I guess this is where grace comes in?
Exactly, Orbiter! You're never truly back to square 1, why? Because we can never unlearn what we've learned. Sure, we may have [re-] sensitized those nueral pathways through habituation, but what we know, we know.
I want to comment on what you also said above:
The truth is I basically give up on myself a little bit every time I PMO. The act of PMO itself is basically the act of giving up. For whatever reason or whatever temptation, saying it's all too hard and throwing in the towel only to regret it thirty or so minutes later.
I'm not contradicting what you say here, but consider: on a certain level, you're simply acting according to a habitual script. This is simply your habit right now- we can say addiction, too, an addiction to dopamine- but what is habituated can become unhabituated.
I know each time we act out we let ourselves down, break a promise to ourselves. Two ways to approach this:
1. Stop making promises to ourselves. Take this thing one day at a time for now. Be very, very gentle with yourself, compassionate to the nth degree. Making promises, setting rules, gritting our teeth, all of that just feeds into the whole thing. Instead, begin seeing yourself as already free, and maybe your brain just has to catch up. Dig deeper,
dare to believe that maybe you're free right now. Cetainly, that's where we're going anyway, right? Why not 'teleport' yourself there now?
2. Since we've habitually let ourselves down, as it were, begin to rebuild that confidence in yourself again. Make little promises to yourself that you can keep, and then celebrate those. Promise yourself today, 3 days, 5 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, little goals that each time you meet them, you've kept a promise to yourself. If we're in the habit of breaking promises to ourselves, our confidence in our will-power is greatly diminished. Hypofrontality (brain-fog), too, makes it harder to trust in our ability to say 'NO'. But, like any muscle, start with the small commitments, and then work up from there.
The two approaches above may seem to contradict, but they are just different perspectives and vantage points, and can perhaps even be followed on different levels or planes, if you will. The first is more deeper and fundamental, even heart-level; the second is more surface and deals with what we can do today. Both should be practiced, and this house of cards will implode, and we'll be free.