In the "Porn Brain Rewire" podcast, Dr. Trish Leigh mentioned writing out what your ideal week looks like. Or just your ideal day, how you think your day would be if you could change everything right now. I think it's a powerful method of change, because most of our lives are spent just playing out our habits and almost involuntary actions that we are conditioned to do. Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. Not sure who said that, but it came to mind.
I mean, we aren't really in control of our own actions. It's like we don't really have free will. I don't mean to get into deep waters here, this is a very subjective topic with a lot of different opinions, but I think I'm starting to really believe that. From the moment we are born, we are just thrust into the world without any say in the matter - I was born in Norway, but chances are probably equal I could be someone born in New Zealand. From there you are subject to your parent's opinions and ideals, on things like politics, religion, spirituality, taste in music, which in turn is influenced by the society they live in. We take after our family and friends, and then after other people we look up to later in life. We might rebel and change our minds, but always in relation to the person we were up to that point and always being inspired by someone or some group of people.
Every single thought and opinion we have was put into our heads at some point, everything comes from somewhere, nothing just appears out of nowhere. It's like a musician creating a piece of music - every note, chord progression, rhythm, harmony and sound she uses was inspired by something else, and by arranging those things taking from several different sources can she create something that appears original - nobody just conjures up music without taking inspiration from something else. It's the same with every philosopher and great mind throughout history. We like to give individual people so much credit, but in reality we should be crediting the people around them as well. We are all standing on the shoulders of giants.
I guess what I'm trying to get to here is that our beliefs and actions may not be as voluntary as we like to think. So many people here want to leave porn behind for good, but seem to be stuck in a mode of living where they just can't seem to get away. We are so bound to our habits and ways of thinking, and it seems so hard to change. Myself, I seem to get stuck in a way of life that involves sitting in the couch and watching things that other people created and paid for with sweat and tears, that they worked months or years on. They achieved something, and I'm simply consuming it and letting myself be entertained. For what? Why am I letting my time slip away from me? What am I waiting for?
I think the way to really change is through small changes. The little things we do every day. We can have grand ideas about what we want to be as a person and what our life is supposed to be like, but the truth is that we are living our lives right now. There is no point in getting stuck in past or future. Regretting past mistakes and hating yourself. Conjuring up a fantasy of the life you dream of living some day. Life is right now. It's this moment that is happening in this instant. It's putting on your shoes. Picking up the guitar. Opening a book. Rubbing a dog. It's looking up and noticing the world and waving to your friend across the street. It's being willing to admit that you're scared of something and just doing it anyway.
Life is a gift. The minutes, hours, days and weeks of our lives are never coming back in any way, shape or form. Let's not waste any more time and give it everything we've got!