Learning to treat myself well


1 day

Yesterday I was clean in the PMO sense, but I didnt get anything done. Instead I just sat infront of the PC all day and watched Youtube... There is an inner conflict in me. I am torn between different mindsets - one is like a little Goggins ("the stick") being very harsh to me: "Maaan you suck you waste your whole life - get the fuck up and get going!!! Just stay clean!!" And as much as I admire the work of Goggins or super disciplined people that go really hard - I never got very far with being brutal and hard to me... My inner dialog has been rather negative and "you are not good enough" since I can remember... full of shame and stuff...

During the COV lockdowns I got into the material of Mark Queppet and Cal Newport - which is kind of a different perspective... its not about being harsh to myself or white knuckeling it - its rather about changing the perspective: a PMOfree life - a life in which I have a compelling vision and follow my disciplines is actually a good life - and way more easy than realapsing, fighting hard against myself, being so brutal and than falling down again... The "carrot" is about integrating my emotions and trying to "change" them trough self talk and visualisation.
And I have a "feeling, a sense" that my emotions hold way more energy than my rational self - and with "the goggins stick way" I push down my emotions, ignore them - and eventually they will pop up! With the other way, "the carrot" I have to look at those emotions, work with them - still trying to be disciplined, but integrate my emotions with that...

Now I am kind of stuck - because one side of me sees, that the best progress I made is with focusing on inner congruence - like positive selftalk, telling me the truth and changing the perspective to a positiver one - and also embracing quality leisure and breaks... so that works... but there is another side in me, an impatient one and a side that is so fascinated with the gogginish discipline and the stick.. and that side says: "Man, fuck the breaks, just go harder, dont be such a pussy!!!! Aaargh! You fucked up this exam, just work and work and put in 100 % of effort - than you will pass!"

And altough I see the value in that - the "soft emotional voice" in me reacts like a teenager in puberty to that voice and goes like "fuck you! If you are so harsh to me and won't allow me any fun - than I don't want to be present with you and with this life! Ha fuck you! Let's escape and totally get lost! If I am not allowed to have my fun any time, than why should I put work and effort in to begin with?"

But also I know that just following the emotions is not the right way to go about life...

Next steps: I want to find a middle ground between those two "mindsets": I have to push really hard in order to pass the upcoming exame but I dondt want to fight against myself, I want to be there for myself → Therefore the name: Learning to treat myself well...

Loose thoughts:
- Digital declutter: My brain has limited capacity and I am really stressed and fucked up because of all the internet input → But noone is forcing me to do this → I am so happy I dont have to do this → Instead I will figure out what to do and the little pangs I feel is just the side effect of a mild dopamine addiction - thats normal and I have experienced this already a few times - and I know that is on the other end: a calm, peaceful mindest.
----- For the next 30 days I want to engage in the Cal Newport digital declutter: NO entertainment through a screen (YT, Movies, Podcasts, etc...) but also focus on journaling and qualitty leisure! Stuff that makes me happy! Reexperience the offline life.

My first step was a long walk in the woods this morning.


Respected Member
Hey @ADFECTATIO, I think you're on the right track here with going the middle way. I think I'm more naturally inclined to go with the "Goggins way" (though I've never read him) than the other, but I think both sides have very good things to say, and what works for one man, might not be the perfect elixir for the other. Or better put, every season of life needs one or the other. Us humans have a tendency to get lost in either or assumptions, while forgetting there's a big world out there that goes beyond them. Yes, there's a time to be hard on yourself when you've been lying to yourself about your complacency (we all do it) but there's also a time to love yourself (hopefully at the same time) and accept you as you are, and all the ugly that comes with it. I generally feel that the "loving yourself crowd INC." goes way too far in that direction, while making insane excuses for their bullshit, while the Goggins side are often trying too hard, and hell, most people can't keep up with that mentality anyway, so that's not good. Maybe asks yourself everyday at the end, did I do what was within my capability to do, realistically speaking? If you can say yes to that, then you've done well. If not, then figure out what went wrong and get back up the next day it kill it.

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Thank you for your reply @Blondie! I apprechiate your advice and meaning.

I generally feel that the "loving yourself crowd INC." goes way too far in that direction, while making insane excuses for their bullshit,
Hell yes, we are on the same page here!
It's kind of hard to formulate in words what I mean... maybe it's best said as: Going reasonable hard and getting the most discipline in the life, but not because "I have to and I am worth nothing if I dont do this" but rather because a disciplined life is way better (→ discipline equals freedom, I really think it does) and I deserve this good life, because I love myself.

And actually being in good shape, eating healthy, staying away from the sould-eating P Bullhist (!!!) - is on the long term WAY easier! You have to eat a decent amount of suck either way - either you eat the bites of discipline and a focused life (workouts, studying, journaling, reboot) now or you get the cake served later... with a bit of added pain...

Short report:

4 days

Today I had 3,5 h deep work, was solid, was focused. Could do better, though.

Thoughts: Sleep routine is messed up → Focus on strict sleep routine, in order to buffer the occasional night shifts.

I am proud that I got today clean and decent productive! Going on for tomorrow with a positive mindset. I got this.


0 days.

Relapsed today and yesterday. Today full day of procrastination.
It is not "being kind to myself, learning to love myself" when I let myself slip. Yes, I want to be more present with myself, and adress all the emotions and stuff - but man! I MUST stay clean - there is no other way out of this addiction!

In the evening I cleaned the room.


1 day
3 h Deep Work

Today was pretty good... cleaning the room yesterday helped to get momentum going today. I was quiet productive and am going to bed early.


