@First_step_thousand_miles, it seems you've really been thinking about his thoroughly, which is great, and I think you're on to something.
I think all of these factors are important, but yes, probably the greatest one is just rewiring with a real woman, as you said.
This is beautiful, and it's great to know that about yourself. Most one night stands are basically just glorified masturbation, with nothing there besides two people getting their rocks off. I don't have a moral problem with it
per se, but that is the truth of the matter for the most part. And even if there was something else there besides bodily needs (like a real connection), for your situation, that still really wouldn't help you.
Well, think of it this way, without doubt, porn is the non-negotiable item here, with everything else just being positives for your recovery in a periphery sense. So try not to be so black and white with the MO issue, just do what you can reasonable do without stressing out too much about it. That way, if you do "fail" before a certain day you were trying to get to, you can just get back up and keep on moving. Because ten days without MOing, then another ten days, is better than 27 days without MOing, then "failing" and throwing in the towel because you can't get to "90 days" or whatever. Anything here is better than nothing, though you should always give it your best shot.
I wrote this
post on
@Ezel's thread a few weeks ago, about trying to see each battle as a moment in time, and not in any undefined terms. It's easier to keep fighting, in this case, not going to MO, when you know the battle is only temporary and will not last forever. So maybe for you, don't think about some glorious 90 days of no MO, but only one week at a time, that is, one battle at a time.
You're doing great man. Keep killing it!