
Hi, i just wanted to make a post reminding myself and everyone else that
Porn is evil
Porn will damage all parts of your life a great deal
Porn will probably make u lose a lot of your time and energy
Porn is 5seconds pleasure, months (at minimum 3) of pain and suffering
Porn is not an option
Watching porn is like a man who ate a good looking meal that has intense poison in it, which results in him being sick for a LONG time and missing out on a ton of other good meals with no poison and good benefits for his body and his life in general.
Porn makes u dumb, i mean how can u even watch it KNOWING that it will ruin your life and that u will regret for a long time the moment u finish ur thing(which isnt more than a few minutes), meaning ur exchanging 5seconds pleasure for months of long and good time. The only word explaining such a thing is: dumb.
In short, its better for u and ur life to disobey that feeling of watching porn by actually looking at the consequence, right now u are in a dark tunnel, look at the light at the end of the tunnel not the darkness surrounding u, each time u watch, u get deeper into the tunnel, and each time u resist things become easier, the light becomes brighter, and u gain a lot of other benefits that u probly dont even know of.