Where "some" of the blame lies in my case

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Respected Member
I must say in over 4 years of fighting this and seeing the victory in site i feel its time to post herein the partners section. Where does the some of the blame lay in it taking this long to beat this demon? Some of it I will lay at my partners feet. Her need for power and control over our lives is probably the number one reason. After 15 years of marriage I now see the results of her decision making. A very much her way or the highway mentality which has now trickled down to an 18 year old daughter who has said to my face that " I have the god given right to live my life as I dammed well please and if you have a problem with that you can go fuck yourself" No wonder some of us turn to a vice to get through. The only talk you usually hear in this section is the issue of trust. Yes trust should be everything in a relationship. And in my case there was no "breach of trust" My wife knew I surfed porn and couldn't have cared less. We have sex we do things together She is not "neglected" But the frustration of her outlook and how she needs to live her life can at times be very frustrating. Perhaps it might have been easier to get out 12 years ago and start over.... only one glitch there. I love her deeply. These issues have been discussed between us on many occasion. The result is usually less sex in our marriage. That I can live withy these days

The other reason I found it hard to fight this was a few partners who took it upon themselves to tell me I was no being the "best version of myself" I could be for fighting this in a way that I saw fit. This was done on my Journal. Incredible how I am in the fight of my life and to have someone tell me i am doing it all wrong because the only "experience" they really have is in their own struggle with their porn addicted or rebooting partner. Never once did i take it upon myself to involve myself in a partners journal and throw my opinions and arguments in and say "perhaps they need to do something different" Until now.

Winning the fight
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