Alright guys, here I am again. Hasn't been a great month. Haven't been binging much, but it's been a slow steady drip-feed of porn and porn-adjacent content. Getting sick of it, but feeling stuck. I'm in that zone where I just feel that itch sooo often, and I'm having such a hard time not scratching it. Haven't PMO'ed in ages, the issue for me is more edging. Somehow not O'ing to porn is a hard line that I can almost always hold, but it's not like it's really helping me at all tbh. I mean maybe there might be some benefits I'm getting in the recovery process, maybe it would be worse if I was O'ing all the time, but the reality is that I still get the dopamine hit from the hunt. And I feel so empty without that dopamine hit these days... *sigh*
I'm not beating myself up a ton. I'm also seeing value in myself in all kinds of ways, and I'm proud of many things that I've been doing. But I just continue to feel stuck in this porn trap, and I don't like it.
Anyway, back up and at it again. I'm gonna count it was a win right now to get 3 days free, because that'll be more than I've had in a while. And to do that I'll really need to be working hard, because I know for sure that there will be moments when I get that itch. Sooo I need to come and post here when I get the itch, and each time I do so I want to force myself to post the concrete action that I am going to take instead of doing porn. Preferably something away from the screen, but that'll depend on circumstances.
Day 0
Not a big number, but it's a number. And that means I'm in the fight again.