Here I am again. Partly because I want to finish the reboot I started here but mostly because I managed a few 5 - 14 days streeks in the last 2 months and I would really love to get rid of the fucking porn and masturbation in my life! It destroys me! This in combination with youtube and other screen time escapism. It's hell on earth. And I don't know why I always keep falling back to this crab, when it's getting hard in my life.
I was trying to cut out both, the youtube escapism and porn - maybe both is too much? I don't know. Really. The thing is - I don't know HOW THE FUCK I get over this shit! Good, let me think: In working out and studying it's the same path: Either you feel like it or not, just show up, put in the work and slowly but steadily progress will come. Starting small also helps.
What I have learned so far from the reboots:
- No Arousal works best: Not even looking at hot girls or sexy advertisements, no Porn Substitutes and god forbid no peaking at fucking porn sites! When ever I lose one of these small fights, the P Moster gets a litte snack and the cravings start to overwhelm me.
- I really MUST make sure to get good rest. This means getting away from spending the evenings and all the free time in front of the pc!
Ok. One step at the time: Today is porn free, no arousal no looking at hot girls, no thinking naughty thoughts - I can do one day clean. It's easy and a porn free day is so much better than a relapse and binge, also so much more enregizing. I am so happy I don't have to watch porn. No one forces me to do it. It's all done by myself.
Because I relapsed yesterday, today will be day 1.