Last night, I hit rock bottom finally in this addiction. I was watching a football game and out of nowhere, I got a flashback of a video I had seen. It was a very strong flashback and it wouldn't go away. I ended up going to the dark side to find what my brain considered the perfect and best video at least at the time. I spent over an hour looking for it, and never found it. This crushes that myth for me that there is a perfect one out there. Our brains make them seem that way to get us to give it what it desperately wants. Dopamine. I was up until 3am. I have no one to blame but myself for falling for this again. I can only go up from here. These last 5 years of trying to quit have been filled with highs and lows. I'm just glad I finally hit the lowest point. For some people, it takes that to finally be able to get better. It isn't fun posting this. It was pathetic and sad. Wasting and hour looking for something like that. I take full responsibility for it. I just wanted to be honest with everyone here. I'm gonna log off now and take a shower and try to get myself in order. I'll be back on later.