hi, i’m chap :)


Active Member
after a very tempting and unresisting day of urges, left and right, i admit that i MO’d. however i am still going strong with no P so i am proud of myself for containing the urge as well as i did. but abstaining from MO is an objective that i want to also accomplish. so far it looks like i “cannot” go more than three days wo MO, so i will anticipate three days from now to better manage and avoid MO at all costs! anyways, i’m not going to shame and guilt myself for slipping, just need to get back up and continue to fight the fight. goodnight!


Active Member
14 no P
1 no MO

i stayed up the whole night watching the rest of the latest season of the boys then watched my spy 1 and 2. feel a little bummed i MO'd in retrospect. but there's no need to sulk; instead, this is my day to start things back up! first, i think i should close my eyes for a little bit. also, is it me, or can i see ken jeong playing like a super serious role, like oppenheimer level serious.


Respected Member
Keep it up man! Just remember, good to find substitute activities when you feel urge to relapse -- going for a walk, working out, cold showers, calling a friend, etc

Don't beat yourself about no MO, quitting porn is the only MUST. The no MO is nice to accelerate recovery during initial reboot (try for longer streaks when you can) but also having a partner helps with recovery too


Active Member
16 no P
3 no MO

fortunately, i am relatively busy today, so that should occupy my time and space to avoid any temptation to MO.

also, i have some questions for u lads: i’m 22 (going on 23) and don’t really frequent as many erections as i feel like i should be having. now i do get them when physically and not physically seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and/or tasting my SO. the other day she sent me a pic of what she wore for her interview and i was so horny; she looked so fucking hot 🥵 i think i got hard, but i don’t think he was “rock hard”. (1) i worry that i don’t get as hard as i used to as opposed to when i was in hs. recently, some of u folks have been talking about zinc, magnesium, and vitamin d supplements; should i take those too? i’m becoming more self conscious of my erections as of late and want to have harder, stronger, longer lasting ones.

(2) i also think they don’t come as naturally. usually, im thinking about something sexual or specifically my SO. if i start to touch him, then he’ll start to get up.

(3) do u folks still get morning wood every morning? because i don’t think i get it as often as i should or would like to.

(4) all in all my hard-on doesn’t feel as hard nor lasts as long as they used to. fortunately, my SO is not really ready for any dick related sexual activities, but i’d like to have a fully sercivable cock if she wants to play with him. tips?
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Respected Member
16 no P
3 no MO

fortunately, i am relatively busy today, so that should occupy my time and space to avoid any temptation to MO.

also, i have some questions for u lads: i’m 22 (going on 23) and don’t really frequent as many erections as i feel like i should be having. now i do get them when physically and not physically seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and/or tasting my SO. the other day she sent me a pic of what she wore for her interview and i was so horny; she looked so fucking hot 🥵 i think i got hard, but i don’t think he was “rock hard”. (1) i worry that i don’t get as hard as i used to as opposed to when i was in hs. recently, some of u folks have been talking about zinc, magnesium, and vitamin d supplements; should i take those too? i’m becoming more self conscious of my erections as of late and want to have harder, stronger, longer lasting ones.

(2) i also think they don’t come as naturally. usually, im thinking about something sexual or specifically my SO. if i start to touch him, then he’ll start to get up.

(3) do u folks still get morning wood every morning? because i don’t think i get it as often as i should or would like to.

(4) all in all my hard-on doesn’t feel as hard nor lasts as long as they used to. fortunately, my SO is not really ready for any dick related sexual activities, but i’d like to have a fully sercivable cock if she wants to play with him. tips?
Hey @chap, I don't have much time right now, but I'll say a few things.

The first thing I'd say is to try not to worry about this, and not overthink it. Even though I admit that there are real legitimate problems that come with porn when it comes to PIED etc., unfortunately, a problem that follows that problem is the habit of overthinking all of this stuff. I would say in general, if your man isn't quite working how he use to, well, most likely that is because of porn and the abuse you've had with it. And since you're only 23, it would be hard to pinpoint that on anything else, so that's probably a truth for you. If you're not getting as hard as you used to, then yes, probably porn related. You're only 16 days out, so that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to seeing any improvements.

Morning wood, even for someone really young, is such a personal thing, that comparing notes between other lads is probably not very helpful. Is it true that abuse of porn will kill your chance of MW? Most likely yes, however, there are other factors. Are you getting off now with a girlfriend where before you were not? Because any kind of getting off will probably kill that little bit of extra that gives you MW, excluding porn use or not. But then if you add that in, that's two factors to think about. For the record, I hardly get MW, but I don't really think about it, so I couldn't give you a percentage either way. Even when I was almost two years out, it was still infrequent. What is more, we have sex all the time (3 times a week) and I'm 41, so that kills my chance of MW, at least for my body. However, when I've experimented with not getting off over the years, my MW increases considerably, so there's that.

