Day 5 no PMO - Gym day as well
(going to the gym at least 4 times a week currently. 30min walk. 3 sets to failure Shoulder Press, 3 sets to Failure Leg Press, 3 sets to failure Tricep Extension. Just waking up each muscle group this week since i havent lifted in 6 months.
My strategy this time.
Absolutely No P or M. O will be what it is, i am not actively seeking it but if my Fiancé is interested I wont tell her no, and if i am in a bad flat line we will focus on other options/styles/connections etc i wont force it.
Focus on listening to myself and watching myself to identify triggers
Create a pattern interrupt - this is the gym 100% because i have a lot of weight to lose and plenty of health aspects to improve but i need to find a in the moment pattern interrupt which could be push ups/walk, but want to find something else that works too just not sure what that is yet
Access - I did not do anything besides sheer willpower and discipline to make it hard to access P or Dopamine crushing things. I seriously am thinking about it this go round. and a big emphasis on social media, tick tock etc even if not viewing any sort of P or risque type material i really want the Dopamine reset from mindless scrolling of anything