Hello floppy congrats for the 4 months, hope you get required. I have also read some other posts about rewiring and I checked one guy who did I the day 183 approximately. But you need to start rewiring with a partner. When I hit 60 days I was getting my libido back, getting horny, MW and random erections but I relapse and continue relapsing after that and fuck all the progress. But one of my fears is to no get recovered which I really wish with all my strength. Good luck in your path my friend!That is an incredible thread and I read most of it. Dude I hope things pick up for you.
I am a similar age to you with 20 years of regular PMO addiction. Bad PIED for about two years. I hit the P hard during the pandemic. I said I would do something about it when it ended. I should have done my reboot at the start and not the end.
I am 4 months in to hardmode. I did have sex twice once with ED pills. Even they didn't work well but they were three years out if date (does that make any difference?) Both occasions I was like the one pump wonder. Obviously suffering with PE. I will worry about that when I fix the PIED.
I see you have had lots of long streaks. Did you find your PIED got betting during these long streaks?
My flatline lasted almost three months. It was hard. I was getting the horn on bad a week ago and I though I would test an election with fantasy and it has really set me back. Almost as if it has set me back in the flatline. I didn't O.
You seem to really struggle to stay off P. I have not looked back. That was the easiest part for me. God I just want this PIED to be cured. I thought it would have got better after four months.
I just need to find a good woman to rewire with. That's something I really struggle at.
Stay strong, stay motivated and stay disciplined bro.
Awesome! 3 weeks! You are doing great!Great to be three weeks in already! Time to
start exercising soon
Good job man 22 day!Day 22