working on it


12 hours or so away from getting past day 2.

feel lonely sober but also much more focused and present than I usually am. also way more motivated in life but have a mild sadness

Im trying to get to at least 14 days.


12 hours away from start of day 4!!!!

I feel like the thing I've gained most so far is PURPOSE. Purpose and wanting to achieve my goals now more than before where I could use other things instead to distract me from it.

Was kinda a tough day personally but I'm staying disciplined and continuing on. I feel like Im getting more needy or something or maybe its always been there and I gotta deal with it now more head-on


Past 3 day, now onto day 4

Still a struggle especially when life gets in the way as I usually use it for a treat or break, so now have to find other things I guess.

I will evaluate all this if I can get to day 14 (and possibly try to get to day 21) but so far I feel I can definitely reach day 7 at this rate. Not fun, but something different


What Ive noticed so far is how much more LONELY I feel

there is a release of endorphins or something when I do release and so far I just feel focused but kinda "off"

another 12 hrs or so away from completing day 4


Active Member
P addiction and the journey of rebooting can feel very isolating at times. I don't really understand what your life situation is like right now, but try to reach out to those around you. You can't just expect people to reach out to you out of the blue, you need to actively build relationships. It's a really difficult thing to do especially with the problem we face, but it's so so important in maintaining happiness and motivation during your reboot.


P addiction and the journey of rebooting can feel very isolating at times. I don't really understand what your life situation is like right now, but try to reach out to those around you. You can't just expect people to reach out to you out of the blue, you need to actively build relationships. It's a really difficult thing to do especially with the problem we face, but it's so so important in maintaining happiness and motivation during your reboot.
thank you! ive been exercising a lot and socializing more than usual so that's been helpful, but I just have this "urge" to do more to replace it which I guess is good. thank you for the support, I will definitely need it haha.


12 hours or so from now will be done with day 5 and onto day 6!!

currently I feel pretty good I can get to day 14 but my biggest obstacle will be getting drunk etc for the weekend.. if it causes me to relapse I'll probably cut that out too but ideally I can just manage it and continue on my way. This will be a big test


im finding a lot of my hobbies and interests are disappearing (not related to this). It's weird, and yes still feel this sorta sense of emptiness


not gonna lie, tough night today and normally I'd go and release right now to feel better but going to stay strong.

biggest thing I'm realizing with this sadly is how much my life fucking sucks lol. I'd normally release a lot more to "make up for it" but now all I'll do is drink etc instead and see if there's difference. But man separately from this whole Reboot thing I just want to cry right now.

I guess the biggest thing is this is teaching me discipline.

12 hours away from day 6 completing and onto day 7 and a week.


Active Member
Hey June. Yeah recovery can really suck at times. I remember during my first reboot attempt, I felt so unbelievably sad, for literally no reason by the way, which ultimately made me turn my head back to P. This is a test that your brain is throwing at you. It's trying to make you feel so negative that you turn to something to help you get away. Don't let your brain do this; regain control over yourself and your brain and keep going. You got thsi!


Hey June. Yeah recovery can really suck at times. I remember during my first reboot attempt, I felt so unbelievably sad, for literally no reason by the way, which ultimately made me turn my head back to P. This is a test that your brain is throwing at you. It's trying to make you feel so negative that you turn to something to help you get away. Don't let your brain do this; regain control over yourself and your brain and keep going. You got thsi!
thank you for the support!

completed day 6 onto day 7. today waking up was tough bc I have all this energy I'd usually release right now. I have a strong feeling next 24 hours will be the toughest

also noticed I am now breathing more deeply


this is tough as hell haha. there's so much I want to release but if it's not a physical thing with another person I guess I cant or will try me best not to do till it does happen.

for first time in my life Im really zoning in on discipline for this. I hope it pays off. 24 hours till day 7 is complete .