Freedom to stand tall against temptation (PORN AND THE LIKES)



You have felt what it is like to give in to temptation. It does not take long to regret that decision and you start becoming desperate for a way to win that battle. The reality is the battle starts long before you are tempted. Before the moment of temptation, we must decide to refuse to sin. We all have temptation triggers and we encourage you to be honest about what those are in your life.

If it’s a person who tempts you, then don’t spend time alone with them. If it’s sexual scenes in movies or TV shows, then don’t watch them. If it’s your computer or phone, then put accountability software on them that prevents you from going there. When faced with temptation, we should be reminded that our old self was crucified with Jesus so that we are no longer ruled by sin but are set free.

Be aware of these things and talk with God about removing these things from your life. However, recognize in advance that, despite those efforts, temptation will find a way to get in front of you. Know there is nothing sinful with encountering temptation. What truly matters is what you do with that temptation. Sometimes being a man means running from those things that drag us into sin. Be prepared for the next time you are tempted and do whatever you can to run from the situation and experience the freedom that God provides.