Day 48
This is my first weekend without weed in a long time, so I was sceptical as to how it would go. But, it's been a real good weekend so far. I slept for 10 hours on Friday night so I had a ton of energy on Saturday and put it to good use doing yardwork and oil changes on the vehicles. It felt good to be productive and I am satisfied with my progress. It's so fucking hot and humid here tho, like 98° plus humidity, so I sweat-soaked all my clothing. This has been a brutal summer so far.
I didn't take any Benadryl last night just to see if I could sleep without it -- and I slept like shit, tossing and turning all night. Not good. Today I have felt kind of lethargic and slow to energize, but I'm not letting it diminish my good mood.
We have had plenty of sex this weekend, just like usual
The fantasy is still there, but it seems like I am able to control it more, and keep it in the background, and have my connection to wife as the main attraction. I have always used my imagination during sex and masturbation, ever since I was 12 so I'm not too worried about it. If the fantasies begin to become a flashback of porn, then that is different and I stop myself and bring my focus back to the present. This practice, as well as my daily meditation practice, is teaching me that I can control my thoughts more than I previously believed. Hey, I'll take it. Progress is progress.
Every week that goes by, the porn monster dies a little more, and the sex gets better, as well as my overall quality of life. My wife has been unusually horny this weekend, which has been nice.
I didn't expect to enjoy a sober weekend this much.
I have really felt the joy of being present and more aware of the moment, and not being stoned has left me with more energy physically and mentally. I think I'm going to abstain from the devil's lettuce next weekend too lol.
My only real complaint at the moment is back pain. I deal with some chronic back pain from a spinal injury I sustained in my early 20's. Sometimes the pain is so bad it's hard to get out of bed and walk, and twice in the last year I have had ER visits due to it. This last week the pain has been quite bad. The Dr wants to put me on Opiate pain killers, which I refuse, due to the fact that I used to be addicted to them. The only thing that gives me relief is marijuana edibles, and that is my primary reason for using them. But they aren't perfect and present their own negative issues to be dealt with. But I find it easier to deal with them than to be addicted to opiates, so I choose the edibles.
At any rate, life is going well. I feel that I can deal with whatever problems come my way, as long as I stay away from porn, alcohol, and hard drugs.
One thing I often say to myself is this:
It matters less
what I am going thru, and more
how I am going thru it. Because the cold truth is that we will always have problems, no walk of life is immune to them, but how we choose to deal with them is what matters. I truly believe that is true.