the women who encourage men to embrace their authentic masculinity!

Also, yes @Phineas 808 I am sure that less masculine men can be more easily controlled, in the eyes of society a 'good' man is a submissive man that does nothing but earn a wage, masturbates to porn and keeps quiet!

@anubu0 I 100 percent agree! That touches on what Phineas was saying, porn erodes anything and everything that makes us men (free thinking, confident, assertive etc) and turns us into passive husks!

Keep fighting, kings❤️
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Well-Known Member
What exactly do you do when you are "embracing your authentic masculinity?" - do you have some examples?
Most of my boost has came from knowing that it is okay to be masculine and it has helped to calm my tumultuous soul (since masculinity was a huge part of my identity growing up but I tried to suppress it over time).
Authentic masculinity is open to interpretation. For me, it is:

Becoming the best version of yourself - regular exercise, healthy eating, ambitious goals to achieve, disregarding people's opinion (unless you specifically asked for their opinion on something, or they prove themselves to give valuable advice even when not asked for it). Read a lot of books, fiction, non-fiction, it doesn't matter! Reading is very good for the soul and it grows your personal vocabulary and your knowledge base. It also helps to develop your imagination, which is very important. We should always be learning new things, primarily focus on things that you want to learn but you should also put some energy into learning things that you need to learn (plumbing, basic electrics, putting up shelves, basic car maintenance etc). Naturally, you need to wait until you are ready to learn these things, I know more than anybody that concentration and memory can be the first to leave and the last to come back. Be patient and trust the process, porn abstinence will help!

Supporting your fellow people - this goes across the board. Support your friends in their ambitions and goals, give good advice (only when you know what you're talking about, bad advice can be very detrimental to people). Support acquaintances and strangers, even if it is simply smiling and saying hello as you cross eachother in the street. Ask people how they are doing (nobody ever does, believe me. It will help them a lot). Help people online, in forums etc, when they ask for help and you know the answers (or you feel that your interpretation can help). Check up on your friends (and family, if you like them) regularly, especially if you know they are in a bad place or their life is going through a major change (moving house, new job, new relationship etc)

Learn to love your own company. Don't put energy into trying to find any relationship that you can (95/100 times, these relationships always end badly and quell your progress as a human being). If you've been single for a while, that's great! You're happier than a lot of people who are in relationships! If you are in a healthy, happy relationship, make sure to ask them how they are regularly and support them in their goals, much like with friends. Note down their hobbies and interests and surprise them with something that aligns with these hobbies and interests every now and then (it doesn't have to be often, and it doesn't have to be expensive).

Be assertive, learn how to make good decisions quickly (abstinence from porn helps MASSIVELY with this). On the topic of porn, go nowhere near it! Porn quells your testosterone, self esteem, thinking skills, ambitions, sex drive, energy and it makes you depressed. It turns you into an empty shell and a slave to your job and other people (since you have no assertiveness and your self esteem is low). If possible, stop masturbating in general as well. Your confidence will go up and that crippling self awareness will disappear!

Learn how to be cruel if the situation requires but always CHOOSE kindness, when applicable

Hope this helps!
Day 138
Day 24 of no MO


Well-Known Member
Day 136 - I have been contemplating the issue of masculinity recently. I believe that, in the modern day, us men are encouraged to suppress our masculinity. A lot of people believe that 'Masculinity' and 'Toxic Masculinity' are interchangeable, and they also believe that us men should all degrade ourselves and 'cleanse' ourselves of our testosterone and our masculinity. This is very dangerous, as our testosterone regulates our motivation, ambition and mental health. This could be part of the reason why so many men are addicted to porn. I'd like to push back against these societal norms, and encourage my fellow man to embrace his 'Authentic Masculinity'.
Authentic masculinity is all about supporting our fellow humans, male, female and everything inbetween. It is about pursuing ambitions and life goals; building genuine connections with other people (especially our fellow men); showing compassion and bravery in difficult situations; pushing ourselves to learn as much as we can; disciplining ourselves to become the best versions of ourselves; and many other positive traits!
It can be so easy to suppress ourselves into simply becoming 'passive' in life, by simply going to a job we don't like every day for 8 hours and coming home and NOT developing our own side ambitions. Using porn only reinforces this 'passive' lifestyle, since constant porn use erodes a man's will, motivation, testosterone, free thinking and zest for life. As a part of my reboot, I've come to realise that disregarding societal pressures and embracing your authentic masculinity is key to becoming the best version of yourself! So, quit using porn, go and work on your ambitions, get yourself exercising daily, fix your diet, disregard people's opinions and become the best YOU!

Stop saying one day
Start saying day one!

Notable cases of authentic masculinity:
Vinny Paz - a boxer who's borderline superhuman efforts to regain his mobility after a serious spine injury inspired the world
Arnold Schwarzenegger - Built his own legendary physique while simultaneously lifting his fellow bodybuilders to become the best version of themselves
Zyzz - Inspired an entire generation of men to disregard external opinions and supported others to work on themselves, both physically and mentally
There are many more but I need to sign off now and get things done, I hope my words can resonate with at least one of you, let's embrace our authentic masculinity people! Big love!
Day 22 of no MO
Could not agree more! Entire western world is convincing men that it's wrong to be men these days. It's sad to see because it's clear that it's damaging both them & their relationships with women. I love this mentality here of constant self improvement & quiet confidence -- this is the way