my journey, 25, male, PMO since ~11, 100% ED, done with this shit forever, it did enough harm


You're doing everything right. Patience is never easy. Stay calm. Keep snuggling. It often takes time to rewire to real life.


Well-Known Member
Day 108 since 46 minutes

The more time passes since my last fap i realize on a general level the important difference between useless pleasure and pleasure that is fulfilling in a long term way. Useless pleasure costs, fulfilling pleasure gives


Well-Known Member
Day 109

Things that quitting made my life better:

Milk, Sugar, Wheat products, Caffeine, Alcohol, Porn, Masturbation, Social Media, video games

Quitting at all together might be too big of a deal (except P + M of course, no option to not fully quit these ;)

But for the rest trying to minimizing it and only taking these things as a rare reward makes life 100% better
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Well-Known Member
Day 115

Today i want to share the following success story:

I dont have this fetish but it goes in a similiar direction. The overall framework of this story is very similiar to mine. It gives me hope. Man i love success stories. One day i want to write my own and motive/give hope to someone that is or will be in my situation.

lets keep fighting the fight


Well-Known Member
Where did that come from? Very insightful.
Hi Androg, appreciate that you also find this quote insightful.

It is from German Doctor "Heike Melzer" a specialist in neurology, medical psychotherapist. She is treating porn addicts and is well educated on the topic. I actually found out about her in German TV Porn Debates where she is always on the more "anti porn" side of the debate. I know from one debate that she is actually highly appreciating gary wilsons work and what he has done. From what i see in her ted talks she learned a lot from gary wilsons work and is also recommending his work.


Hi Androg, appreciate that you also find this quote insightful.

It is from German Doctor "Heike Melzer" a specialist in neurology, medical psychotherapist. She is treating porn addicts and is well educated on the topic. I actually found out about her in German TV Porn Debates where she is always on the more "anti porn" side of the debate. I know from one debate that she is actually highly appreciating gary wilsons work and what he has done. From what i see in her ted talks she learned a lot from gary wilsons work and is also recommending his work.
Ah, that makes sense. I'm familiar with her work. She has written books on the subject too, I believe. Here's a TEDx talk by her:


Well-Known Member
Day 117

There was an experiment with rats or mice not sure where they put a cable in the reward brain from the rat and linked it to a button that the rats could press. As it turned out, the rats pressed the buttons until they died of starving. They at no moment had the motivation to eat something, even tho there was the best possible food liyng right next to them.

The experiment shows in an extreme way that we will not have a happy and fullfilled life when we hijack our reward system and completely suck every inch out of it. Quite the opposite.

Porn is more or less exactly like these cables. It is cold, damaging, too extreme, an overload of undeserved, unfulfilling short term pleasure. It is never worth. fuck these cables. The reward system is very vulnerable. I surely learned this the hard way. lets keep going