Hi, Orbiter! Wanted to comment a little on the above, but was caught up in busyness.
First of all, congrats on the 12 days above! This is no light feat, as you more than all know. Never mind that much was due to your own busyness, because, I suspect (as would be true of me), if you wanted to obsess and give in, busy or not busy, we would've found a way! I think you're keying into a certain habit-pattern, busyness versus relaxation time; and then there's the 'reward factor' which you also mentioned.
You touch on an important comparison, too. The eating disorder pattern of binge and purge, coupled with bulimic-like symptoms definitely resonates with me. As you may know, I often compare sex/porn addiction with eating disorders (as well as other addictions, including, if not especially (?), OCD). Why? Because food is a major driver of our survival, as is sex (survival of the species). And so 'disorders' regarding these key into the same instinctive parts of the brain (lower brain, or 'beast-brain').
Finally, good point about habits and lifestyle. We know a definition for insanity is: doing the same things but expecting a different result. This has been a major issue for me, changing the habits that surround the habit, which for me is social media in particular and phone use in general.
You're in an excellent place for major change, just be patient with yourself, and keep asking those deeper questions.