thanks for the promptness,
@Percival ! i appreciate it. yk, that's what i initially believed she would of thought also, instead she told me that she assumed that i had already been doing that stuff, but would've never known for sure if i never told her, and subsequently asked, "how do i know that u won't do it even after this conversation and just never tell me?" which is a reasonable question to ask.
ultimately, i told her everything bc i wanted to be honest and upfront w her about myself and that i really will do my absolute best to respect her wishes. she matters so much more to me than these random occasions where i may slip and MO in private.
and agreed, she didn't quite take it the way i had hoped or expected. but after sleeping, i feel better and realize that it really is only something temporary and that now this is an open discussion, things may perhaps change in the future after more deliberation. perhaps not, which i will continue to learn to tolerate and manage my urges. definitely a conversation that i feel like i want to revisit in the future. thanks!