Well-Known Member
Day 55
I had a wet dream this night. I was expecting it somehow because my body seems like he wants to get rid of excess semen around every 4 weeks. The amazing thing is: i was dreaming about VANILLA sex. this is huge for me. I was preparing myself mentally that if i get a wet dream its about vanilla and it actually worked. to be honest i didnt expect that this could work because we cant influence our dreams right? well i guess we in some way can. I think its something deeply uncounschious. Its like our inner alarm to wake up at a certain time when we tell ourselfs beffore going to sleep.
I had a wet dream this night. I was expecting it somehow because my body seems like he wants to get rid of excess semen around every 4 weeks. The amazing thing is: i was dreaming about VANILLA sex. this is huge for me. I was preparing myself mentally that if i get a wet dream its about vanilla and it actually worked. to be honest i didnt expect that this could work because we cant influence our dreams right? well i guess we in some way can. I think its something deeply uncounschious. Its like our inner alarm to wake up at a certain time when we tell ourselfs beffore going to sleep.
I cant believe it but this worked. thx again @AndrogI was talking to a friend today who says that if you want to stop wet dreams without fighting yourself, give yourself the suggestion during meditation, or just before falling asleep that you will wake up in time to shift gears if such a dream arises. Just something you could try.