Porn will never love you back. It will leave you just as it found you—alone. Porn won’t fight for you, it won’t look after you, and it won’t make you appreciate the little things in life. Love offers companionship, friendship, and a close bond that no feeling on this earth can rival. Humans are wired to feel love, and to bond to another three-dimensional person that can live life with them. Love can push you to to be a better person and give unselfishly, lifting your partner’s wants and needs above your own. Porn capitalizes on the idea that your pleasure and your enjoyment are the most important things regardless of anyone else’s pain, suffering, or abuse. The actors you see in porn will never hold your hand or grow old with you, but love can last through trials and seasons of life. Fighting for love means fighting for the things in life that are healthy, and worthwhile, and fighting against the toxicity that is porn.