The lesson is to stay the course and don't look at porn, then and only then will you get back to your normal levels, whatever those actually are. I would suggest staying away from MO during this time as well, because that will also slow down your recovery.

As far as vitamins, I don't know much about that, so maybe @First_step_thousand_miles can give you some advice.



Respected Member
Hey @chap, I don't have much time right now, but I'll say a few things.

The first thing I'd say is to try not to worry about this, and not overthink it. Even though I admit that there are real legitimate problems that come with porn when it comes to PIED etc., unfortunately, a problem that follows that problem is the habit of overthinking all of this stuff. I would say in general, if your man isn't quite working how he use to, well, most likely that is because of porn and the abuse you've had with it. And since you're only 23, it would be hard to pinpoint that on anything else, so that's probably a truth for you. If you're not getting as hard as you used to, then yes, probably porn related. You're only 16 days out, so that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to seeing any improvements.

Morning wood, even for someone really young, is such a personal thing, that comparing notes between other lads is probably not very helpful. Is it true that abuse of porn will kill your chance of MW? Most likely yes, however, there are other factors. Are you getting off now with a girlfriend where before you were not? Because any kind of getting off will probably kill that little bit of extra that gives you MW, excluding porn use or not. But then if you add that in, that's two factors to think about. For the record, I hardly get MW, but I don't really think about it, so I couldn't give you a percentage either way. Even when I was almost two years out, it was still infrequent. What is more, we have sex all the time (3 times a week) and I'm 41, so that kills my chance of MW, at least for my body. However, when I've experimented with not getting off over the years, my MW increases considerably, so there's that.

The lesson is to stay the course and don't look at porn, then and only then will you get back to your normal levels, whatever those actually are. I would suggest staying away from MO during this time as well, because that will also slow down your recovery.

As far as vitamins, I don't know much about that, so maybe @First_step_thousand_miles can give you some advice.

Thanks bro, I'll copy/paste a response on my thread:"The 3 critical elements to testosterone / erections are zinc, magnesium, and vitamin d. I found out I was deficient in the latter two when I had a mental health crisis (anxiety, mild depression) in my early 20s via my GP and corrected that years ago. But hadn't looked at zinc (very uncommonly tested and I hear it's hard to test for) which is the last piece, I already seem to be getting good results. It's also great for immune function, I took it for like 1.5yrs back in college and never got sick during that time (used to get sick like 2-3x per year before that). Don't know why I stopped honestly, but now I'm back on the train for life. It's a cheap supplement with loads of benefits"

Believe zinc is harder to test for, just go get general bloodwork done at your GP and specifically make sure it includes Vitamin D and Magnesium. From there if you're in normal range then nothing to do, if not then you can supplement under the guidance of your doctor. I am getting WAY more erections since I started zinc about 3 weeks or so ago which is awesome. I know for certain I wasn't getting enough zinc in my regular diet thinking back (big zinc foods are oysters, some nuts, pumpkin seeds, red meat which I barely eat). Again, first step is actually getting the bloodwork to test because otherwise you have no idea what the baseline is. Last thing I've heard great things about and there's a good body of research is L-Citrulline (you can check my latest threads for details) but again this comes LAST. What comes 1st and is 90+% of it is quitting porn, there is no getting around this with supplements


Active Member
22 no P
9 no MO
4 cold shower
4 vitamin

something really weird is going on. before i wake up, im extremely lucid and extremely tempted to to PMO, and it's like i can actually see myself looking at specific P and MOing. part of me doesn't even know if it's really happening or not, but then i wake up in my bed and think, "wtf". is this something that u folks experienced when u starting hitting close to a month of no PMO?


Active Member
23 no P
1 no MO

i really wanted to let one go to my lady. on the bright side, i know that he’s working really well and holding a lot in when abstaining for a long time. however, i will also keep in mind that days 3 and 9 are when i have strong urges; or perhaps its complete coincidence. regardless, in resetting and continuing on.


Active Member
kings, i must admit, i’ve been fighting a tough battle against MO lately. i’m gonna work really hard to abstain from it, i’m just getting too tempted. fortunately, i’ve been able to continue to resist P and that matter most! i’m gonna keep trucking