The dark places will always be present, but don’t let that keep you from looking for the light


Active Member
Day 56 Today! Had a nice intimate connection with the wife last night so far second time across the 56 days of no P and those two night have been the only time i allow completion.

So far i think the cadence is working (its not scripted) but i am trying to have a decent amount of time in between her and I connecting physically just for healing and practice against premature completion.

Its still way to easy to see or find trigger material but my instant defense of move off/away/close out etc when suggestions or things pop up is holding steadfast. Not P but just sexualized content that is everywhere these days.

had to take 2 weeks off from the gym due to hurting my back lifting storage bins around the basement but excited to get back in that groove this week.

Hope everyone is doing well or as good as you could be!