2 days
2,75 h deep work

Worked out well this morning - had a lot of ambitions, a lot of stuff to study and tried to do more after I came home from uni - but I just sat down and watched series... that bothers me... but its good that it bothers me. I have a feeling of change in me.
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Report for 19.10.24

3 days
3,5 h deep work

Had a productive day yesterday. Got up early and kind of forced myself through a hard study session, did use the pomodoro technique. At the end of the day, there is a truth and a reality I can't deny: There are things that need to be done, things that I have to study, decisions that have to be made... and sometimes it seems best to just do those things and suck it up - afterwards the reward will come. If I procrastinate there will just be more pain and at the end I still have to do those things... but will be far behind.


4 days
0,25 h deep work

Did a long walk in the woods and slept till lunch time, bc of night shift before. Am proud I didnt fuck up today and got just a small step done with learning... nothing too great but I did not make any bad mistake, which is good.


I am reporting for the night. Yesterday I ran on 3 hours of sleep, which is no excuse, but one factor that contributed to what I did this night...

So I did not go to bed, altough I was super tired, I could not shut off my brain, I think I was too tired and the caffeine was also working against me.. so I stayed up till 4:00 in the morning... fucked up sleep scedule from the night shift as well... I watched series and then I started peeking into P Material... which led to a full on relapse, 2 times. Fuck.

I love getting my sleep. Sleep is the one thing that really charges my batteries! It helps me grow muscles, is damn necessary for learning and grows my willpower and perspective the next day. If I want to suceed tomorrow, I have to go to bed early and have a sleep hygine. Man. I have one night shift per week... I can handle this!

So some factors that contributed:
- Drank 2 coffees → caffeine cept my up awake → cut it? hmm.. I know I have my trouble with this stuff, but I love coffee as well...
- Watched series instead of reading
- Maybe a drop dead time would help - or an appointment the next day, that forces me to get up - or maybe something I wan't to get up for.... that would be awesome.

Back to 0 days. But mentally I did not loose all the progress! I still have momentum and I am damn sure going to use it for studying today!


Guys it's kind of embarrassing → 0 days. Yesterday as well.

I am running away from myself. I am trying to numb myself - but that makes everything just worse. I must sit down, talk to me...

Today I was at work, felt good to get out of the house! And I texted some friends and planned to meet up on friday evening. Also I arranged a to meet at the university tomorrow in order to study...


1 day
1,5 h dw

Hmm, thank you for your encouragement. I think I try to numb myself, because my reality is quite far away from the vision and goal I have in mind and working towars this goal seems like a never ending tasklist with very little pleasure... and then there is also a lot of shame bc of the PMO stuff.
But the good thing is: I have a goal, I have a vision, a career path I am going - this path is useful for the society, important, challenging and good. I want to replase the escapism with this career, with working out and outdoor adventures.

Today was a way better day. It helped to have contacted the friend of me - we went to study together and had lunch with a few other guys. It was good to get out of the house. Later that day I went and got a new haircut - did something good for myself.

In the evening I journaled, actually I have to follow a strict routine - not because I have to, but I know that this is way easier and better for myself.


Report for Friday 25.10.

2 days
3,5 h deep work

Had a productive day. Went out in the evening, and we had a lot of fun - but it also escalated a bit - and I, who usually doesnt drink alcohol got quiet wasted. Crushed at the friends place... today is pretty much hung over - but I have my eyes on the vision and am staying clean.


3 days

report for sat, 26.10.: Slept until noon and went out for the night shift. Was relative fit.

Got home this morning, ate and slept and now I am ready for the rest of the day. I am going to study a few sessions in order to get ahead and to get tired so I can sleep in the evening.

Winning today is going to be a big step - and then I am looking forward to get the next week clean under the belt.

I am practising shifting my focus - so whenever I get an urge, I realize, accept and steer my toughts to more fruitful thinking. The most often thought pattern is something about my ex... but then I stop myself, say "hey its great I don't have to care about this any more, I am free now, I want to do this and that...." and think of a more productive thought. It's helping.


10 Days

I am very busy and focus on my career and training and whats also important: I try to look for better rest (better and longer sleep, cutting caffeine).

I set up a time block plan for a "perfect day" with a structure and try to life according to that - but this plan is reasonable and I also have rest planned in there.


Thank you for asking.

I have relapsed 10 min ago. How can I get out? Man... I am so sick and tired of making progress and falling back down again...
Its like - ok, I could block out all the internet again, but then I dont learn how to deal with the urges ... best progress I had so far is the metascript method and taking the progress really slowly... but when I slow down so much... I am afraid of leaving potential on the plate... its like... I am so much in my head, I dont know which direction to go, how to end this addiction... and therefore I feel so stuck... I dont want to focus to much on reboot, but if I stop focusing on it, I also end up in relapse...

Stregth is going up, since 3 weeks I have been going to the gym 4 times a week → and I am astonished about the great progress so far. There a great things in my life! But also so hard failures...

Studying is hard, my brain is so foggy... Not the best things to write about...


Active Member
I dont know which direction to go, how to end this addiction... and therefore I feel so stuck...

The good news is, it gets easier over time. I acknowledged early on that it needs to be priority number 1 and that if it isn't, you will relapse more often. Consider making a concession and focusing on it more than you are now for ... let's say a month to stay motivated. See how it goes. Follow the advice on the forum about mentioning triggers in your journal after each relapse. Re-read your own insights. Figure out what works for you and what doesn't. Get to know yourself.

Only over time do you internalize these insightful personal lessons. Once you habitualize these lessons you have to strain yourself less. It becomes easier and easier.

Journaling on this forum has been a great way to kickstart journaling habits of my own. As human beings we have the ability to understand our complex selves. That's why I suggest really explaining your relapse process to yourself in your journal to train your reflection ability.

Best of luck and strength to you.
