thank you! ive been exercising a lot and socializing more than usual so that's been helpful, but I just have this "urge" to do more to replace it which I guess is good. thank you for the support, I will definitely need it haha.P addiction and the journey of rebooting can feel very isolating at times. I don't really understand what your life situation is like right now, but try to reach out to those around you. You can't just expect people to reach out to you out of the blue, you need to actively build relationships. It's a really difficult thing to do especially with the problem we face, but it's so so important in maintaining happiness and motivation during your reboot.
thank you so much!! I think I tried this a awhile ago but never had the book as reference and also have different motivation now.You're doing fantastic, man! Keep it up!
thank you for the support!Hey June. Yeah recovery can really suck at times. I remember during my first reboot attempt, I felt so unbelievably sad, for literally no reason by the way, which ultimately made me turn my head back to P. This is a test that your brain is throwing at you. It's trying to make you feel so negative that you turn to something to help you get away. Don't let your brain do this; regain control over yourself and your brain and keep going. You got thsi!