Message for Gabe Deem


Hi Gabe I'm hoping that you can respond, if not, I understand. 1st and foremost I've become a big fan and I think what you're doing for our community is life saving. I've been watching several of your YouTube videos and something you said about the distinction between sex addicts and porn addicts. I did notice this in an SAA meeting. It seems like after the meetings a lot of the sex addicts were very nonchalant about their past sexual escapades and little frank with their language. Being a newbie it kind of set me off thinking that these guys have been in the program for so long, yet they don't sound even remotely rehabilitated. I'm not saying all are like that, but what I did find is that people who are strictly addicted to porn seem have a little more discreetness. I hope I'm making sense here. it's just what I've seen so far. I also hope I didnt miss quote you. I just got a little turned off by the whole SAA experience. Any insight would be so appreciated.