Hey Dungalef,
I can definitely attest that it gets much better the further you go along on your recovery. Does it still happen to me? Yes it does, but in general a whole lot less. Of course, there is a difference between regular lusting or appreciating women and porn flashbacks popping in your head and you having little to no control over it. The latter WILL get better as you progress month by month and that's good news.
As far as noticing beautiful women in general, if you're a healthy man with a heartbeat, that's just going to happen and that's okay - in fact, I think getting worked up about it only makes it worse because then you voluntarily give up your power of self-control and start seeing "triggers" everywhere! Or worse, you start blaming women and start calling them whores and sluts and acting like every women is out there to tempt you! Yes our society is fucked up and overly sexualized, however, we men still have control. So let's start acting like it.
Things to keep in mind that I've learned so far about this.
1. Don't ogle women! Now I'm not saying you do this, but if you do, work to quit this bad habit immediately. Ogling only increases your lust, and it definitely won't win you any points with the fairer sex, especially your wife/partner. Going along with this point, there's a great difference between noticing a beautiful woman and looking for "HOT CHICKS!" I think we all know what I mean by that. The former could be a colleague, an attractive barista, a woman walking in from of you etc., the latter is literally being a douche and looking all around for hotties, or "scoping" as we use to call it!
2. The Two second rule, i.e. look once! There's nothing wrong with noticing a beautiful woman (hell, how could you not?), in fact, denying it might make your problems worse! So what do you do then? Well, when you see her walking about or whatever, thank God for the fairer sex and then mentally move on with your day. Don't us men have better things to do than fantasize about women we'll never have in our beds? If she's not ever going to be there, what's really the point of the exercise?
3.Also, try not to NOT think about lusting or a particular woman or a porn scene etc., but purposefully switch your mind to something else, a goal, a great hobby, your wife/partner, children, whatever, this is always better then putting up a FIGHT! One produces anxiety because you "Might screw up!" the other peace and joy because you're thinking of good and beautiful things. It's true, we are what we think.
4. Just imagine that these "HOT WOMEN" are also people, moms, daughters, wives etc. I can honestly say, this last one becomes easier and easier the further I get away from porn - thank God for that!
Do I do all of this perfectly? Absolutely not, and that's okay.
Best brother.