Howdy folks. 55 year old gay man married to a porn/virtual sex addict. We’ve been together for 30 years. Married for 10. Outside looking in - perfect marriage, perfect farm, perfect executive careers, blah blah blah. We have not been intimate for over a decade. This was due to his “last problem” with pornography. I had hired a private investigator who found his online sex group and gave me thousands of pages of his online exploits. Fast forward to this past Monday. A package arrived for Him from Amazon. His name was misspelled and had a weird “middle name” - thought nothing of it. Come to find out the package is from a ”fan” - for the past two years, apparently my husband is “famous” as an online author of a deviant, fantasy porn game that has a global audience in the tens of thousands. The gift was a leather dog mask commonly found in popular S&M culture.
When confronted, he immediately confessed - begged forgiveness.
We basically live separately in the home for the past decade - originally written off due to sleep apnea and snoring.
Sexually, I assume, masturbation has gotten us through self-gratification.
I’m super torn. I got my sobriety from alcohol and drugs almost two years before meeting him. I have a level of compassion for all addicts - but this is a second big offense and I am really struggling. On one hand, I still know I am viable on the open market for partners…of all ages…never thought I‘d be approached more as a “Daddy” than when i was in my 20’s and thought I was “the shit“.
The struggle is not having my best friend anymore. Sad to say, but right now, his actions, some of what I read and even just looking at him disgusts me. He’s on an online Sex Addicts meeting right now and I feel relieved I don’t have to talk to him for an hour.
I know I can survive and find a semblance of happiness again - just the thought of divorce - it will be costly, multiple properties, shared assets, multiple dogs, farm animals, blah blah blah.
I have zero empathy for him and he expects none - he has begged to try to be better and begged me to stay. We had a talk this evening and I told him where my head is at.
1. Divorce - over - go our separate ways
2. Live together as friends - not much different from the past ten years - but date/explore intimacy with other people - but the marriage stays in tact in name only.
3. I’ll give him until New Year’s to get his shit together and then I’ll decide.
He immediately chose option 3 - which was not my first choice.
Recovery from this addiction is long and relapse heavy - porn is anonymous, so readily available and apparently the things he likes and writes about are not my cup of tea…and trust me, I am no prude. I’ve been the decision maker the entire relationship…I just don’t want to make this one. I’m the son of TWO (2) Psychiatrists and the brother to another Psychiatrist - therapy is really NOT my thing - I’ve had enough of it growing up. I do well in support groups and was thrilled to find this group.
I haven’t been personally happy for a long time - Its so fresh that my FLIGHT instincts are saying GET OUT without considering ramifications. I definitely DO NOT love him like I originally loved him. Trust has been shattered - he has accepted all blame. I watch porn occasionally to assist in getting off and now I feel like a hypocrite of sorts.
Sorry for rambling - this is so fresh - I do not really want to go through this all over again - I’m not yelling and screaming…I’m kind of resolute that its his problem to fix - I just don’t know if I can tough it out for another week - let alone 3 months. Any advice, experience (Gay or Straight or anything else) would be appreciated. I do not want to confide in friends and have them “feel sorry” for me - I also don’t think they should know the reason if we split. Ugh…now I am rambling. I can’t tell you how cathartic it is just to get this out of me in some form of expression. All I can offer is thanks. I feel less alone.
When confronted, he immediately confessed - begged forgiveness.
We basically live separately in the home for the past decade - originally written off due to sleep apnea and snoring.
Sexually, I assume, masturbation has gotten us through self-gratification.
I’m super torn. I got my sobriety from alcohol and drugs almost two years before meeting him. I have a level of compassion for all addicts - but this is a second big offense and I am really struggling. On one hand, I still know I am viable on the open market for partners…of all ages…never thought I‘d be approached more as a “Daddy” than when i was in my 20’s and thought I was “the shit“.
The struggle is not having my best friend anymore. Sad to say, but right now, his actions, some of what I read and even just looking at him disgusts me. He’s on an online Sex Addicts meeting right now and I feel relieved I don’t have to talk to him for an hour.
I know I can survive and find a semblance of happiness again - just the thought of divorce - it will be costly, multiple properties, shared assets, multiple dogs, farm animals, blah blah blah.
I have zero empathy for him and he expects none - he has begged to try to be better and begged me to stay. We had a talk this evening and I told him where my head is at.
1. Divorce - over - go our separate ways
2. Live together as friends - not much different from the past ten years - but date/explore intimacy with other people - but the marriage stays in tact in name only.
3. I’ll give him until New Year’s to get his shit together and then I’ll decide.
He immediately chose option 3 - which was not my first choice.
Recovery from this addiction is long and relapse heavy - porn is anonymous, so readily available and apparently the things he likes and writes about are not my cup of tea…and trust me, I am no prude. I’ve been the decision maker the entire relationship…I just don’t want to make this one. I’m the son of TWO (2) Psychiatrists and the brother to another Psychiatrist - therapy is really NOT my thing - I’ve had enough of it growing up. I do well in support groups and was thrilled to find this group.
I haven’t been personally happy for a long time - Its so fresh that my FLIGHT instincts are saying GET OUT without considering ramifications. I definitely DO NOT love him like I originally loved him. Trust has been shattered - he has accepted all blame. I watch porn occasionally to assist in getting off and now I feel like a hypocrite of sorts.
Sorry for rambling - this is so fresh - I do not really want to go through this all over again - I’m not yelling and screaming…I’m kind of resolute that its his problem to fix - I just don’t know if I can tough it out for another week - let alone 3 months. Any advice, experience (Gay or Straight or anything else) would be appreciated. I do not want to confide in friends and have them “feel sorry” for me - I also don’t think they should know the reason if we split. Ugh…now I am rambling. I can’t tell you how cathartic it is just to get this out of me in some form of expression. All I can offer is thanks. I feel less alone.