Escape and never come back


Respected Member
It never is. It's the search, the anticipation, the 'taboo' of doing something we know we shouldn't do but it always fades before the act is even complete.

Remember it, use it as fuel over the next few days. There's nothing there left in PMO for you Escape, it's just a trick of the mind.
You're absolutely right, man.


Well-Known Member
A fix is all it is. Not really worth it right?

Don't forget to remind yourself of that next time you get the urge. Each victory, no matter how small makes your willpower just that bit stronger.


Respected Member
You can't expect this to be a walk in the park after binging almost daily. Jumping into abstinence from that is brutal. But I'm tryin. I'm on day 4 and struggling. I didn't want to do this as "New Year's resolution", I had in plan to start in December last year but I couldn't control it. I really need to have some progress with this. I forgot last time when I had some resemblance of progress. As ridiculous as this might sound, I've been binging almost daily since the second half of January last year! So a year of absolutely not even tryin. I just gave up and drowned in it and guess what? You already know this answer. It hasn't done shit for me. The more you PMO, the more you crave it, the craving doesn't have any satiety. At one point you eventually need to stop.

Phineas 808

Staff member
You can do it, Escape! I've seen it before, and will see it again. After a while, we just don't trust ourselves. In a non-related way, heck, it could be about laundry, or whatever, but set little goals for yourself, and this will help to build confidence back up concerning our other more important commitments we make to ourselves.

Happy New Year!


Respected Member
You can do it, Escape! I've seen it before, and will see it again. After a while, we just don't trust ourselves. In a non-related way, heck, it could be about laundry, or whatever, but set little goals for yourself, and this will help to build confidence back up concerning our other more important commitments we make to ourselves.

Happy New Year!
You're absolutely right brother. Big up for the support. Happy New Year.


Respected Member
Probably. But the best thing you can do for yourself about this is, NOTHING.

Just let it be, face it with a non-judgmental indifference, and it will pass. Rinse-and-repeat, and the neural pathways, so sensitive now, will begin to desensitize.
You're right, man. Sounds simple but very difficult to do by me. It's probably the best method, I just have to figure it out.

Thanks for support.


Respected Member

I've relapsed after a 8 days streak. I had been struggling since yesterday with the urges. I obsessed at work about the pleasure but I was able to stabilize it, it looked like I would be able to make it without a relapse today but came home and one second was enough to send me over the edge and then I couldn't stop myself. PMOed three times. I'm so fuckin annoyed. It was going well, I had started to feel better overall. It wasn't even that much fun, it was for like a couple of minutes and then trash.

achilles heel

Well-Known Member
It sucks, but 8 days are more than a week without porn. While every new binge session weakens your brain, every day of abstinence helps. Set yourself very short term goals at the beginning to get back on track after a whole year of daily porn. Remember that almost all of us here are facing the same trouble (and millions out there that don’t even recognize their problem) and don’t get too frustrated over it.

What are your worst triggers and is there a way you can help yourself with restrictions on the phone or the computer?


Respected Member
It sucks, but 8 days are more than a week without porn. While every new binge session weakens your brain, every day of abstinence helps. Set yourself very short term goals at the beginning to get back on track after a whole year of daily porn. Remember that almost all of us here are facing the same trouble (and millions out there that don’t even recognize their problem) and don’t get too frustrated over it.

What are your worst triggers and is there a way you can help yourself with restrictions on the phone or the computer?
Man, my triggers are me. My head. Once the urges start and I start thinking that I could extract pleasure out of it, it's over.