Well-Known Member
Day 17. Mind is super clear. Feeling just really calm which is great. No MW, but I did get randomly hard earlier so I feel like I'm definitely improving a lot with that. Had urges to pmo last night, but I stayed on task of what I was doing and the urge eventually left. Yes, it felt uncomfortable at times but I'm the only one who can give it the power to take me under the water. Glad I didn't. Really proud of myself for this reboot in particular. I've seen some stuff that triggered me by accident a few times, but I've kept going and didn't let the worry and anxiety of that ruin my progress by causing a relapse. Usually, I would have gotten in my head about those things and would have eventually relapsed so it's huge that I didn't. Also, it's amazing how anxious pmo makes you. Usually I'm really anxious and I worry a lot. But today I'm calm, not anxious and my worries are very very weak. It took me a bit longer to get these benefits than it usually does, I think the first 2 weeks was my flatline period. Thankful to be out of that...or I seem to be. Have a great day, everyone.